Linear algebra (Osnabrück 2024-2025)/Part I/Exercise sheet 16/refcontrol

Exercise for the break

Show that, for a -vector spaceMDLD/vector space with dual spaceMDLD/dual space , the evaluation mapping

is bilinear.


Compute the determinant of the matrix

Compute the determinantMDLD/determinant of the matrix

We consider the matrixMDLD/matrix

  1. Compute the determinantMDLD/determinant of .
  2. Determine the determinant for every matrix which arise, when we remove from a row and a column.

Prove by induction that the determinant of an upper triangular matrix is equal to the product of the diagonal elements.

Prove by induction that the determinantMDLD/determinant of a lower triangular matrix is equal to the product of the diagonal elements.

Let be a field,MDLD/field let and be -vector spaces,MDLD/vector spaces and let

denote a -linear mapping.MDLD/linear mapping Show that is multilinearMDLD/multilinear and alternating.MDLD/alternating

Let be a field.MDLD/field Show that the multiplication

is multilinear.MDLD/multilinear Is it also alternating?MDLD/alternating

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let . Show that the mappingMDLD/mapping

is multilinear.MDLD/multilinear

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and denote finite index sets. Show that the mapping

given by

is multilinear.MDLD/multilinear

Check the multilinearity and the property to be alternating, directly for the determinantMDLD/determinant of a -matrix.

Check the multilinearity and the property to be alternating, directly for the determinant of a -matrix.

===Exercise Exercise 16.13


Show that, for every elementary matrixMDLD/elementary matrix , the relation


Use the image to convince yourself that, given two vectors and , the determinant of the -matrix defined by these vectors is equal (up to sign) to the area of the plane parallelogram spanned by the vectors.

Let be a -matrix.MDLD/matrix Show that


Let and let

be the associated multiplication. Compute the determinant of this map, considering it as a real-linear map


===Exercise Exercise 16.17


Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and be vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces over . Let

be a multilinear mapping,MDLD/multilinear mapping and let and . Show that


Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and denote vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces over . Let , , be generating systemsMDLD/generating systems (vs) of , . Show that a multilinear mappingMDLD/multilinear mapping

is determined by

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let denote a -vector space.MDLD/vector space Let

be a multilinearMDLD/multilinear and alternatingMDLD/alternating mapping.MDLD/mapping Let . Simplify

Let be a field.MDLD/field Show that the mappingMDLD/mapping

is multilinear,MDLD/multilinear but not alternating.MDLD/alternating

Let be a field.MDLD/field Is the mappingMDLD/mapping

multilinearMDLD/multilinear in den rows? In the columns?

===Exercise Exercise 16.22


Let be a field and . Show that the determinantMDLD/determinant

fulfills (for arbitrary and arbitrary vectors , for and for ) the equality

===Exercise Exercise 16.23


Let be the following square matrix

where and are square matrices. Prove that .

Let be a square matrix of the form

with square matrices and . Show by an example that the equality

does not hold in general.

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and denote a -vector space.MDLD/vector space Determine whether the mappingMDLD/mapping

is multilinear.MDLD/multilinear

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and denote vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces over . Let

be a multilinear mapping.MDLD/multilinear mapping Show that the set

is, in general, not a linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace of .

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and denote vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces over . Show that the set of all multilinearMDLD/multilinear mappings is, in a natural way, a vector space, denoted by .

Let be a field,MDLD/field let and be vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces over , and . Show that the set of all alternatingMDLD/alternating mappings (denoted by ) is a linear subspaceMDLD/linear subspace of (where the vector space appears -fold).

===Exercise Exercise 16.29

Let  be a

field,MDLD/field let and be -vector spaces,MDLD/vector spaces and let

denote a -linear mapping,MDLD/linear mapping Let

denote a multilinear mapping.MDLD/multilinear mapping Show that the composed mapping

is multilinear. Moreover, show that, if is alternating,MDLD/alternating then also is alternating, and that, if is bijective, also the converse holds.

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let and be vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces over . Let

denote linear mappings,MDLD/linear mappings and let

be a multilinear mapping.MDLD/multilinear mapping Show that the mapping

is also multilinear.

Compute for the  

(complex) matrixMDLD/matrix

the determinantMDLD/determinant and the inverse matrix.MDLD/inverse matrix

Determine for which the matrix

is invertible.


Let . Show that it does not make a difference, whether we compute the determinantMDLD/determinant in , in , or in .

Compute the determinant of the elementary matrices.

Compute the determinant of the matrix

Compute the determinant of the matrix

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let denote a -vector space.MDLD/vector space Let

be a multilinearMDLD/multilinear and alternatingMDLD/alternating mapping.MDLD/mapping Let . Simplify the term

Let be a field,MDLD/field and let vector spacesMDLD/vector spaces over . Let

(), denote linear mappings.MDLD/linear mappings Show that the mapping

is multilinear.MDLD/multilinear

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