Index:Novial/Novial Lexike/a

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Parts of speech: adj. = adjektive; adv. = adverbie; sb. = substantive; prp. = prepositione; vb. = verbe.

Novial Part of
English Original NL entry
A, a n a, the letter a, pronounced like French a, English card, calm, German a. A Pronuntiatione: kom F a, E in card, calm, D a.
a prp to a D zu, E to, F à
-a ending (1) denotes female sex: rega, queen; kata, she-cat
(2) forms verbs: brosa, (to) brush
(3) without grammatical significance, lama, panorama
(1) F forme le féminin, E denotes female sex, D bezeichnet weibliches Geschlecht: rega F reine, E queen, D Königin; :kata F chatte, E she-cat, D weibliche Katze.
(2) F forme des verbes, E forms verbs, D bildet Verba: brosa F brosser, E (to) brush, D bürsten.
(3) sin gramatikal signifikatione, lama, panorama.
   rega n queen
   kata n she-cat
   brosa v brush
   panorama n panorama
   lama n lama
abandona v abandon abandona EF, D verlassen, preisgeben, aufgeben |-no sb.
   abandono n abandoning, abandonment
abasa v lower, debase abasa D senken, niederlassen, erniedrigen, E lower, debase, F (a)baisser.
abata v strike down, cut down, fell abata D niederschlagen, fällen, E strike down, cut down, F abattre.
abate n abbot, abbess abate D Abt, E abbot, F abbé | -ta FE abbess(e), D Äbtissin | -tia D Abtei, F abbaye, E abbey.
   abata n abbess
   abatia n abbey
abdika v abdicate abdika FE, D abdanken, dem Throne entsagen | -katione.
   abdikatione n abdication
abdomene n abdomen abdomene E, D Unterleib, F ventre.
abele n bee abele D Biene, E bee, F abeille.
abiete n fir (tree), spruce abiete D Tanne, E fir (tree), spruce, F sapin.
abise n abyss abise D Abgrund, E abyss, F abîme.
abjekti a abject abjekti FE, D verworfen, gemein.
abjura v abjure abjura FE, D abschwören.
ablakta v wean ablakta F sevrer, E wean, D entwöhnen.
ablative n ablative ablative.
abnega v abnegate, deny oneself abnega E -ate, deny oneself, F faire abnégation de, D sich selbst verleugnen, entsagen | -go, -gatione.
   abnego n abnegation
   abnegatione n abnegation
aboli v abolish aboli EF, D abschaffen.
abomina v abominate abomina EF, D verabscheuen.
abona v subscribe (to periodical, etc.) abona DF, E subscribe (to periodical, etc.).
aborda v land on, board (a ship) aborda F, F accoster, E land on, board (a ship), D landen, anlegen, entern.
aborta v miscarry aborta D, E miscarry, F avorter | -to sb.
   aborto n miscarriage, abortion
aboya v bark (of dogs) aboya F, D bellen, E bark (of dogs).
abrevia v abbreviate abrevia FE, D abkürzen | -atione.
   abreviatione n abbreviation
abrikote n apricot abrikote F, D -se, ED apri- | -tiere.
   abrikotiere n apricot tree
abrupti a abrupt abrupti DEF, D schroff, sehr steil.
absent(i) a absent absent(i) EF, D abwesend | -teso.
   absenteso n absence
absinte n absinthe absinte.
absolu v absolve absolu E absolve, F absoudre, D lossprechen | -ut(i) DEF | -utione | | -utisme, -utiste.
   absolut(i) a absolute
   absolutione n absolution
   absolutisme n absolutism
   absolutiste n absolutist
absorba v absorb absorba DEF, D aufsaugen.
abstina v abstain abstina F -tenir, E -tain, D sich enthalten.
abstrakte v abstract abstrakte vb., E, F -aire, D -ahieren | -tione | -tet (abstrakti adj.).
   abstraktione n abstraction
   abstraktet a abstract
   abstrakti a abstract
absurd(i) a absurd absurd(i) FED.
abunda v abound abunda EF, D in Überfluss vorhanden sein.
-ach- suffix disparaging or contemptuous suffix -ach- F suffixe péjoratif ou de mépris, E disparaging or contemptuous suffix, D gibt einen verächtlichen Sinn: kavalacha F haridelle, E jade, D Mähre; hundache F vilain chien, E cur, D Köter; jurnalache; kantacha, kriacha.
   kavalacha n jade, nag
   hundache n cur
   jurnalache n awful newspaper
   kantacha v sing awfully
   kriacha v cry out terribly, shout, scream, screech, squall, shriek, squeal, yell, bawl, roar, call out
-ada suffix forms verb, repeated or continuous action -ada vb., -ado sb. F indique action répétée ou continue, E repeated or continuous action, D wiederholte oder fortgesetzte Handlung: frapada F frapper plusieurs fois, E beat several times, D wiederholt schlagen | frapado sb.
