Filmmaking Basics/The Raw Script
"Seduced by the Dark Side"
editCreate your own storyboard with 160 by 90 pixel thumbnail storyboards.
The Unformatted Movie Script
editEXTERIOR - A blank walled room could be anywhere in the library
- Greg: Walks in and sees what he needs to pick up
- Greg: "I can lift it"
- Greg (contined): Tries to lean over and pick up item and hurts back
- Man in Glasses: Shakes his fingure at screen and says "Lift like forklift!" Shows how
- Man in Glasses: "Not like a crane?" Shows how
- Greg thinks for a while.
- Greg: Picks the item up like a forklift using his back
- Greg (eagerly): "Yeah, I did it!"
- Man in Glasses: Nods in approval
- Man in Glasses: "Remember lift like a forklift, make sure your path is clear and known!"
- Greg smiles.
- The End.