Relaxation techniques

In this day and age there is a lot of stress. There is stress at work, in relationships, in families, at school and in the news. Too much stress is unhealthy and destroys the happiness among and within the people. There are many techniques, how to deal with stress. Important is a healthy, relaxed and positive lifestyle.

Meditate. Relax. Become silence. Heal yourself.

Wikipedia: A relaxation technique is any method or activity that helps a person to relax; to attain a state of increased calmness; or reduce levels of stress and anger. Relaxation techniques are often employed as one element of a wider stress management program and can decrease muscle tension, lower the blood pressure and slow heart and breath rates, among other health benefits.

Practice the Five Principles of Health

Fruit Stall

The main principles of health are healthy diet, no drugs (alcohol, smoking, drugs, eating too much), regular exercise, adequate rest and positive thinking. We can easily integrate them into our everyday lives if we want it. These five principles of health give us a long, healthy and happy life. If we live by these principles, we can avoid most diseases. If we are sick, we become significantly faster healthy.

1. Eat healthy. A healthy diet consists of fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk, potatoes, pulses, etc. It is advised to eat little or no meat and much raw food (raw fruits and vegetables). Raw food gives the body lots of vitamins and minerals that protect him from disease.

2. Avoid drugs, smoking and alcohol. That causes many diseases and usually shorten your life significantly. Too many sweets (sugar, fat), lots of salt and lots of meat are also unfavorable. Do not over indulge in calories. Hear to your body. He knows what is good for you. Live wisely and stay healthy.

3. Do sports. Go walking, jogging, cycling, swimming once or twice a day (one half to one hour), to keep the body strong and healthy. It is also sufficient to train on an exercise bike (bicycle, treadmill) or to do dynamic yoga (creativ hatha yoga) for half an hour a day. Or to go for a walk on the weekend for an hour. It is important, that the body is well warmed through (practice until a slight sweating). It kills disease germs.

4. Relax sufficiently. Stress should always be put away by adequate recovery periods, yoga or meditation. For the inner happiness, it is important to live in the right proportion of personal activity (work) and rest (relaxation).

5. Think positive. Avoid negative thoughts. Keep your mind through conscious control predominantly positive. Positive thoughts lead to positive feelings and positive emotions have a positive effect on your body. Motivate yourself with positive phrases and ideas. Read positive books and have a positive task (hobby).

Overcome Fear, Sadness and Anger


In every life there is pain, loss, illness, loneliness and death. We have no claim to a long life still to be spared by fate. What is your pain today?

1. The problem: Describe briefly your situation and your problem. How exactly is your situation? What is the problem? Where is the center of the problem?

2. The Emotions: What are the feelings it in you? Fear, anger, addiction / desire, grief. What feeling is strongest? Where is the feeling sitting in your body?

3. The thoughts: What thoughts are connected with your feelings? Why are you sad, anxious, angry or longing? Count all your stressful thoughts down. (My thoughts are ...)

4. Thinking: What triggers your problem? What is the way out of your problem? What brings you to love, excitement, fulfillment, fortunately, satisfaction? Think about your problem for so long, until you find a solution. Think about different solutions. Collect all the information you need.

5. Implementation: Follow your positive thoughts. Fulfil your positive life plan. Avoid meaningless brooding. Now is the time to realize powerful. Go your way to victory and be content with you. What is now your positive thought? "My positive thought is .... (I am optimistic. I go my way with optimism.")"

Basic Relaxation Techniques


The most important relaxation techniques are Autogenic training, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Massage, Meditation, Deep breathing, Yoga, Pilates, Tai chi, Qigong, Walking, Self control, and Humour. Some relaxation methods can also be used during other activities, for example, Autosuggestion, Mantras, Prayer, Classical Music and New Age music.

Shake Meditation

Shake Meditation Yogi Nils

The Shake Meditation is a good way to quickly reduce stress and recharge with positive energy. We turn on a beautiful music, stand upright and move dynamically in the knees up and down. We can dance or go on the spot. The Shaking is a fast movement from the knees. The knees shake the body. The movement in the knees is small and fast.

1. Be angry. We shake all the stress of life out of us. We think the mantra, "anger". We transform all stress unto motion and liberate us as this.

2. Be sad. We solve our pent-up grief. We think the sentence: "I am sad because ...". We move all the sadness out of us. What makes you sad today? Think the reason several times as a mantra.