   -ado suffix forms verbal noun, repeated or continuous action
   frapada v beat several times
   frapado n repeated beating
adapta v adapt adapta FED, D anpassen.
adhese v adhere adhese F -hérer, E -here, D anhangen, -haften | -sione FED.
   adhesione n adhesion
adi v add adi E add, D addieren, hinzufügen, F ajouter, additionner | aditione FED.
   aditione n addition
adie adv good-bye adie F adieu, E good-bye, D lebewohl.
adjektive n adjective adjektive.
adjudika v adjudicate adjudika E -cate, D zuerkennen, zusprechen, F adjuger | -katione EF.
   adjudikatione n adjudication
adjunkte v adjoin, append, join on adjunkte F adjoindre, ajouter, E adjoin, append, join on, D zugesellen, beiordnen | -tione.
   adjunktione n appending, joining
adjutante n adjutant, aide de camp adjutante DE, F (E) aide de camp, F adjudant.
administra v adminstrate administra FED, D verwalted | -rere | -ratione.
   administrere n administrator
   administratione n administration
admira v admire admira EF, D bewundern.
admirale n admiral admirale DE, F am-.
admise v admit admise D zulassen, E admit, F admettre | -sione.
   admisione n admission
adolesente n adolescent adolesente EF, D Jüngling.
adopta v adopt adopta DEF, D annehmen, sich zu eigen machen.
adora v adore adora EF, D anbeten.
adrese n address, direction (of letters) adrese FED, E direction (of letters) | -sa vb. | -so (akto).
   adresa v address
   adreso n addressing
adultera v commit adultery adultera D ehebrechen, E commit adultery, F commettre un adultère.
adulti a adult adulti EF, D erwachsen, ausgewachsen.
adverbie n adverb adverbie.
aere n air aere D Luft, EF air | | aeroplane; kp. avie.
   aeroplane n aeroplane, airplane
afabli a affable, amiable afabli EF, D freundlich, leutselig, E amiable, F aimable.
afekta v affect, pose, pretend afekta F, D -ieren, E affect, pose, pretend | -at | -atione.
   afektat a affected
   afektatione n affectation
afekte v affect afekte E, D affizieren, F affecter, émotionner | -tione | -tiona F -tionner, D Zueignung haben gegen, E be fond of.
   afektione n affection
   afektiona v be fond of
afere n affair, business afere DEF, D Geschäft, Angelegenheit, E business.
afiche n poster, bill afiche DF, E poster, bill, D Anschlagzettel, Plakat | -cha vb.
   aficha v post, affix a poster
afini a related afini D (wesens-)verwandt | -neso D Affinität, E -nity, F -nité.
   afineso n affinity
afirma v affirm afirma EF, D bestätigen, bejahen.
afixe n affix afixe.
aflikte v afflict aflikte E, D bekümmern, betrüben, F affliger | -tione.
   afliktione n affliction
afranka v frank, prepay (postage) afranka D frankieren, freimachen, F affranchir, E frank, prepay (postage).
Afrika n Africa Afrika | -kani, -e.
   afrikani a African
   africane(-o, -a) n African
afronta v affront, face afronta EF, E face, D die Stirn bieten, trotzen | -to sb.
   afronto n affront
after prep after after E, D nach, F après | trie dies after nun, F dans trois fours, E in three days, D in drei Tagen | aftru D nachher, E afterwards, F après (cela) | after ke (konj.).
   tri dies after nun phr in three days
   aftru adv afterwards, after that
   after ke conj after which, after
agente (-o, -a) n agent agente (-o, -a) FED, D Vertreter.
agita v agitate agita DEF.
agle n eagle agle D Adler, E eagle, F aigle.
aglomera v agglomerate aglomera.
agnoska v acknowledge, admit agnoska D anerkennen, E acknowledge, admit, F reconnaître.
agnostike n agnostic agnostike | -kisme.
agnostikisme n agnosticism
agonie n agony agonie EFD, D Todeskampf.
agre n field agre D Feld, Acker, E field, E champ.
agreabli a agreeable agreabli EF, D angenehm.
agulie n needle agulie D Nadel, E needle, F aiguille.
aje n age aje D Alter, E age, F âge.
-aje suffix n something made of, consisting of, having the character of -aje F quelquechose composé de ou ayant le caractère de, E something made of, consisting of, having the character of, D bestehend aus, nach Art von lanaje F article de laine, E woollen goods, D Wollware; infantaje F enfantillage, E childish act, D Kinderei.
   lanaje n woollen goods
   infantaje n childish act
ajili a agile ajili D behend, flink, EF agile.
ajio n agio, money exchange business, money exchange fee ajio EFD agio, D Aufgeld.
ajorna v adjourn, put off ajorna F ajourner, E adjourn, put off, D aufschieben, hinausschieben.
ajusta v adjust ajusta F, D einstellen, E adjust.
akademie n academy akademie.
akasie n acacia akasie EF acacia, D Akazie.
aklama v acclaim aklama.
aklimata v acclimatize, acclimatise aklimata DF, E -tize.
akomoda v accommodate akomoda.
akompana v accompany akompana DEF, D begleiten.
akredita v accredit akredita DEF.
akri a acrid, harsh akri D scharf, herb, E acrid, harsh, F âcre.
akrobate n acrobat akrobate | -ti adj.
   akrobati a acrobatic
akselera v accelerate akselera EF, D beschleunigen.
aksente n accent aksente | -ta vb. | -to FED -tuation, D Betonung; kp. strese.
   aksenta v accentuate
   aksento n accentuation
aksepta v accept aksepta EF, D annehmen.
akseso (= have akseso) n access akseso D Zutritt, E access, F accès | -sa = have akseso | -abli.
   aksesa v have access
   aksesabli a accessible
aksesori a accessory aksesori EF, D nebensächlich, beiläufig.
aksidente n accident aksidente EF, D Unfall, Zufall | -tal.
