Cayley-Hamilton/Matrix version/Fact/Proof


We consider the matrix as a matrix whose entries are in the field . The adjugate matrix

belongs also to . The entries of the adjugate matrix are by definition the determinants of -submatrices of . In the entries of this matrix, the variable occurs at most in its first power, so that, in the entries of the adjugate matrix, the variable occurs at most in its -th power. We write

with matrices

that is, we write the entries as polynomials, and we collect all coefficients referring to into a matrix. Because of fact, we have

We can write the matrix on the left according to the powers of and we get

Since these polynomials coincide, their coefficients coincide. That is, we have a system of equations

We multiply these equations from the left from top down with , yielding the system of equations

If we add the left-hand side of this system, then we just get . If we add the right-hand side, then we get , because every partial summand occurs once positively and once negatively. Hence, we have .