Motivation and emotion/Textbook/Emotion/Antisocial personality disorder/Draft

Emotion and anti-social personality disorder

Completion status: this resource is ~25% complete.
This page is part of the Motivation and emotion textbook. See also: Guidelines.

Chapter Outline (draft)

  1. What is anti social personality disorder? (DSM-IV-TR Criteria [[[Wikipedia:DSM-IV|DSM-IV]]])
    1. Overview of ASPD - characteristics
    2. causes
    3. treatment
    4. prevalence
  2. Brief overview of emotion
  3. Psychodynamic Theory- Absence of parental love could lead to a lack of trust (Absence of emotion)
  4. Behavioural Theory- antisocial symptoms are learned through modelling. This behaviour is reinforced by parents rewarding (i.e. giving in to) aggressive behaviour. Needs to be linked to emotion
  5. Biological Theory
    1. Inheritance/Genetic influence
    2. Grey's Model of brain functioning as applied to ASPD
    3. Underarousal Hypothesis- low levels of cortical arousal leads to constant boredom (low stimulation)
    4. Fearlessness hypothesis- risk taking behaviour caused by a lack of fear
  6. ASPD and anxiety
  7. ASPD and stress- stress of combat may be a cause of ASPD
  8. Conclusion

What is Antisocial Personality Disorder?


Antisocial personality disorder Antisocial personality disorder, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV) is an ongoing disregard for the rights and feelings of others. This pattern of behaviour usually begins in childhood or adolescence and continues to develop in adulthood. For a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder a person must be 18 years old and have displayed symptoms of conduct disorder (Conduct disorder) before the age of 15.

Characteristics of ASPD (Antisocial personality disorder)


The main characteristic of this disorder is the complete disregard for the wishes, rights or feelings of others. ASPD may also be known as psychopathy, sociopathy or dyssocial personality disorder. Traits typical of this disorder are:

  • Repeated violation of the rights of others
  • Repeatedly performing criminal acts such as destroying property, harassing others, stealing or pursuing illegal occupations.
  • Deceitful or manipulative behaviour used for personal gain or pleasure
  • Lying
  • Impulsivity, and an inability to plan ahead
  • Easily irritated and aggressive, and as a consequence often get into physical fights or physically abuse others (e.g. spouses or children)
  • Recklessness and a disregard for personal safety. This can be displayed in driving behaviours, such as speeding or driving whilst intoxicated. They may also engage in unsafe sexual relationships or use substances at risky levels.
  • Irresponsible- this often leads to an inability to hold a steady job, and difficulty in handling finances.
  • Show no remorse for their behaviour. Often they will rationalise their actions by blaming the victims of their crimes (e.g. "They deserved it", "If I didn't take advantage of them someone else would have")
  • Lack of empathy and a tendency to be callous, cynical and comtemptuous of the feelings, rights and suffering of others.
  • Inflated sense of self and arrogant demeanor
  • Superficial charm

For a diangosis of ASPD an individual must display more than three of the above symptoms over a prolonged period of time, and they must significantly impair on an individuals daily functioning. If you have a friend who has been in troble with the law on one or two occasions, or know someone who impulsive, these characteristics alone do not necessarily warrant a diagnosis of ASPD.

ASPD at the movies

Writers and directors in Hollywood have had an interest in mental illnesses for years and many successful movies have been made surrounding characters with various disorders. The main character, Sebastian, in the 1999 film Cruel Intentions displays some of the common symptoms of ASPD. He is easily able to manipulate those around him, is arrogant and has an inflated sense of self, and shows a complete disregard for the feelings of others. He frequently uses others for sexual gratification and shows no remorse for his actions. He is also very charming, which is essential for manipulation. However movies are not always accurate, as shown when Sebastion falls in love with a female character, and undergoes a change of heart. In reality, it is very unlikely for a person with ASPD to change their behaviour so quickly and drastically. But thats Hollywood for you. GET ON MY LEVEL.








Psychodynamic Theory of ASPD and Emotion


Behavioural Theory of ASPD and Emotion




