Metaphysics (Alternate View)/Creation/Births

(An alternative view by Calgea 00:37, 29 June 2007 (UTC) 2007-6-24)

This article is an alternative view of the birth of our solar system, life, Earth, and other items of interest.


Creation (Alternate View) Before the Big Bang

Fields Space and energy fields after the Big Bang

Application of fields to physical things

Simple Pendulum Conversion of Spin and Linear-motion energy fields

Conical Pendulum Transition of Spin and Linear-motion energy fields

One-Planet System Birth as related to the Spin and Linear-motion fields

Nuclear Geode
Sun's Geodes

Our Solar System


After the Big Bang, Hydrogen clouds moved outward in a radial fashion. These clouds were not uniform. They were and are a mixture of all three sizes of Shell, AKA, Atom, Neutron, and subNeutron or black hole. Let’s look at the cloud that became our sun and gave birth to ten planets.

Neptune and Uranus


A geode is a hollow spheroidic rock with crystals lining the inside wall. In our sun, they are neutrons surrounded by a sphere of Hydrogen atoms. As the number of neutrons increases, Gravity compresses the Hydrogen atoms. As shown, there is a neutron geode on each side of our sun. Both geodes caused a nuclear explosion below the surface of the sun. These unSpinnings send large masses into space to become the planets Neptune and Uranus.

S1 and J1


Over time, the neutron geodes reformed and moved deeper into the sun. The whole process repeated and gave birth to two new planets, S1 and J1. These planets were smaller by comparison because the geodes were deeper, and it took more energy just to reach the surface of the sun. Their orbits were inside Neptune and Uranus.

Earth and Venus


Over time, the neutron geodes reformed and moved deeper into the sun. The whole process repeated and gave birth to two new planets, Earth and Venus. These planets were smaller by comparison because the geodes were deeper, and it took more energy just to reach the surface of the sun. Their orbits were inside S1 and J1.

Mars and Mercury


Over time, the neutron geodes reformed and moved deeper into the sun. The whole process repeated and gave birth to two new planets, Mars and Mercury. These planets were smaller by comparison because the geodes were deeper, and it took more energy just to reach the surface of the sun. Their orbits were inside Earth and Venus.

Jupiter and Saturn


While the sun was giving birth to these eight planets, subneutron geodes were forming. It took longer to form these black holes. Their geodes comprised black holes with a sphere of neutrons within a sphere of Hydrogen atoms. Gravity compressed both the neutrons and Hydrogen atoms and both exploded deep in the sun. These unSpinnings gave birth to the largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn.

As Jupiter went into orbit, it pulled Mars out of its inner orbit and released it to orbit beyond Earth. Saturn collided with the S1 planet, and the collision gave birth to Saturn’s rings. Jupiter collided with the J1 planet. This J1 planet orbits Jupiter below its surface and causes the purple spot.

One assumes similar explosions occurred on the larger planets and caused their moons. Pluto is one of these moons, and it went into orbit around the sun.

One must also assume these black hole explosions will recur and eliminate life, as we know it.

There is nothing special about these explosions. They are the result of Gravity converting matter to Space. One assumes similar explosions occur in stars throughout the physical universe.

The task now is to move forward in time.

Urge2 Life


Life begins due to the interaction of other energy fields. Life could start with any two atoms with orbiting neutrons.

Unstable Atom

Unstable Oxygen Atoms

Let’s start with two Oxygen atoms. In this case, Ray hits a neutron in one Oxygen atom and drives it into the other atom. In each atom, the neutron orbits become unstable. It is similar to suddenly adding or deleting a planet, like Uranus, in our solar system.

One atom gains (G) a neutron, and one loses (L) a neutron. Here, the Oxygen atom that gains a neutron evolves into the male of the species. The atom that loses a neutron evolves into the female of the species.

To see this instability, think of a billiard table. Start a cue ball rolling on the table. The cue ball hits a cushion and bounces away without any energy loss. Start another cue ball rolling behind the first. It looks like the second ball is following the first ball, but both are moving independently. Keep adding cue balls until two collide. This collision changes everything. The balls now hit and randomly go everywhere. To a viewer, it is impossible to tell what is happening. However, all the cue balls are following the same physical laws of movement. It just appears chaotic.

Our Periodic Table contains stable atoms. The above two Oxygen atoms are unstable with high-energy content.



These unstable atoms contact stable atoms in the primordial goo. With the help of other energy fields, they make pinned and unpinned intersections with the stable atoms. As they grow in size, they cover themselves with stable atoms and take one of three configurations.

  • Configuration zero means there is no opening, and this molecule is stable in its environment.
  • Configuration one means there is one opening, and this molecule is on its way to becoming part of the animal kingdom.
  • Configuration two means there are two openings, and this molecule is on its way to becoming part of the plant kingdom.

The E and T in eat refer to energy transfer from stable atoms in the environment. The pinning of one Shell to another usually means converting Spin to Ray. In the present case, Ray fires into the unstable molecule and reconverts to orbital energy. The molecule becomes more unstable.



