Portal:Audio engineering

Welcome to Audio Engineering

Audio engineering is a part of audio science dealing with the recording and reproduction of sound through mechanical and electronic means. The field of audio engineering draws on many disciplines, including electrical engineering, acoustics, psychoacoustics, and music. Unlike acoustical engineering, audio engineering generally does not deal with noise control or acoustical design.

Active participants


The histories of Wikiversity pages indicate who the active participants are. If you are an active participant in this division, you can list your name here (this can help small divisions grow and the participants communicate better; for large divisions it is not needed).

School news

  • August 16, 2006 - School founded!

See: Learning Projects and the Wikiversity:Learning model.

Learning materials and learning projects are located in the main Wikiversity namespace. Simply make a link to the name of the learning project (learning projects are independent pages in the main namespace) and start writing! We suggest the use of the learning project template (use "subst:Learning project boilerplate" on the new page, inside the double curved brackets {{}}).

Learning materials and learning projects can be used by multiple departments. Cooperate with other departments that use the same learning resource.

Remember, Wikiversity has adopted the "learning by doing" model for education. Lessons should center on learning activities for Wikiversity participants. We learn by doing.

Select a descriptive name for each learning project. Get to work writing lessons! Simply make a link to the name of the lesson (lessons are independent pages) and start writing!

  • See also and join the VoIP activity group and take part in "experiments"! It's kindof fun! We're working on rigging up a "platform" for facilitating call-in shows for Wiki Campus Radio. (Not for the faint of heart)

Research projects


The Wikiversity:Sandbox Server proposal is being developed and could use your support. This server may have implications related to audio engineering, especially Internet Audio and Video. Please read the proposal, comment and sign the roster!

Other audio research projects are on the way. If you have one started, please place a link in this section.



If you feel like a piece of software will be used by a number of Audio Engineering participants or for lessons, feel free to start a local page for it in the main namespace. Please include Category:Audio Engineering and list it below.



  • Digidesign (Makers of Pro Tools) [1]
  • NU-Tech Framework [2]


  • Audio Engineering Society [3]

See also
