One highlight of the linear algebra is the Theorem of Cayley-Hamilton. In order to formulate this theorem, recall that we can plug in a square matrix into a polynomial. Here, the variable is everywhere replaced by the matrix , the powers are the -th matrix product of with itself, and the addition is the
addition of matrices. A scalar has to be interpreted as the -fold of the identity matrix. For the polynomial
and the matrix
we get
For a fixed matrix , we have the substitution mapping
This is (like the substitution mapping for an element ), a ring homomorphism, that is, the relations (see also fact)
hold. The Theorem of Cayley-Hamilton answers the question of what happens when we insert a matrix in its characteristic polynomial.
Let be a field, and let be an -matrix. Let
denote the characteristic polynomial of . Then
We consider the matrix as a matrix whose entries are in the field . The adjugate matrix
belongs also to . The entries of the adjugate matrix are by definition the determinants of -submatrices of . In the entries of this matrix, the variable occurs at most in its first power, so that, in the entries of the adjugate matrix, the variable occurs at most in its -th power. We write
with matrices
that is, we write the entries as polynomials, and we collect all coefficients referring to into a matrix. Because of fact, we have
We can write the matrix on the left according to the powers of and we get
Since these polynomials coincide, their coefficients coincide. That is, we have a system of equations
We multiply these equations from the left from top down with , yielding the system of equations
If we add the left-hand side of this system, then we just get . If we add the right-hand side, then we get , because every partial summand occurs once positively and once negatively. Hence, we have .
Let be a finite-dimensional vector space over a field , and let
denote a linear mapping. Then the characteristic polynomial of fulfills the relation
This follows immediately from fact.