3. Circle the shoulders. We circle our shoulders. We move the shoulders as it is helpful for us. We solve the tension in the shoulders and the neck.

4. Turn the spine. We rotate into the spine left and right. We solve all the tension in the spine. The head also rotates to the sides.

5. Massage your body. We massage our body with a healing color. We are wrapped in a cloud of a healing energy. What healing color is good for you today? Think of the name as a mantra, "Yellow, Orange, Purple ...". Massage the healing color from head to toe in your body.

6. Earth you. We rub the healing color with the right and left foot on the floor. We paint a healing circle around us. When painting with our feet, we feel the earth. We think the name of the color as a mantra.

7. Go on shaking, move one hand and send a person a positive sentence. What do you want to say to this person? We repeat the phrase several times as a mantra. We send the whole world light and think, "May all people be happy. May the world be happy."

8. Move around a few minutes as you like. Feel what you need now?

---> For example the OSHO Dynamic Meditation or long version

Yoga Walking


Yoga Walking is enlightenment while walking. This is the ultimate kick! This is health training, stress reduction and inner happiness in one. Yoga Walking is your daily pilgrimage into the light. If you really pilgrimage, the pilgrimage will you turn into a goddess of happiness. Go first rather quickly (power walking) and at the end rather slowly (slow walking).

1. When walking stomp your anger into the ground. Let all the pent-up anger out. Think the mantra "Anger, Anger, Anger ..." What annoyed you today? Free yourself!

2. Solve then when walking your sadness. Feel in your sadness inside. What makes you sad today? Think several times the mantra: "I'm sad because ..."

3. Shoulders rotate. Solve the tension in your shoulders and your neck. In what way do you have to move the shoulders so that you achieve a good effect?

4. Spine rotation. Turn yourself when walking several times in the spine to the right and to the left. Also turn the head with.

5. Massage a healing color from head to foot in your body, and think the color name as a mantra. What color do you need now? "Orange, blue, gold, pink ..."

6. Concentrate when walking on the ground. Feel the earth. Think the mantra "Earth" and breathe a minute into your feet.

7. Move one hand and send a person a positive sentence. What do you want to say to him today? Think the phrase several times as a mantra. Send light to the world and think: "May all beings be happy. May the world be happy."

8. Imagine the numbers 1 to 20 in the head, chest, abdomen, legs, feet, and in the ground (beneath the feet). Solve so every day quickly and effectively the tensions in all major areas of the body.

9. Visualize a beautiful sun in the sky and clothe yourself with a golden ray of sunshine. Fill you with light and think many times the word "Light" as a mantra.

10. Stop all thoughts. Move five minutes when walking all the stress out of you, until your mind becomes calm.

11. Walk freely. Let all thoughts come and go as they want. Go the way you feel you want to do. Enjoy it. Observe how your mind becomes slowly positive. You are now back from your pilgrimage into the light. You did an important fact for your physical health and your mental well-being. Keep your happiness. The light will accompany you through your whole day.

12. Never give up. Your sense of life is to be happy, healthy and enlightened.

---> Videos The Right Walking Workout Techniques, Fats Domino & Ricky Nelson - I'm Walking (Music).

Computer Yoga

  1. Move your head and think the mantra "Om" in your head. Turn your head left and right. Forward and backward.
  2. Move your shoulders, so that all tensions resolve. Think "Om".
  3. Move your spine to the right and left side. The head also. Think "Om , Om, Om... " in your spine.
  4. Move your feet on the ground. Say "Om" in your belly, in your legs, in your feet and in the earth. Concentrate on the whole earth and think the mantra "Earth".
  5. Massage your body from head to feet. Hold your hands together over your head, rub the palms, visualize the sky above you and say the mantra "Heaven". Feel the light that comes down. Massage the light into your face, your eyes, your ears, your whole body and think "Light, Light..."
  6. Move your hand and send light to someone. Say "I send light to... May all people be happy. May all the world be happy."
  7. Rub your palms together. Think on the enlightened masters and say, "Om, all enlightened masters, please help me on my way." Now you can ask a question. Think about your life. What are your goals? What is your way? Hear the answer within you. What is your way of wisdom?
  8. Put your hands on your legs or your belly. Make your mind calm and think the mantra "Om" in your head, your thorax, your belly, your legs, feet, in the earth and in the whole cosmos. "Om Om Om Shanti Om Peace Om Peace Om Shanti Om Peace..."
  9. Stop your thinking for one minute. Simply sit there. Don't think. Relax.