   aksidental a accidental
akte v act akte vb E, D handeln, tun, F agir | -to sb. DEF | -tiv.
   akto n act, action
   aktiv a active
aktione n share (commercial) aktione F, D Aktie, E share (comm.) | -niere DF, E shareholder.
   aktioniere n shareholder
aktore n actor, actress aktore EF, D Schauspieler.
aktual a present-day aktual DF, E present-day (adj.).
akumula v accumulate akumula DEF | | -latore.
   akumulatore n accumulator
akurat(i) a accurate akurat(i) DE, F correct, exact, D genau.
akusa v accuse akusa EF, D anklagen.
akusative n accusativ akusative.
akusha (gravidi fema) v deliver (a woman) akusha (gravidi fema) D entbinden, E deliver (a woman), F (aider à) accoucher | -sho | -shera D Hebamme, E midwife, F sage-femme.
   akusho n delivery
   akushera n midwife
akusti a acoustic, acoustical akusti F acoustique, E -ic(al), D -isch (adj.) | -stike sb.
   akustike n acoustics
akut(i) a acute, sharp, pointed akut(i) DE, D scharf, spitz(ig), E sharp, pointed, F aigu | -t-anguli | -tisa (kultele).
   akut-anguli n acute angled
   akutisa (kultele) v sharpen (a knife)
al (= a li) prep to the al = a li.
-al(i) suffix a forms adjectives -al(i) F forme des adjectifs, E forms adjectives, D bildet Adjektive; ex. natural, formal .
   natural a natural
   formal a formal
alabastre n alabaster alabastre.
alarme n alarm alarme DEF | -ma F -mer, donner l'alarme, D Lärm schlagen, E sound the alarm.
   alarma v sound the alarm
alaude n (sky)lark alaude D Lerche, E (sky)lark, F alouette.
albane n Albanian Albane, -i, -um, -ia.
   albani a Albanian
   albanum n Albanian language
   Albania n Albania
albatrose n albatross albatrose.
alberge n inn alberge D Herberge, Gasthof, E inn, F auberge.
album n album album.
albumine n albumin albumine.
ale n wing ale D Flügel, E wing, F aile.
alee n lane, walk alee DF allée, E lane, walk (in gardene, parke; kp. avenue).
alega v allege, advance alega F alléguer, D vorbringen, E allege, advance.
alegori a allegoric, allegorical alegori F -rique, E -ric(al), D -risch | -rie.
   alegorie n allegory
alene n awl alene F alène, D Ahle, Pfriem, E awl.
alerti a alert, keen alerti EF, D munter, aufgeweckt.
alfabete n alphabet alfabete | -ti adj.
   alfabeti a alphabetic
alge n alga alge DEF.
algebra n algebra algebra.
alia v ally alia EF, D vereinigen, verbünden | -atione | -antia FE -ance, D Bündnis.
   aliatione n alliance
   aliantia n alliance
alibi n alibi alibi.
alie n garlic alie D Knoblauch, E garlic, F ail.
alimenta v nourish [alimenta vb. EF, D ernähren, kp. nutri.]
alitera v alliterate alitera vb. | -atione DEF.
   aliteratione n alliteration
alkali n alkali alkali, alkemie FED (-ch).
   alkemie n alchemy
alkohole n alcohol alkohole | -li adj. | -lisa.alkove
   alkoholi a alcoholic
   alkoholisa v alcoholize, alcoholise
alkove n alcove
almanake n almanac almanake.
alme n soul alme D Seele, E soul, F âme; kp. psike .v
almosne n alms almosne D Almosen, E alms, F aumône.
along prep along along E, D längs, F le long de (li fluvie, li rive, li strade) | alongu = along tum.
   alongu (= along tum) adv along, along that
alopati a allopathic alopati | -te | -tia.
   alopate n allopath
   alopatia n allopathy
aloya v alloy aloya E, D legieren, F allier | -yure (latone es aloyure de kupre e sinke)
   aloyure n alloy
alpe n alp alpe DEF (Alpes).
   Alpes n the Alps
Alsasia n Alsace Alsasia D Elsass.
altera v deform, distort, garble altera F, D entstellen, (nachteilig) verändern, E deform, distort, garble.
alterna v alternate alterna DEF | -natione | | -native | -vi adj.
   alternatione n alternation
   alternative n alternative
   alternativi a alternative
alti a high, tall alti D hoch, E high, tall, F haut.
altri a other altri D ander, E other, F autre | altre (-o, -a) = altri home | altrim D sonst, E else, otherwise, F autrement, ailleurs | altriman D anders, E differently, F différemment | altrilok D anderswo, E elsewhere, F autre part | altritem, -foy, -klok | omnum altri = omni altrum.
   altre (-o, -a) pron other, other person
   altrim adv else, otherwise
   altriman adv differently
   altrilok adv(n,a) elsewhere
   altritem adv at another time
   altrifoy adv(n,a) on another occasion, another time
   altriklok adv(n,a) at another hour, at another time
   omnum altri phr everything else
   omni altrum
aluma v light, kindle aluma F, D an-, ent-zünden, E light, kindle | | -mete F, D Streichhölzchen, E match.
   alumete n match
aluminie n aluminium aluminie.
alune n alum alune F alun, E -um, D -aun.
aluse v allude aluse D anspielen, E allude, F faire allusion | -sione.
   alusione n allusion
ama v love ama D lieben, E love, F aimer | amo D Liebe, E love, F amour | ameska D sich verlieben, E fall in love, F s'enamourer.
