Global Mountain Sustainability

This article focuses on Mountain Sustainability in global network of institutions, governmental and NGOs. It is based on Risk Management applied on mountain regions. This learning resource follows the Open Community Approach. This first initial version was created as Mountain Sustainability Support page for Capacity Building on Wikiversity as

Land slide
Road Connectivity - Land Slide Risk - Logistics: Supply Chain Risks
SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy for Mountain Regions - Learning Resouce supports the SDGs - UN-Guidelines[1]
SDG6: Mountain regions and Water Resources - Learning Resource supports the SDGs - UN-Guidelines[2]
AFrame 360-Degree Image - Look around in mountain regions by draging mouse with mouse button pressed - see Example.
Affiliation Neutral Open Innovation Repository (ANOIR)

that stores the collaborative work during workshops in a capacity building and learning environment that underlines joint ownership of developed ideas and bridging disciplinary gaps (not working in disciplinary or instituional silos). Affilations neutrality allows that a participatory joint development of mountain sustainability ideas, case studies for those individuals, who want to share their support for mountain sustainability in a joint community.

Important Remarks:

  • Please do share information of your institutions without permission your institutions,
  • even capacity building material might licencing models, that do not allow open sharing for
    • translation into a local language,
    • collaborative adaption to other international or regional requirements and constraints or
    • in specific environmental conditions of the target region for the capacity building activities.
    • Always provide rating for the capacity building material

Status of Wikiversity Page

  • alpha-version, SDG subtopics for Article missing. Just first start, needs community approval and interaction for further steps, alpha-version describes just an option as ANOIR.


  • (Permafrost - Landslides) Climate change triggers thawing of the permafrost soils, which endanger the stability of the mountain regions and probability of landslides increases.
  • (Earth Observation) Earth Observation monitoring of environmental parameters, digital elevation model (DEM) an the generation of risk and response maps for risk mitigations intervention and priority areas for implementation of risk mitigation strategies and spatial decision support systems.

Consider of SDG Topics and Indicator


The following subtopics link in this alpha-version to empty pages considering SDG topics and indicators for mountain regions. Red color means that the subpage does not exist currently.

Learning Tasks

  • Eco System Services: Mointain region provide ecosystem services even for non-mointain regions. Explore the concept of eco-system services amd define services of mountain regions.
  • Explore the Sustainable Development Goals and compare natural and man-made disasters and analyse the impact on the eco system services.
  • Explore the concept of Real World Labs and Living Labs and explain a Design Science Approach to measure impact and benefits of local tailored local implementation in mountain regions.
  • Assume an Earthquake happens in mountain regions (e.g. Nepal earthquake 2015) and explain the consequence on
    • mutual support in communities - (include local response and social coherence),
    • electricity supply,
    • water supply,
    • communication networks,
    • ...

Thematic Matrix

- Mountain Ecosystem Mountain Infrastructure Mountain Development Mountain Governance[3] and Livelihood Mountain Disaster Risk Reduction
Higher Education: Biodiversity Green Energy Small and Medium Business Enterprises, Social Cohesion of Mointain Communities 2017 Mexico earthquake
Satellite Technology: Water, Temperature, Vegetation Monitoring and environmental parameters Telemedicine in remote areas Satellite Communication, Satellite Navigation GPS-tailored decision support systems UNHCR UNDAC United Nations Disaster and Coordination Team

UN-SPIDER Programme

Vertically cross-sectional topics can be addressed in every column.

UN Agencies, Frameworks, Programmes



  • Improve the resilience due to climate change and the human expansion with the related land use, land use change (see Land Degradation Neutrality)

National Agencies


Synergy Effect for Transdisciplinary Approaches


Wikiversity on Mountain Sustainabilitsy


Mountain regions are fragile, repository of natural resources (fresh water). Institutions, governmental and non-governmental organisation can add their initiatives and innovations as an option of integration in Wikiversity to have a NPOV neutral point of view on collaborative activities in the area of mountain sustainability.