---> Video: Computer Yoga (8 min.)

Advanced Computer Yoga

Buddha of Love.
  1. Move your head and think the mantra "Om" in your head. Turn your head left and right. Forward and backward.
  2. Move your shoulders. Find the way that works best for you. Move forward, and then move another way round. Think "Om , Om, Om... " in your shoulders.
  3. Move your spine to the right and left side. Think "Om , Om, Om... " in your spine.
  4. Move your feet on the ground. Say "Om" in the earth. Concentrate on the whole earth and think the mantra "Om" in the earth.
  5. Massage your body from head to feet and think "Om , Om, Om... "
  6. Rub your eyes and face, and think "Om , Om, Om... "
  7. Place one hand on your stomach and practice bellows breathing. Think "Om" in your stomach. Breathe at a higher speed with the abdominal muscles and fill your body with conscious energy.
  8. Press with your thumb the right nostril, breath with the bellows breathing through the left nostril, and think "Om". Press with your index finger (middle finger, ring finger) the left nostril, breathe with the bellows breathing through the right nostril, and think "Om". Change several times between the left and right nostril back and forth until a feeling of inner peace and harmony is created.
  9. Get inner peace und rub your belly: "I take things as they are. I flow positive with my life."
  10. Put your hands together in the meditation pose in front of your belly. Move your thumbs. Visualize yourself as a Buddha (Shiva, Enlightened) and a Goddess of Love. Think or speak the mantra: "I am a Buddha (Shiva). I am a Goddess of Love (Mother of all beings)."
  11. Move your hand and send light to someone. Say "I send light to... (name). May all people be happy. May the world be happy."
  12. Rub your palms in front of your heart.. Think on the enlightened masters and say, "Om all enlightened masters. Om God. Please help me on my way."
  13. Put your hands on your legs or your belly. Make your mind calm and think the mantra "Om" in your head, your thorax, your belly, your legs, feet and in the earth. Think in the whole cosmos: "Om Shanti. Om Peace. Om Peace. Om Shanti. Om Peace ..."
  14. Stop your thinking for one minute. Simply sit there. Don't think. Relax.
  15. What is your positive sentence now? For example, "I am optimistic. I go my way with optimism."

---> Video: Advanced Computer Yoga (9 min.)

Computer Meditation

Meditation while lying down

A guided meditation on the computer is a fast way of relaxation. Through simple yoga movements associated with positive sentences you can dissolve inner blockages and recharge your mind positive. Get peace, power, love and happiness in five minutes. Wikipedia: "Meditation was among the first relaxation techniques shown to have a measurable effect on stress reduction."

  1. Visualize yourself as a Buddha (Shiva) or Goddess of Love. Think or speak the mantra: "I am a Buddha (Shiva). I am a Goddess of Love."
  2. Move a hand and send light (happiness, peace, love) to all beings: "I send light to ... (name). May all people be happy. May the world be a happy."
  3. Rub your palms in front of your heart. Connect yourself with the Enlightened (Saints) or God: "Om all enlightened Masters. Om inner wisdom. Please guide and help on my way."
  4. Get inner peace und rub your belly: "I take things as they are. I flow positive with my life."
  5. Put your hands on your legs or your belly. Calm your mind and speak (or think) one minute the mantra: "Om Shanti. Om Peace."
  6. Stop one minute every thought.
  7. Relax.
  8. Find a positive sentence: "My positive sentence is ... (Forward with love, peace, happiness and optimism.)"
  • The essence of spirituality is to build up inner strength, peace, love and happiness. Your inner energy can be awakened by positive visualizations in connection with mantras (positive statements, prayers).
  • Inner peace arises if you put your mind to rest. For this purpose we will first use the mantra "Om Shanti. Om Peace." Then we stop for a minute every thought. Finally, it is good to linger in the relaxation for some time. In this final phase, it unfolds its healing (harmonizing) effects.
  • On the spiritual path you're only successful if you always act in close contact with your personal truth and with a good feel for yourself. Practice the computer meditation therefore so that it fits for you personally and is good for you.

---> Video Computer Meditation (5 min.)

See also



  Wikibooks has a book on the topic of Yoga.