   amo n love
   ameska v fall in love
amalgame n amalgam amalgame | -a vb.
   amalgama v amalgamate
amase n heap, pile amase D Haufen, E heap, pile, F amas, monceau | -sa vb.
   amasa v amass, make a pile
amasona n amazon amasona (-z-).
amatore n amateur amatore DEF -teur.
amaxim adv at most amaxim D höchstens, E at most, F tout au plus.
ambasade n embassy, legation ambasade F, D Gesandtschaft, E embassy, legation | ambasadere FED.
   ambasadere n ambassador
ambi a both ambi F tous les deux, E both, D beide | -bes, -bos, -bas | (amb...e = et...e).
   ambes (-os, -as) pron both ones, both
   amb...e conj both...and...
ambigui a ambiguous ambigui F, E -guous, D doppelsinnig, zweideutig.
ambitione n ambition ambitione FED, D Ehrgeiz | -na vb. | -nosi adj.
   ambitiona v be ambitious
   ambitionosi a ambitious
ambulanse n ambulance ambulanse.
amende n fine, penalty amende F, D Geldbusse, -strafe, E fine, penalty.
Amerika n America Amerika | -kane, -i.
   amerikane n American
   amerikani a American
amfibie n amphibian amfibie.
amfiteatre n amphitheatre amfiteatre.
amidone n starch amidone F, D Stärke, E starch | -na vb.
   amidona v starch
amike (-ko, -ka) n friend amike (-ko, -ka) D Freund, E friend, F ami | -kal.
   amikal a friendly
aminim adv at least aminim D wenigstens, E at least, F au (du) moins.
ampli a ample ampli EF, D weit, umfassend | | amplitude.
   amplitude n amplitude
amputa n amputate amputa.
amulete n amulette amulete.
amusa v amuse amusa DEF, D unterhalten.
an prep at, on (contiguity) an D, E at, on (contiguity), F à, sur, contre (contiguité).
-an (-ani, -ane, -ano, -ana) suffix a n inhabiting or belonging to a class or party -an (-ani, -ane, -ano, -ana) F habitant, membre d'une class ou d'un parti, E inhabiting or belonging to a class or party, D Bewohner oder Angehöriger einter Klasse oder Partei: Roman(i...), Amerikan, urban, akademian..., samlandane F pays, compatriote, E fellow-countryman, D Landsmann.
   roman(i) a Roman
   amerikan(i) a American
   urban(i) a urban
   akademian(i) n academic
   samlandane(i) n fellow-countryman, fellow-countrywoman
anakronisme(i) n anachronism anakronisme.
anale n annal anale DEF, D Jahrbuch.
analisa v analyse analisa E, D -lysieren, F -lyser | -so D -yse, E -ysis, F -yse.
   analiso n analysis
analiti a analytic, analytical analiti FED analyt-ique, -ic, -isch.
ananas(e) n pineapple ananas(e).
anarki a anarchical anarki F -chique, E -chical, D -chisch | -kia | -kiste | -kisme.
   anarkia n anarchy
   anarkiste n anarchist
   anarkisme n anarchism
anate n duck anate D Ente, E duck, F canard.
anatema v anathematize, anathematise anatema vb. | -mo sb.
   anatemo n anathema
   anatome n anatomist anatome | -mia | -mi adj.
anatomia n anatomy
   anatomi a anatomical
   anekdote n anecdote anekdote | -ti adj.
anekdoti a anecdotal
anekte v annex anekte D -tieren, E annex, F annexer | -ktione.
   anektione n annexation
anemie n anaemia anemie FED, D Blutarmut.
anemone n anemone anemone.
aneroid(i) a aneroid, not using liquid (e.g. aneroid barometer) aneroid(i).
angina n angina angina ED, F -ne, D Halsbräune.
angli a English angli D englisch, E English, F anglais | -gle (-o, -a) E Englishman, D Engländer, F Anglais | Anglia, ED England, F Angleterre | -glum = angli lingue | -glim E in English, F en anglais, D auf englisch.
   angle (-o, -a) n English person
   Anglia n England
   anglum n English language
   anglim adv in English
anguile n eel anguile F anguille, D Aal, E eel.
angule n angle, corner angule FE angle, E corner, D Winkel, Ecke.
angusie n anguish angusie D Angst, E anguish, F angoisse | -sia vb. D ängstigen.
   angusia v feel anguish
angusti a narrow angusti D eng, E narrow, F étroit, serré.
anima v animate anima DEF, D beleben, ermuntern.
animale n animal animale EF, D Tier.
anise n anise anise.
aniversarie n anniversary aniversarie EF, D Jahrestag.
anjele n angel anjele D Engel, E angel, F ange.
anke adv also, too anke D auch, E also, too, F aussi.
ankore adv yet, still ankore D noch, E yet, still, F encore | ankore non, non ankore | ankore plu grandi F encore plus g., E still bigger, D noch grösser.
   ankore non phr not yet
   non ankore not yet
   ankore plu grandi phr still bigger
ankre n anchor ankre D Anker, E anchor, F ancre | -ra vb.
   ankra v anchor
anomal a anomalous anomal FD, E -lous, D abweichend.
anonim(i) a anonymous anonim(i) DEF (-ym-).
anonse n advertisement anonse FD, E advertisement, D Inserat | -sa FD, E advertise, D inserieren.
