Meditation is a way of calming thoughts, relaxation, spiritual healing and enlightenment.

Meditation for Beginners
editSit down comfortably. The hands are in the lap or on the legs. The back is straight. The abdomen is relaxed.
1. Concentrate on your body. Think several times (5-10 times) the mantra "Om" in the head, chest, abdomen, hands, legs, feet, in the ground and then in the whole universe: "Om Shanti. Om Peace ... "
2. Stop one minute every thought. When thoughts come, push them off.
3. Linger one minute in the meditation. Thoughts may come and go as they want.
4. Relax. Feel the peace and relaxation in your body.
5. Move your body, your feet and your hands. You're back. Ahead with optimism.
Computer Meditation
editA guided meditation on the computer is a fast way of relaxation. Through simple yoga movements in connection with positive sentences you can resolve emotional blocks and get a positive spirit in five minutes. See also the video.
1. Visualize yourself as a Master of life (Buddha, Shiva, Goddess) and rub the earth with your feet, "I am a Master of life. I go my way positively. "
2. Move a hand and think: "I send light to ... (name). May all people be happy. May the world be happy."
3. Connect with the enlightenment energy (God, enlightened Masters), rub your palm in front of your heart and think, "Om all enlightened Masters. Om inner wisdom. Please guide and help me on my way."
4. Get inner peace, rub the palms above your head and think, "I take things as they are. I let my false desires go off."
5. Put your hands on your legs. The spine is straight and the belly is relaxed. Stop one minute all your thinking. Sit only there. Don´t think. Then relax.
editWe sit upright in our meditation seat (cross-legged, heel seat, chair) and in our meditation posture (hands on the legs or lap). The back is straight and the belly is relaxed. The eyes are open, semi-open or closed.
1. Sun = We see a beautiful sun in the sky. She sends her rays down on us. We wrap our whole body with light and think the mantra "Light." We take a golden ray of sunshine and wrap ourselves with it completely. We circle with the light around our body and think the mantra "Light, light, light." We let the light flow into us. We fill our entire body with light and think often the mantra "Light."
2. Body = We bring our mind to rest by a mantra. We think the numbers 1 - 20 in the head, chest, abdomen, feet and into the earth.
3. Cosmos = We make big circles with our arms, visualize the whole universe full of stars around us and think the numbers 1 - 20 in the whole universe.
4. Blessing = We move a hand in blessing and think, "I send light to (name). May all people be happy. May the world be happy."
5. Master = We rub the palms in front of the heart chakra, connecting us with the enlightened Masters and think, "Om all enlightened Masters. Om inner wisdom. Please guide and help me on my way."
6. Mantra Om = We put your hands in our lap. We think a minute when breathing out (at breathing in, or at the inhalation and exhalation) the mantra "Om" in the belly.
7. Stop thinking = We stop a minute every thought. If thoughts come, we push them away. Then we relax for a minute.
Oracle = Forward with optimism. You are guided by the light (by the enlightened Masters, by God). Follow consistent your inner wisdom and your love. Make every day your spiritual exercises. Bring the light on your way into the world. Success.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
editProgressive muscle relaxation is a relaxation technique by alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles. The presented form was developed by Yogi Nils in his Yoga groups. We can do it in sitting or lying down.
1. Muscle tension = We tense the muscles of the legs and feet. We stop every thought. We can hold our breath or breathe normally. Then we relax the muscles of the legs and feet. We tense and relax in the same way the arms and hands, the head (face) and the whole body.
2. Numbers = We count several times the numbers from 1 to 20 in the head, focusing on the head and breathe into the head. Our mind calms. We focus on the chest, breathe into the chest and count the numbers 1 to 20 in the chest. We breathe in the belly, and count there the numbers 1 to 20. We focus on the legs and feet, and count there the numbers 1 to 20. We visualize under the soles a large ball and count the numbers from 1 to 20 in the ball.
3. Sun = We see in the sky a beautiful sun. She sends her rays down on us. We feel her light and warmth on our skin. It is as if we are on holiday in the sun. We enjoy the sunlight. We wrap our whole body with light. We take a golden ray of sun and let the sunlight everywhere circle around us. We think the mantra "Light." We let the sunlight flow into us and fill us with light. We think the mantra "Light."
4. Sending light = We move a hand and send another person light. We envelop him with light and let the light flow into him. Think many times the word "Light". After that we send light all over the world. We wrap the whole world with light, fill it with light and think often "Light."
