Portal:Mathematics Learn Participate 
Learn About Mathematics

Learn about Mathematics with these resources, or participate and help others learn.

Learning Projects
Graphical representation of a dynamical system.

"Stephen Smale awarded Wolf Prize in mathematics" by Robert Sanders
Stephen Smale, known for his work on Topology, dynamical systems, and a list of 18 problems in mathematics to be solved in the 21st century, known as Smale's problems.

Did You Know
The red curve is a cycloid.

The Euler-Lagrange equation of classical mechanics was discovered during attempts to find a curve for which the time taken by a frictionless particle sliding down it under uniform gravity to its lowest point is independent of its starting point.

Did you know that Wikiversity can never have enough examples and solved problems? Wikiversity does not always have to re-create the wheel. Do you know a good website with mathematics example problems? Wikiversity needs branches of the Hunter-gatherers project for each academic subject area. Please make note of good online mathematics resources at Hunter-gatherers/Mathematics and link to these resources from the appropriate mathematics pages of Wikiversity.

Example. Did you know that there is a wiki for mathematics example problems? See www.exampleproblems.com. How do participants in the mathematics area of Wikipedia feel about linking to .com websites?


"A man provided with paper, pencil, and rubber, and subject to strict discipline, is in effect a universal Turing Machine." -Alan Turing

See Also