Cauchy-Riemann-Differential equation



In the following lesson, we first make an identification of the complex numbers   with the two-dimensional  -vector space  , then we consider the classical real partial derivatives and the Jacobian matrix, and investigate the relationship between complex differentiability and partial derivatives of component functions of a map from   to  . After that, the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations are proven based on these preliminary considerations.

Identification of Complex Numbers with


Let  . Since the mapping   is bijective, the inverse mapping :   maps vectors from   one-to-one back to a complex number.

Real and Imaginary Part Functions


Now, if we decompose a function   with   into its real and imaginary parts with real functions  ,   where   and  , then the total derivative of the function   has the following Jacobian matrix as its representation:  



For the complex-valued function  , give the mappings   with   explicitly.

Evaluation of the Jacobian Matrix at a Point


The evaluation of the Jacobian matrix at a point   gives the total derivative at the point   : 

Cauchy-Riemann Differential Equations


A function   is complex differentiable at   if and only if it is real differentiable and the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations hold for   with  ,   where  : :  :  are satisfied.

Relationship Between the Partial Derivatives


In the following explanations, the definition of differentiability in   to properties of the partial derivatives in the Jacobian matrix.

Part 1


If the following limit exists for   at   with   open: : , then for any sequences   in the domain   with  , we also have: : 

Part 2


Now consider only the sequences for the two following limit processes with  : : , : ,

Part 3: Limit Process for Real Part


By inserting the component functions for the real and imaginary parts  , we get with  : :  ::  :: 

Part 4: Limit Process for Imaginary Part


Applying this to the second equation, we get with  : :  ::  :: ,


Remark on Part 4


In the first summand, the fraction is extended by   , and in the second summand  , the is canceled so that the denominator becomes real-valued and   corresponds.

Part 5: Comparison of Real and Imaginary Parts


By equating the terms from (3) and (4) and comparing the real and imaginary parts, we obtain the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations.

  • Real part:  
  • Imaginary part:  

Part 6: Partial Derivative in the Direction of the Real Part


The partial derivatives in   of the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations can also be expressed in   with  ,  ,  , and  .


Part 7: Partial Derivative in the Direction of the Imaginary Part


The partial derivatives in   of the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations can also be expressed in   with  ,  ,  , and  .


Part 8: Cauchy-Riemann DGL with Functions in  


The partial derivatives of the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations can also be expressed in   with  ,  ,  : Real part:   Imaginary part:  

Theorem - Cauchy-Riemann DGL


Let   be an open subset. The function   is complex differentiable at a point  . Then, the partial derivatives of   and   exist at  , and the following Cauchy-Riemann differential equations hold:  


Remark on CR-DGL


In this case, the derivative of   at the point   can be represented in two ways using the component functions   and  :   The proof of the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations uses a comparison of the real and imaginary parts to derive the above equations.



The proof considers two directional derivatives:

  • (DG1) the derivative in the direction of the real part and
  • (DG2) the derivative in the direction of the imaginary part.

Since these coincide for complex differentiability, the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations are obtained by setting them equal and comparing the real and imaginary parts.

Step 1 - Derivative in the Direction of the Real Part


In the first step, let   converge to 0 in the direction of the real part. To achieve this, choose   with  . The decomposition of the function   into its real part   and imaginary part   then yields (DG1).

Step 2 - Calculation of the Derivative - Real Part



Step 3 - Derivative in the Direction of the Imaginary Part


Similarly, the partial derivative for the imaginary part can be considered with   and  . This yields equation (DG2).

Step 4 - Calculation of the Derivative - Imaginary Part



Step 5 - Equating the Derivatives


By equating the two derivatives, one can compare the real and imaginary parts of the two derivatives (DG1) and (DG2):  

Step 6 - Comparison of Real and Imaginary Parts


Two complex numbers are equal if and only if their real and imaginary parts are equal. This results in the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations. The two representation formulas follow from the above equation and the Cauchy-Riemann equations.

See also


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