   anonsa v advertise, advertize
anse n handle anse F, D Henkel, Griff, E handle.
ansestre (-o, -a) n ancestor, forebear ansestre (-o, -a) F ancêtre, E ancestor, forebear, D Ahne, Vorfahr.
ansieni a ancient, old ansieni D alt, vormalig, E ancient, old, F ancien.
antagonisme n antagonism antagonisme | -ste | -sti adj.
   antagoniste n antagonist
   antagonisti a antagonistic
antarkti a antarctic antarkti F -ique, E -ic, D -isch.
ante prep before (time) ante D vor (Zeit), E before (time), F avant: multi yares ante nun F il y a beaucoup d'années, E many years ago, D vor vielen Jahren | ante ke lo venid F avan qu'il est venu, E before he came, D ehe er kam | -tei adj. | -teu = ante tum; D vorher, früher, E formerly, previously, F antérieurement, autrefois.
   multi yares ante nun phr many years ago
   ante ke lo venid phr before he came
   antei a previous
   anteu adv formerly, previously, before that
antene n antenna antene DEF, D Fühlhorn.
anti- prefix anti-, against anti- (antiklerikal, antimilitariste...).
   antiklerikal a anticlerical
   antimilitariste n antimilitarist
-anti suffix a forms tens -anti: duanti 20, trianti 30...
   duanti a twenty, 20
   trianti a thirty, 30
antidote n antidote antidote EF, D Gegengift.
antilope n antelope antilope.
antipati a antipathetic antipati F -thique, D -thisch, E -thetic | -tie sb. | -tia vb.
   antipatie n antipathy
   antipatia v antipathize, antipathise, show or feel antipathy
antipode n antipode antipode.
antiqui a antique antiqui.
antisepti a antiseptic antisepti F -tique, E -tic, D -tisch | -tike.
   antiseptike n antiseptics
antisipa v anticipate antisipa FED, D im voraus tun, vorwegnehmen, vorgreifen | paga antisipantim.
   paga antisipantim adv pay in anticipation
antitese n antithesis antitese.
antologie n anthology antologie.
antonim(i) a antonymous antonim(i).
antrasite n anthracite antrasite DEF (th).
antropoidi a anthropoid antropoidi | -de.
   antropoide n anthropoid
antropologe n anthropologist antropologe | -gia.
   antropologia n anthropology
anu adv there, on that anu = an tum.
anula v annul, cancel anula FED | -latione.
   anulatione n annulment, cancelation
anuntia v announce anuntia D ankündigen, E announce, F annoncer | -iatione (anke relig.).
   anuntiatione n announcement, annunciation
aparate n apparatus aparate.
apari v appear apari D erscheinen, E appear, F paraître | -rio -ritione.
   apario n appearance, appearing
   aparitione n apparition
apartamente n apartment apartamente EF, D Wohnung (Teil eines Hauses).
apartena v belong, appertain apartena EF, D (an)gehören, E belong.
aparti a apart aparti DE(F), D besonder, F particulier | -tim.
   apartim adv apart
apatie n apathy apatie FE, D Gefühllosigkeit.
apela v appeal apela D appellieren, anrufen, E appeal, F (en) appeler.
apendise n appendix apendise | | -sitis.
   apendisitis n appendicitis
apene adv scarcely, hardly apene D kaum, schwerlich, E scarcely, hardly, F à peine.
aperta v open aperta D öffnen, E open, F ouvrir | -to (akto) | -ti D offen, E open, F ouvert | -tat D geöfnnet E opened | -ture E, F ouverture, D Öffnung, E opening.
   aperto n opening (act of)
   aperti a open
   apertat a opened
   aperture n aperture, opening.
apetite n appetite apetite.
apie n smallage apie D Eppich, F ache, E smallage.
aplauda v applaud aplauda FED, D Beifall klatschen | -do (akto).
   aplaudo n applause
aplika v apply aplika DF, D anlegen, anwenden, E apply.
aplombe n aplomb aplombe DEF, D Zuversicht, Sicherheit (im Benehmen).
apodikti a apodictic, self-evident apodikti. apokalipse. apokrifi.
apokalipse n apocalypse
apokrifi a apocryphal
apologe n apologue, short allegorical story with a moral, fable apologe DEF, D Lehrfabel.
apologie n apology apologie DEF, D Verteidigung(-srede, -schrift) | -gia vb.
   apologia v apologize, apologise
apoplexie n apoplexy apoplexie.
aposi v place in apposition aposi F, D anfügen, E place in apposition | -sitione.
   apositione n apposition
apostate n apostate apostate DEF, D Abtrünniger | -ti adj. | -teska vb.
   apostati a apostate
   apostateska v become an apostate
aposteriori a a posteriori aposteriori.
apostle n apostle apostle.
apostrofe n apostrophe apostrofe.
apoteke n chemist's shop, pharmacy apoteke D, F pharmacie, E chemist's shop, pharmacy | -kere.
   apotekere n pharmacist, chemist
apoteose n apotheosis apoteose.
apoya v prop up, support, lean against apoya D anlehnen, stützen, E prop up, support, lean against, F appuyer | -yo sb.
   apoyo n support, supporting
apre (-o, -a) n wild boar apre (-o, -a) D Wildschwein, Eber, E wild boar, F sanglier.
aprile n April aprile DE, F avril.
apriori a apriori apriori.
aproba v approve aproba D, D billigen, gutheissen, E -ve, F -ouver | -batione.