This extra energy allows the molecule to increase its instability and internally create other unstable atoms, G and L. The percentage of each type helps determine future characteristics. For example, a 90G-10L will produce an alpha male. After development, a change in this ratio produces conflicting characteristics.

In time, it becomes important for the evolving molecule to rid itself of both types of unwanted atoms, stable and unstable, to continue its evolution. Defecation returns the stable atoms to the environment. However, if the expelled unstable atoms repeat the above process, then one says the molecule reproduce. Here, reproduction refers to what happens within the unstable molecule not outside. Failure to eject either or both of the two types of atoms leads to greater instability.

Death occurs with the ending of any of the above five stages.

Life can occur when a zero configuration changes in a molecule, for example, cancer.



With only the force of Gravity acting on the atoms of a planet, each planet should form a sphere with its heavier atoms at the center and lighter atoms at the surface. Earth should have ended with an Iron-Nickel core surrounded by lighter materials. Steam and an atmosphere would cover this solid. Since it didn’t, one must assume there was interference from an outside source.

From the above definition of life, one assumes life started on many planets throughout our physical universe. Volcanic eruptions and cooling over eons would have provided suitable conditions. One of these life-forms could evolve into humanoids. They would have explored their solar system with spaceships and eventually built starships.

First Visit


These starships would have left port with cargoes of ova and sperm to explore and populate other star systems. Astronauts arriving in our solar system would have exploded a subHydrogen bomb below the surface and vaporized a large section of our planet Earth. After leaving, the water would have filled the pit to become steam. The steam would have risen to cool, loose its energy, and fall again as rain. It would have rained for millions of years. To balance itself, the Earth’s crust would have split to cause shifts in the tectonic plates.

Life started in the oceans and took many forms. Plants flourished in the seas and easily moved onto the water soaked hot land. Herbivores followed them, and carnivores were not far behind. With all the available food, evolution produced large animals in the sea and on the land. Dinosaurs walk the Earth for many ages.

Meanwhile, debris from the explosion continued to return to the Earth under the influence of Gravity. Meteorites hit the Earth with explosive forces. However, meteoroids and dust caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. These minute specks returned with the meteorites, but they stayed in the upper atmosphere rather and hitting the Earth’s surface. Over time, the sky darkened with the added help from the meteorites and volcanic eruptions. The plants died; the herbivores died, and the carnivores died.

Second Visit


Eventually, the dust settled and life on Earth took a new direction. The age of mammals began. It appears the astronauts returned and made DNA changes in ape like mammals around the world. The astronauts had no way of knowing if a local disaster would destroy everything. The changed apes moved out of their trees to become humanoids.

Third Visit


On this visit, the astronauts fertilised the surviving humanoids with combinations of the ova and sperm from their ship. Some people believe man originated in Africa and migrated to other lands, but this is two-dimensional thinking.

Fourth Visit


During this visit, the astronauts had their way with the women. Clearly, something went wrong with the population, and the astronauts caused a flood to erase the unwanted people like unwanted lab mice.

During Captain James Cook’s (1778) visit to the Hawaiian Islands, the crew had their way with the native women. The venereal disease they brought with them decimated the population.

Next Visit


There may be a next visit, but there is little to recommend keeping the Earthlings alive.

Space Travel


If astronauts came from another solar system, then one needs to examine space travel.

Spaceship's Space Barrier



Imagine a spaceship approaching the speed of light. As it moves through Space, it continues to convert the incoming, opposing lines of Gravity to expanding spheres of Space. This Space builds in front of the spaceship and presents an impenetrable wall. It is like an irresistible force meeting an immovable object. To an outsider, it would appear the spaceship becomes shorter and shorter as the Space density increases. To the crew, nothing would change. All atoms would continue to have the same amount of Space between them.

Starship's Worm Hole



From the above, one says a starship must be able to convert its incoming, opposing lines of Gravity to Ray or to a forward Linear-motion. The starship would then pass through the Space barrier as if it went through a wormhole.


Distance Errors due to Space

As shown, between stars there is a Space barrier. Ignoring this barrier produces different results. For example, let an observer (O) be on the left in one star system and be viewing another star. The observer thinks the viewed star is at position one (1) when it is closer at point zero (0).

For another example, the observer sees a star at point two (2) but predicted it would be at point one (1). To the observer, it appears the distant star is accelerating. A more likely situation is the star is converting more matter to Space. This added Space increases the thickness of the barrier and gives the illusion of acceleration.

As light goes through the barrier, it slows to a distant observer. This is an illusion. Light travels through the same amount of Space in the same amount of time.



Einstein had his views of our physical universe and now seems like a good time to review a few of them.

Gravity converting to mass



His famous equation is  . The figure shows our physical universe before creating the first mass center. The outer circle is the limit of Space. The intercircle represents a sphere of Space with a radius equal to one second or {c} where {c} is the speed of light. The first incoming lines of Gravity have reached the center of our universe. All the lines of Gravity within this inner sphere will convert to a mass of one, i.e., a Shell, in one second.

Place a mass of one at the surface of this inner sphere. Newton’s equation provides the force acting on it.

    • or  

The energy is force {F} times distance {c}.


