Portal:Social entrepreneurship/Curriculum/General/Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship/Resources

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Explore the concept and learn how to become a Social Entrepreneur.

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Type classification: this is a reading list resource.

Reading List


Pondering Social Entrepreneurship


Comparing Social Entrepreneurship with Service Learning, Community-based Learning, etc.


Boyle-Baise & Sleeter, C.E. Community-based service-learning for multicultural teacher education. Education Foundations, Spring: 33-50.

Bringle, R.G., Hatcher, J.A. 2002. Campus-Community Partnerships: The terms of engagement. Journal of Social Issues, 58(3): 503-516.

Bringle, R.G., Hatcher, J.A. 2000. (may-June) Institutionalization of service Learning in Higher Educa- tion. Journal of Higher Education, 71(3), 274-289.

Castle & Osman, 2003. Service learning in teacher education: an institutional model for an emerging practice. South African Journal of Higher Education, 17(1):105-111.

Eyler, J. 2002. Reflection: Linking service and learning—linking students and communities. Journal of Social Issues, 58 (3): 517-534.

Howard, J.P.F. 1998, Spr. Academic Service Learning: A counter normative Pedagogy. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 73, 21-27.

Jacoby, B. 1996. Service-learning in higher education: concepts and practices. San Francisco, CA:Jossey-Bass. Chapter 3: Enhancing student learning and development through service-learning.

LaMaster, K.J. 2001. Enhancing Perservice Teachers Field experiences through the addition of a Service-Learning Component. The Journal of Experiential Education. 24(1):27-33.

Owens, TR, Wang, C. January 1996. Community-Based Learning: A foundation for meaningful education reform. (Available online at http://www.nwrel.org/scpd/sirs/10/t008.html).

Roakes, S.L. & Norris-Tirrell, D. 2000. Community service learning in planning education: A frame-work for course development. Journal of planning education and research, 20:100-110.

Service-Learning Clearinghouse Project. (Available on line at http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/slc/basics.html).

Waghid, Y. 1999. Engaging universities and society through research, teaching and service. South African Journal of Higher Education, 13(2):109-117.

Weigert, K.M. 1998. Spr. Academic Service Learning: Its meaning and relevance. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 73, 3-10.

Zlotkowski, E. 2001. Mapping new terrain: Service Learning across the disciplines. Change. Jan/Feb: 25 –33.

Social Entrepreneurship


See the General Social Entrepreneurship Readings.

Paul Light, Searching for Social Entrepeneurs: Who They might be, Where They might be found, What They do. Anova, 2006. Available online at (http://www.indiana.edu/~socent/cp_readinglist.html)

Recommended Web Sites


Tishler, Carla. Enterprising Nonprofits: A Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs - Why Running a Nonprofit is the Hardest Job in Business, Harvard Bussiness School Archive, 5/29/2001. Available online at (http://hbswk.hbs.edu/archive/2265.html)

Using Wikis


Wiki Essentials Tutorial ([http://www.myglife.org MyLife.org)

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Social entrepreneurship


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