   aprobatione n approval, approbation
apse n apse, apsis apse FD -side, -sis, E apse, -sis.
apti a apt, fit, appropriate. apti EF, D geeignet, tauglich, E fit, appropriate.
apud prep by, beside, next to apud D neben, E by, beside, next to, F près.
aquaforte n nitric acid aquaforte F eau forte, E nitric acid, D Scheidewasser.
aquarele n water-colour aquarele FD, E water-colour.
aquarium n aquarium aquarium.
aquavite n brandy aquavite D, E brandy, D eau de vie.
aque n water aque D Wasser, E water, F eau.
aquira v acquire aquira E, D erwerben, F acquérir.
arabe n Arab arabe | -bi adj. | -bum | Arabia.
   arabi a Arabic
   arabum n Arabic language
   Arabia n Arabia
arabeske n arabesque arabeske.
aracha v pull out, snatch away aracha F, D entreissen, E pull out, snatch away.
arake n arrack, arak, strong alcoholic drink made from rice or coconut milk arake.
arane n spider arane F araignée, D Spinne, E spider.
aranja v arrange aranja DEF, D einrichten, (an)ordnen.
arbitra v arbitrate arbitra F, E -ate, D schlichten | -tratione | -trere F arbitre, D Schiedsrichter, E umpire.
   arbitratione n arbitration
   arbitrere n umpire
arbitrie n free-will, discretion arbitrie F (libre) arbitre, arbitraire, D Ermessen, Willkür, E free-will, discretion | -triari, F -traire, D willkürlich, E arbitrary, discretionary.
   arbitriari a arbitrary, discretionary
arbre n tree arbre F, D Baum, E tree.
arbuste n shrub, bush arbuste F, D Strauch, E shrub.
ardese n slate ardese F ardoise, D Schiefer, E slate.
ardora v glow ardora D glühen, E glow, F être ardent | -ro sb.
   ardoro n glow, glowing
are n are (100 m²) are DEF (100 m²) | | area E, F aire, superficie, D Flächenraum.
   area n area
arena n arena arena.
aresta v (put under) arrest aresta D verhaften, arretieren, E (put under) arrest, F arrêter.
Argentina n Argentina Argentina | -nani, -e.
   argentinani a Argentinian
   argentinane n Argentinian
argile n clay argile F, D Ton, E clay.
argumente n argument argumente | -ta vb. | -to sb.
   argumenta v argue
   argumento n arguing, argumentation
-ari suffix a agreeing with, fit for -ari F conforme à, E agreeing with, fit for, D stimmend mit, geeignet für: reglari, populari, elementari.
   reglari a regular
   populari a popular
   elementari a elementary
arid(i) a arid arid(i) EF, D dürr, ausgetrocknet.
arie n air, tune arie D, E air, tune, F air (de musique).
-arie suffix n recipient of -arie F qui reçoit, à qui est destiné, E recipient of, D die Person, für die eine Sache bestimmt ist: sendarie F destinataire, E addressee, D adressat | pagarie.
   sendarie n addressee
   pagarie n payee
ariete n battering-ram ariete D Sturmbock, E battering-ram, F bélier (de guerre).
aristokrati a aristocratic aristokrati adj. | -te sb. | -aro | -isme.
   aristokrate n aristocrat
   aristokrataro n aristocracy
   aristokratisme n aristocratism
aritmetike n arithmetic aritmetike (-meti adj.) | -metikiste.
   aritmeti a arithmetical
   aritmetikiste n arithmetist
ariva v arrive ariva EF, D ankommen, eintreten.
arjente n silver arjente D Silber, E silver, F argent (métal).
arkade n arcade arkade.
arkaiki a archaic arkaiki | | arkaisme.
   arkaisme n archaism
arkani a arcane arkani | -num.
   arkanum n arcanum, secret, mystery
arke n arch, arc arke D Bogen, E arch, arc, F arc.
arkebuse n arquebus arkebuse.
arkeologe n archeologist arkeologe | -gi adj. | -gia.
   arkeologi a archeological
   arkeologia n archeology
arki- prefix n arch(i) arki- D Archi-, Erz-, EF arch(i): arkianjelo, -episkopo, -duke...
   arkianjelo n archangel
   arkiepiskopo n archbishop
   arkiduke n archduke, archduchess
arkipelage n archipelago arkipelage.
arkitekte n architect arkitekte | | -ture.
   arkitekture n architecture
arkitrave n architrave arkitrave.
arkive n archive arkive DEF -ch- | -vere.
   arkivere n archivist, archiver
arkti a arctic arkti F -ique, E -ic, D -isch.
arlekino n harlequin arlekino.
armatore n ship-owner armatore D Reeder, E ship-owner, F -teur.
arme n arm, weapon arme EF, D Waffe, E weapon | -misa D bewaffnen, E arm, F armer.
   armisa v arm, weapon
armee n army armee DF, D Heer, E army.
armene n Armenian Armene, -ni, -nia.
   armeni a Armenian
   Armenia n Armenia
armistise n armistice armistise EF, D Waffenstillstand.
armore n cupboard, press armore D Schrank, E cupboard, press, F armoire.