5. Stop thinking = We stop a minute every thought. Then we linger in meditation. Thoughts may come now if they want to. We feel our the body and enjoy the peace and well-being. If we have meditated enough, we come back again. We move our feet and hands. We stretch and move ourselves. We sit up and are back.
Sun Meditation
editThis is the main meditation in the yoga groups of Yogi Nils. It finishes each yoga class. We lay or sit down comfortably. Cover you for lying, so you do not get cold.
1. Relaxation = We tense the muscles of the legs and feet. We keep the tension, stop all thoughts and breathe into the legs. Then we relax. We stretch the muscles of the arms and hands. We breathe into the arms and hands. We relax. We tense the muscles of the head and face. We breathe into the face. We relax. We tense the muscles of the whole body. We breathe into the whole body. We relax.
2. Numbers = We count several times the numbers from 1 to 20 in the head, focusing on the head and breathe into the head. Our mind calms. We focus on the chest, breathe into the chest and count the numbers 1 to 20 in the chest. We breathe in the belly, and count there the numbers 1 to 20. We focus on the legs and feet, and count there the numbers 1 to 20. We visualize under the soles a large ball and count the numbers from 1 to 20 in the ball.
3. Sun = We see in the sky a beautiful sun. She sends her rays down on us. We feel her light and warmth on our skin. It is as if we are on holiday in the sun. We enjoy the sunlight. We wrap our whole body with light. We take a golden ray of sun and let the sunlight everywhere circle around us. We think the mantra "Light." We let the sunlight flow into us and fill us with light. We think the mantra "Light."
4. Sending light = We move a hand and send another person light. We envelop him with light and let the light flow into him. Think many times the word "Light". After that we send light all over the world. We wrap the whole world with light, fill it with light and think often "Light."
5. Om Shanti = We think inhaling "Om" and exhaling "Shanti". We stop all other thoughts. We feel calmness, serenity and peace in us. We stop a minute every thought and move gently our feet. We focus on our feet and move on, until our mind comes completely to rest. We relax. We lie a few minutes relaxed just there. We are in harmony with ourselves, our life and our world.
6. Coming back = We come back slowly. We move our feet and hands. We stretch and move ourselves. We sit up and are back. Life can come. We have the sun within us.
Mantra Meditation (Easy Relaxation)
editWe lie down comfortably. We can do this meditation in bed for a long time while listening to beautiful music. It is good for all persons who cannot slep or want to relax in bed.
1. Knee to chest (arms around) with mantra: "Om all enlightened Masters. Om inner wisdom. Please guide and help me on my way."
2. Prone position: "I send light to (name). May all people be happy. May the world be happy." Hands under your head. Move your pelvis (spine) and move your feet.
3. Turn right in the Child Pose: "Om Shanti". The hands lie on the legs or one hand on the legs (or the hip) and one hand under the head (stops your thoughts).
4. Turn left in the Child Pose: "Om Shanti". The hands lie on the legs or one hand on the legs (or the hip) and one hand under the head (stops your thoughts).
5. Supine position, left feet on the right leg: "Om Shanti". You can move the feet and the hands a little bit.
6. Right feet on the left leg. Move your feet and your hands: "Om Shanti".
7. Legs extended. Move the feet. Count the numbers 1 to 20 in the head, thorax, belly, legs and feet.
8. Move your hands in circling, visualize the universe and think: "Om Universe". Relax.
9. Relax completely for some minutes. Hands at the sides or on the belly.
10. Sit up and do the Buddy Breathing. Press with the thumb the right nostril and inhale through the left nostril. Press the left nostril and inhale at the right side. Make this several times until inner peace occurs. Then go back in your everyday life.
Guided Mediations
editThe Wikiversity resource on Guided Meditations provides links to instructions and scripts for several guided meditations.
Wikimedia sound files
editWikipedia:Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Om Tare Tutare Ture Soha is a Tibetan Buddhist mantra
Ham'so is apparently both Buddhist and Hindu. The "Ham" sound is made on the inhalatione air, while "so" is done on the exhalation. The beginning and the end are not set, thus the mantra can be "ham'so" or "so'ham" without changing its meaning.[1]
Meditation Video
edit- Meditation with Yogi Nils (germ., 6 min.) Relax with a guided meditation with beautiful music.
- One-Moment Meditation: "How to Meditate in a Moment"
See also
editWikibooks has a book on the topic of Yoga/Meditation. |
- Download Wikibook Yoga with Yoga Oracle in various formats (PDF, Epub, Kindle).
- Relaxation techniques
- Paradise Meditation (Wikibooks)
- Easy start meditation on iPad
- Wikipedia template Meditation (and to a lesser extent template Hypnosis)