Novial Lexike English Abbreviations

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Entries in italics were used in Novial Lexike but absent from the list of abbreviations in the original book.

D = germanim (deutsch). (German)
E = anglim (English).
F = fransim (français). (French)
L = latinim (Latine). (Latin)
AIL = An International Language.
EIS = Eine Internationale Sprache

adj. = adjektive. (adjective)
adv. = adverbie. (adverb)
astr. = astronomia. (astronomy)
biol. = biologia. (biology)
bot. = botanike. (botany)
def. art. = definit artikle. (definite article)
ets. = e tal seterum, FE etc. D usw.
ex. = example(s). (example(s))
fig. = figuralim. (figuratively)
fis. = fisike. (physics)
geogr. = geografia. (geography)
gram. = gramatike. (grammar)
kem. = kemie. (chemistry)
konj. = konjunktione. (conjunction)
kp. = kompara. (compare)
med. = medisine. (medicine)
milit. = militari. (military)
min. = mineralogia. (mineralogy)
pl. = plurale. (plural)
pron. = pronomine. (pronoun)
prp. = prepositione. (preposition)
rel. = relativ. (relative)
relig. = religione. (religion)
sb. = substantive. (substantive, noun)
tekn. = teknike. (technology, technics)
tr. = transitiv. (transitive)
v. = vida. (see)
vb. = verbe (verb)