-aro suffix n collection, group, set of -aro F collection de, groupe de, E collection, group, set of, D Vereinigung einer Anzahl gleichartiger Dinge oder Personen: homaro F genre humain, E mankind, D Menschheit; formularo, glosaro.
   homaro n mankind
   formularo n formulary
   glosaro n glossary
aroga v arrogate aroga F, E -ate, D sich anmassen | -anti.
   aroganti a arrogant
aromate n aroma aromate DE -ma, F -me | -ti F -tique, E -tic, D -tisch.
   aromati a aromatic
arosa v water (with any liquid), sprinkle. arosa F, D befeuchten, begiessen, E water (with any liquid), sprinkle.
arpejio n arpeggio arpejio DE -eggio, F -ège | -ia vb. | -iatri.
   arpejia v play an arpeggio
   arpejiatri a arpeggio-like
arsenale n arsenal arsenale.
arsenike n arsenic arsen(ik)e.
arsene n arsenic
arte n art arte EF, D Kunst | -tiste | -tisti adj.
   artiste n artist
   artisti a artistic
arterie n artery arterie.
artesian(i) a artesian, of or pertaining to Artois (anciently called Artesium), in France. artesian(i) EF, D -sisch.
artichoke n artichoke artichoke.
artifisie n artifice artifisie EF, D Kunstgriff | -sial FED, D künstlich.
   artifisial a artificial
artikle n article artikle.
artikula v articulate artikula | -latione (anat., fon.).
   artikulatione n articulation
artilrie n artillery artilrie.
asalta v assault, storm asalta D (er)stürmen, (plötzlich) angreifen, Sturm laufen (gegen), E assault, storm, F assaillir, donner l'assaut à | -to sb.
   asalto n assault
asasina v assasin asasina EF, D ermorden, meucheln | -no (akto) | -nere.
   asasino n assassination
   asasinere n assassin
asbeste n abestos asbeste.
ase n ace ase D As, E ace, F as.
asekura v insure, underwrite asekura D, D versichern, E insure, underwrite, F assurer | -ro, -ratione, F assurance, E insurance, D Assekuranz, Versicherung.
   asekuro n insurance, underwriting
   asekuratione n insurance
asemble n assembly asemble F -lée, E -ly, D Versammelung, Zusammenkunft | -la F -ler, E -le, D versammeln.
   asembla v assemble
asense v ascend, mount asense D hinaufsteigen, besteigen, E ascend, mount, F monter | -sione (anke relig.).
   asensione n ascension, mounting
asenta v assent asenta EF, D zustimmen | -to sb.
   asento n assent
asepti a aseptic asepti F -tique, E -tic, D -tisch | -tike sb.
   aseptike n aseptics
aserbi a acerbic, bitter and harsh in taste. aserbi EF, D herb, E bitter and harsh in taste.
aserte v assert, claim aserte E, D behaupten, F prétendre, maintenir | -tione.
   asertione n assertion
asesore n assistant judge asesore DF, E assistant judge.
asfalte n asphalt asfalte.
-asi suffix a having the tendency or inclination to -asi F qui aime à..., tend à, E having the tendency or inclination to..., D geniegt zu, -lustig: mordasi F hargneux, E mordacious, sanppish, D bissig; vorasi, laborasi.
   mordasi a mordacious, snappish
   vorasi a voracious
   laborasi a hard-working
Asia n Asia Asia | -iani, -e.
   asiani a Asian
   asiane n Asian
asid(i) a acidic asid(i) EF, D sauer, herb | -de EF acide sb., D Sáure | -deska.
   aside n acid
   asideska v turn acidic
asidui a assiduous asidui E -duous, F -du, D beharrlich.
asile n asylum asile.
asimila v assmilate asimila.
asire n Assyrian Asire, -ri, -ria (Assy-).
   asiri a Assyrian
   Asiria n Assyria
asista v be present at, attend asista F, D beiwohnen, zugegen sein, E be present at, attend (non = helpa).
asketi a ascetic asketi adj. | -te (-to, -ta) sb. | -tisme.
   askete (-to, -ta) n ascetic
   asketisme n ascetism
askolta v listen askolta D zuhören, horchen, E listen, F écouter.
asne n donkey, ass asne D Esel, E donkey, ass, F âne.
asonanti a assonant asonanti adj. | -tie.
   asonantie n assonance
asorta v assort asorta.
asosia v associate asosia DEF, D beigesellen | -ate sb. | -atione.
   asosiate n associate
   asosiatione n association
asparge n asparagus asparge D Spargel, E asparagus, F asperge.
aspekte (o aspekta) v look (like) aspekte (o -ta) vb. D aussegen, E look (like), F avoir l'air | -to sb.
   aspekto n look, appearance
aspira v aspire aspira DEF, D trachten (nach) | -ratione.
   aspiratione n aspiration
aspri a rough aspri D rauh, E rough, âpre.
astma n asthma astma.
astona v astonish astona E -nish, D in Erstaunen setzen, F étonner.
astre n star, heavenly body astre F, D Gestirn, Stern, E star, heavenly body.
astrikte v have an astringent effect on astrikte E have an astringent effect on, F astreindre, D zusammenziehen (physiol.) | -tione | -tivum, EF astringent.
   astriktione n astringency
   astriktivum n astringent
astrologe n astrologist astrologe | -gia.
   astrologia n astrology
astronome n astronomer astronome | -mia.
   astronomia n astronomy
asuma v assume, undertake asuma DEF, D auf sich nehmen, E undertake.
asumptione n assumption (religion) asumptione (rel.) E, F assomption, D Mariä Himmelfahrt.
asura v assure asura FE, D versichern, beteuern; kp. asekura.
