Filmmaking Basics/Creating the Temp Track

WikiU Film School - Lesson #005: Creating the Musical Temp Track
Pages of this Lesson

Current Location
Wikiversity (English) Humanities Art and Design Fine Arts Film and Television Narrative Film Production Course #01 - Learning the Basics of Filmmaking WikiU Film School - Lesson #005: Creating the Musical Temp Track

Lesson Summary


Why are we creating music so early in the filmmaking process? We need to get accurate timing for the animatic by having the actual music (or a good rough draft of the musical cues for our movie.)

And besides, creating music (or is it butchering music) is great fun!!!!

Required Reading and Research


Who is Deborah Lurie and why is she so important?

  • Start by going to for a list of the credits for the extremely talented Deborah Lurie. Notice that her first full credit as a film composer is for George Lucas In Love.
  • Skim through the article at about George Lucas In Love. Look for the part about the film score.
  • And most importantly, notice that Wikipedia does not even mention Deborah Lurie at George Lucas In Love. Amazing!!!!
  • Then download and watch George Lucas in Love.
  • Finally turn down the sound and watch this movie without music.

It is Deborah Lurie's music which makes this movie a success.

And it is the music for our movie which will make it a success.

Music For Our Movie


Our movie can be just as powerful (and hopefully as popular) as George Lucas In Love. The only way we can do that is by having music which is just as powerful as Deborah Lurie's score for George Lucas In Love.

So we have to figure out how Deborah did this and we have to do it.

Download Star Wars MIDI file


Down the midi file called "" and begin listening to it.

Make a list of the themes that you like from this midi file. If you know how, butcher the MIDI file and create shot midi files with individual themes. Email the themes to me to be posted here.

Where do we need musical themes


To be continued...