Brezhoneg Daoù/Lesson 1

Kentel 1: Verbs

This Lesson contains a few common verbs you will need to know for a conversation.

Vocabulary / Geriagoueg

  • Note : The examples use different tenses (present, imperative, past, ...). These tenses are explained later on ... so, don't worry!
Brezhoneg English Example
Mont (or monet in Gwenedeg) To go Ret eo din mont da Gemper
I must go to Kemper
Bout' or Bezañ To be Laouen on
I am happy
Anavezout To know Bro-Saoz a anavezan mat
I know well England
Gouzout To know Me a oar mat brezhoneg
I know well Breton
Deskiñ To learn Deskit brezhoneg !
Learn Breton!
Kregiñ To start Kroget em eus da zeskiñ brezhoneg
I have started to learn Breton
Echuiñ To end Echuet eo va labour ganin
I have finished my work
Debriñ To eat Un aval a zebran
I eat an apple
Evañ To drink Kafe a evomp
We drink coffee
Ober To do / To make Trouz a rejont e-pad an noz
They made noise all along the night
Dont (or Donet in Gwenedeg) To come Deus buan !
Come quick!
C'hoari To play Deus da c'hoari ganin !
Come and play with me!
Karout To love Karet out ganin
I love you
Kaozeal To speak Gant piv e c'hellin kaozeal a-zivout ar gavadenn-se?
With whom will I be able to speak about this finding?
Lavarout or Lavaret To say Ha me a lavar hag a lavaro...
And I say and will say...
Skrivañ To write Ul lizher hir a skrivomp
We write a long letter
Lenn To read Ul levr a lennit
You read a book
Kazout To hate Ar big he deus kazet he neizh
The magpie has started to hate her nest
(from a person that will not come back home)
Mennout To will Mennout a rit staliañ anezho ?
Do you want to install them?
Prederiañ To think Met pa brederian warno ur wech an amzer...
But when I think of them from times to times...
Genel To beget Me zo bet ganet e-kreiz ar mor...
I was born in the middle of the sea...
(excerpt of a poem)
Gwelout or Gwelet To see Plijet on o welout ac'hanout
I am glad to see you
Sellout To look Sell 'ta piv !
Look now who's coming!
Mervel To die Ret eo d'an holl mervel teir gwech...
All must die three times...
(excerpt from a song in Barzhaz Breizh)
Komz To speak / To chat Komzit brezhoneg d'ho pugale !
Speak Breton to your children!
Labourat To work Bevomp ha labouromp e Kreiz-Breizh !
Let's live and work in Central Brittany!
Gwerzhañ To sell Gwerzhet em eus ma c'harr
I have sold my car
Kemer To take Kemerit ho amzer!
Take your time!
Degemer To receive Dec'h hor boa degemeret ho koulenn
We received your request yesterday
'Kas To send Kasit ul lizher dezho !
Send a latter to them!


As in the previous courses, do this exercise.

Ex 1

Write out the Breton words, section by section.

Have 2 columns, clearly separated, and write Breton and English. Then cover up one column (eg. English) with paper and write the corresponding words on the paper. Then try it the other way round, cover up the Breton, and write out the words using the English as cues. This will be a little bit more difficult.

Repeat all this after an interval, the more you do it the easier you will remember the words.

Ex 2

Now, this will be a little more difficult.

Take the following verbs , and put them down on paper:
Skrivañ • Echuiñ • Karout • Kas • Sellout • Mervel • Kregiñ • Kemer • Mont • Dont

Now, Each one has an opposite. Now re-write the positives beside them.

Cover up the original list, and write the list in English as before.
Karout - Love
Skrivañ - Write

And again cover up the Breton, but write the English Opposite.
e.g. Love- HateWrite - Read
Now, cover up the first English column, and write the Breton for the 2nd English.
e.g. Hate - KazoutRead - Lenn

Cover up the English and write the opposites again.
e.g. Kazout - KaroutLenn - Skrivañ

Then back to the begginning again!
e.g. Karout - LoveSkrivañ - Write

Carry on doing this until you can do it with ease.

Again, you will learn these verbs really quite quickly while doing this.

But you can also use adjectives

Bras (big)Bihan (small)Bras etc.

And nouns

Mamm (mother)Tad (father)Mamm etc.

You can include as many words as you want.

Ar vaouez vihan (The small woman)an den bras (the big person)ar vaouez vras etc.

You can do practically anything with this.

If you want to, you can go back to Brezhoneg Unan and use this technique as a test to see if you remember them.
If you wish to, add more verbs to your list, and if you find a pair of verbs (e.g. Love/Hate) add them firstly to the complete list and then to the smaller list in Ex 2.

Completion status: this resource is ~50% complete.