asuri a azure asuri D himmelblau, E azure, F azur.
atache n attaché atache DEF -é.
ataka v attack ataka DEF, D anfallen, angreifen | -ko sb. | -kasi.
   atako n attack
   atakasi a tending to attack, combative
atavisme n atavism atavisme | -mi FED -stique, -stic, -stisch.
   atavismi a atavistic
ateisme n atheism ateisme | -iste | -isti adj.
   ateiste n atheist
   ateisti a atheistic
ateliere n studio ateliere DF, E studio.
atentate n criminal attempt atentate DF, E criminal attempt | -tata vb.
   atentata v attempt a crime
atente v pay attention to atente D achtgeben, aufpassen, E pay attention to, F faire attention à | -tione | -tiv FE, D aufmerksam.
   atentione n attention
   atentiv a attentive
atesta v attest, certify atesta DEF, E certify, D bezeugen, bescheinigen | -tatione, -to.
   atestatione n attestation
   atesto n attestation, certification
-atione suffix n forms noun from verb -atione v. -ione.
Atlanti (oseane) a Atlantic (Ocean) Atlanti oseane.
atlase n atlas atlase.
atleti a athletic atleti F -tique, E -tic, D -tisch | -te sb.
   atlete n athlete
atmosfere n atmosphere atmosfere.
atome n atom atome | -misme | -miste.
   atomisme n atomism
   atomiste n atomist
atrakte v attract atrakte E, D anziehen, F attirer | -tione | -tiv(i).
   atraktione n attraction
   atraktiv(i) a attractive
atrapa v take in, hoax atrapa F. F mystifier, D anführen, foppen, E take in, hoax.
-atri suffix a similar in appearance or character -atri F -âtre, E similar in appearance or character, D nach Art von: blankatri F blanchâtre, E whitish, D weisslich, metalatri, parodiatri.
   blankatri a whitish
   metalatri a metal-like
   parodiatri a parody-like
atribu v assign atribu F, D zuschreiben, E assign | -ute | -utione.
   atribute n attribute
   atributione n attribution
atrofie n atrophy atrofie.
atrosi a atrocious atrosi F -oce, E -ocius, D abscheulich, grässlich.
audasie n audacity audasie F -ace, E -acity, D Dreistigkeit, Frechheit | -siosi.
   audasiosi a audacious
audi v hear audi D hören, E hear, F ouïr, entendre | -itione | -iente, -itorie | | -ientia D -enz, DF -ence.
   auditione n audition
   audiente n listener
   auditorie n auditorium
   audientia n audience
augmenta v augment augmenta EF, D vermehren, vergrössern | -to | -tatione | | -tative (gram.).
   augmento n augmentation
   augmentatione n augmentation
   augmentative n augmentative
augure n auger, fortuneteller, soothsayer augure | -rira.
   augurira v prophesy
auguste n August auguste DE, F août.
augusti n august augusti EF, D erhaben.
auktione n auction auktione | -na vb.
   auktiona v auction
aurore n aurora aurore EF, D Morgenröte.
auspise n auspice auspise.
austeri a austere austeri EF, D streng, ernst.
Australia n Australia Australia | -iani, -e.
   australiani a Australian
   australiane n Australian
Austria n Austria Austria E, F Autriche, D Österreich | -iani, -e.
   austriani a Austrian
   austriane n Austrian
autenti a authentic autenti.
auto- prefix self- auto-: autobiografe, autodidakte, autokrate, automate, automobile, autonomi, autopsia....
   autobiografe n autobiographer
   autodidakte n self-educator
   autografie n autograph
   autokrate n autocrat
   automate n any automatic machine
   automobile n automobile
   autonomi a autonomic
   autopsia n autopsy
autore n author autore.
autoritate n authority autoritate.
autumne n autumn, fall autumne E, E fall, F -tomne, D Herbst.
auxilie n help, assistance auxilie, D Hilfe, E help, assistance, F aide | -iari.
   auxiliari a auxiliary
ava n grandmother ava v. ave.
avalanche n avalanche avalanche EF, D Lawine.
avansa v advance avansa DF, E advance, D vorrücken.
avantaje n advantage avantaje EF, D Vorteil | -josi.
   avantajosi a advantageous
avari a avaricious, miserly avari F, D geizig, E -ricious, miserly | -re sb.
   avare n miser
ave n grandparent ave: avo F grandpère, E grandfather, D Grossvater | ava F grand'mère, E grandmother, D Grossmutter.
avene n oats avene D Hafer, E oats, F avoine.
aventure n adventure aventure F, E ad-, D Abenteuer.
avenue n avenue avenue DEF, D Alleenstrasse (plu larji kam alee).
averse n front side, obverse averse DF, D Vorderseite, E front side, obverse.
avidi a avid, greedy avidi EF, D (be)gierig, E greedy.
avie n airplane, aeroplane avie F avion, E airplane, D Flugzeug | -ia vb. | -io | -iatione.
   avia v aviate
   avio n aviation
   aviatione n aviation
avise n advice, notice avise F, D Nachricht, E advice, notice | -sa.
   avisa v advise
avo n grandfather avo v. ave.
avokato n advocate, lawyer avokato F, DE Ad-, E lawyer.
axe n axle, axis axe F, D Achse, E axle, axis, F essieu.
axile n axilla axile E (-lla), D Achselhöhle, F aisselle.
axiome n axiom axiome.



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