The volume is   .

The total energy for a mass of one is   .

Einstein’s equation deals with the release of energy and omits Space.



Some people believe time slows as one travels near the speed of light. For an alternative view, think of a large hourglass shape with enough sand for a day. Imagine one of these day-glasses on the Earth and the other in a spaceship in synchronous orbit but outside our solar system. With the sand in the bottom portions, turn them at the same time and wait. At the end of the day, all the sand in the Earth’s day-glass will be in the bottom portion. The day-glass in space will still have sand in it. Time slowed for the space travelers?

The alternative view has a higher density of Space in the spaceship. This is true in the day-glass’ throat area. Incoming, unopposed lines of Gravity convert to Linear-motion in the mass centers of the sand. The sand moves downward toward the Earth. However, it must travel through a higher density of Space at the throat, which slows its departure from the upper chamber.

Time is not physical. Time is the awareness that one processes ideas in a serial fashion. The above fields of Space and energy cannot alter time, and time cannot alter them.

Gravity Bends Light

Gravity Bends Light?

Let’s take another example of the affect of Space. The prediction was: during an eclipse of the sun, the sun’s gravity would pull on the rays of light from a star and bend them. On Earth, one could see the star before it became visible on a straight line. Instead of thinking of a ray of starlight heading out into space before being bent by gravity, consider a ray of starlight headed into the sun. As the ray approaches the sun it runs into a higher density of Space loaded with quanta of light from the sun. The ray of light continues to move in a straight line but is offset from its original path. After it clears the sun, it heads to Earth.

Think of walking near the buildings in a business district. At five o’clock, the doors open and people exit the buildings. You continue walking, but at the end of the block, you find yourself next to the curb.

Quantum Mechanics


There were problems in applying Einstein’s ideas to the atomic level. Part of this problem may pertain to the unknown fields like Space, Ray, and Kone.

Another problem has to do with the Shells. For example, imagine a Hydrogen atom. It has a neutron within a normal Shell. However, this neutron could be a subHydrogen atom, which has a subneutron within the neutron. When the three mass centers are co-located, the atomic weight is one. When all three are off center, the count is three. Ray moves these centers, and Ray is unpredictable.

The problem becomes worse when one substitutes a subOxygen atom for the neutron. The Hydrogen atom now has an atomic weight of about 17 and behaves differently.

It may be that researchers are discovering subelements for the subPeriodic table and are unaware of what they are doing.

As previously stated, one cannot reach the outer limit of our physical universe. It seems reasonable to assume, one cannot reach the inner limit of our physical universe.

Our Physical Universe


It is naïve to assume the above fields define everything in our physical universe.

Mobius Strip

Mobius Strip Space Warp

It may be that our physical universe is twisted in some manner like a mobius strip. Think of a large mobius strip and mark a starting point. Move halfway round. This may seem like a long distance but remember one is just on the other side of the starting point. Maybe, Space travel is like moving on or thrugh a mobius strip.

Imaginary Numbers


The reason for mentioning the Mobius strip has to do with imaginary numbers. Think of three axes, X, Y, and Z. Let the +X be to the right and +Y be up. Let +Z be into the paper and be the imaginary axis {i} where {i} is the square root of minus one. Multiplying the unit vector in the Y-axis rotates it down into the imaginary axis. It may also rotate the Y-axis clockwise ninety degrees, so the plus imaginary axis is to the right. A second multiplication by {i} rotates the unit vector down to the minus Y-axis as well as rotating the Y-axis another ninety degrees. The viewer is now looking at the back of the Y-axis.

Our number system started as a means to solve problems in the marketplace. It soon became two-dimensional and then three-dimensional. The imaginary numbers and three infinities soon followed. The problem is our physical universe is cyclic in nature. We need a math system to match our universe. And maybe, imaginary numbers are a clue to this need.



The purpose of our physical universe is to teach us how to reason logically. Obviously, we are not doing too well at learning to reason logically. For some, it may take several life cycles. Nevertheless, no matter in which cycle one is, life or physical universe, the purpose is the same. To that end, there are some useful rules in learning to live with one another and to guide one along life’s path.

Rule 1


Do unto others that which you would like done unto you.

Tie this rule to ones purpose, and it means to pass on logical ideas. Be a teacher.

It does not mean to swap gifts of equal value once a year.

Rule 2


Don’t do unto others that which you do not want done unto you.

Tie this rule to ones purpose, and don’t force your ideas on others no matter how logical you think they are.

There are groups who want to force others to believe as they do or die. Such groups are illogical.

Rule 3


Do unto others as they have done unto you.

Tie this rule to ones purpose, and it means to act as a mirror.

A person can often see insanity in others but not in themselves. Acting as a mirror gives them a chance to see themselves as others see them.

This rule is not a justification for revenge.

Rule 4


Do unto others before they do unto you.

Tie this rule to ones purpose, and it means to talk, trade, mix, exchange students, and interface with others at a peaceful level. Avoid confrontations and war. War is illogical.

This rule is not a justification for a first strike.

Live long and prosper.

Note: The above views are not the accepted view.