  • which is available to all participating organisations
  • which is stored organisational independent which underlines collaborative knowledge generation (in comparision exclusively stored results at a single institution) - What if one organisation stops serving an exclusively stored content?
  • joint repository with Open Content license can branch into specific development to serve specific mountain areas, different member states in the United Nations or merge seperated developement for capacity building in a affiliation neutral single learning resource or capacity building course. Key is the that shows joint challenges and similar approaches to solve problems.
  • due to the fact that most of participants know the Wiki approach but most of the participants do not know how to collaborative create a capacity building reseource jointly. This implies there will be need for initial effort at the beginning of a conference to introduce the concept of open collaborative developement of capacitiy building material.
  • Work group results we be available live during the conference and links between workgroup developement can interact during the development phase.
  • Normally the conference could provide the jointly established structure for research, developement and implementation strategies in mountain regions can be defined, while the elaborations will be performed in the after-conference phase.
  • The requirements are mentioned in different workgroups to support transdisciplinary work, while in general people are normally hesitating to work in IT-infrastructure (blog, forum, wikis, learning management systems,...) that are owned and maintained by other institutions and organisations. So the Wikiversity approach is one option to implement an open collaborative development without a specific attachment or affiliation to a single institute.
  • Many institutions have experienced that their approach to setup a forum, blog, wiki on their own have experienced that they will more or less write the blog, forum, wiki for their own members.
  • Differences between Wikipedia and Wikiversity: Wikipedia is designed in Wikipedia and Wikiversity is designed for learning resources and capacity building. Even the name "Wikiversity" lets you assume that the Wiki-infrastructure is for universities and tertiary education only the concept of Wikiversity incorporates beside
    • tertiary,
    • secondary,
    • primary,
    • pre-school and
    • non-formal education (learning resources to train farm workers in remote mountain regions)
as optional target groups.
  • first Wikipedia entry was in 2001 and if you see the result of collaborative effort until now one will identify that a large collaborative group in an open environment can accomplish a large repository of knowledge. Wikiversity is much younger and therefore the development is in a earlier stage with more options to incorporate new ideas of collaborative developement in research, development and implementation. Conferences are events in which new knowledge about mountain regions are presented and linked to other disciplines. A neutral non-discipline affiliated infrastructure for the knowledgement with a large cross-disciplinary working researcher, developers and practioners.
  • (Swarm Intelligence) A collaborative innovation system needs organisation and institutional neutrality for giving the different disciplinaries a open platform for collaboration in comparision to pushing energy systems into disaster management domain and vice-versa.
  • (Public-Private-Versioning) Quality Assurance and institutional versions of capacity building material. Institutions do have quality assured versions of their work that are released under the Creative Commons License but the institution (private versioning) can be altered by institutional staff members. Public versions of capacity building and learning resource can be altered and changed by the community for different disciplines. The Open Innovation Ecosystem of people can use of course other learning management systems that have specific features that Wikiversity does not have.
  • (IT-Service vs. Community) Institutions present their results in the journals and webportals of their disciplines. This can be complemented with an approach in Wikiversity to capacity building, that allows other disciplines to use and build on that knowledge. For collaborative efforts there are better IT infrastructures and learning management systems that can be used for specific purposes, but success of collaborative work depends on size, expertise, ... of the community working in the transdisciplinary team.

Face to face meeting is helpful to build trust and face2face is possible at conference. A support page for collaborative conference activities can be developed in a participatory form without exclusive ownership to one institution. A wikiversity prototype to use Wikiversity as a joint prototype conference documented in Wikiversity itsself provide opportunities to use an open innovation ecosystem in the context of the frame. Use discuss page to place issues.

Integration of IT


The concept of w:en:Internet_Internet of Things, transport network regard an electric vehicles

  • as an engineering product with IT capabilities or
  • as a computer/mobile device that is able to move?

Both approach incorporate the Digitalisation in crucial for monitoring, early warning, application of satellite technology and the integration in [[Risk Management] approaches and improving Risk Literacy for mountain regions.

See also



  1. UN-Guidelines for Use of SDG logo and the 17 SDG icons (2016/10) -
  2. UN-Guidelines for Use of SDG logo and the 17 SDG icons (2016/10) -
  3. Ingold, K., Balsiger, J., & Hirschi, C. (2010). Climate change in mountain regions: how local communities adapt to extreme events. Local Environment, 15(7), 651-661.