Bloom Clock/Keys/Southeastern Pennsylvania/July/Yellow Flowers

The plants pictured below have been recorded as blooming during the month of July in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Taraxacum officinale


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Profile for Taraxacum officinale (Common Dandelion)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:rosette-forming herbaceous plant with a long taproot
Flowers:Head, flowers are all ray-like
Foliage:Basal only, pinnately lobed
Stem:flower stems are hollow with a milky sap
Scent:mild, "sunny"
Growing Conditions:sunny and partly-shaded, well drained soils, drought intolerant
Fruit:achene with a silky pappus
Similar Plants:Hypochoeris radicata, Sonchus
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Winter, Late Winter, Early Spring, Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Linaria vulgaris


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Profile for Linaria vulgaris (Butter and Eggs)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:spreading herbaceous plant
Flowers:Snapdragon-like, yellow
Foliage:Simple, covered in a white, waxy bloom
Fruit:Dry capsules
Life Cycle: Perennial
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Rudbeckia fulgida

Plant covered in flowers

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Profile for Rudbeckia fulgida (Blackeyed Susan, Orange Coneflower)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:colonizing herbaceous plant
Flowers:Heads with cone-shaped black disks and orange rays
Foliage:simple, rough to the touch
Stem:Freely branching
Life Cycle: perennial
Similar Plants:Sometimes confused with Rudbeckia hirta
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Verbascum blattaria


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Profile for Verbascum blattaria (Moth Mullein)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Mid Fall


Flower of H. fulva, one of the most commonly encountered daylilies

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Profile for Hemerocallis (Daylily)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:clumping herbaceous plant
Flowers:3 petals and 3 sepals nearly equal. Each flower lasts only one day.
Foliage:Basal, straplike
Life Cycle: Perennial
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall

Oxalis stricta

Flowers and foliage

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Profile for Oxalis stricta (Common Yellow Woodsorrel)
Identifying Characteristics
Flowers:5 petals, yellow
Foliage:Trifoliate, leaflets heart-shaped
Stem:Slender, green
Fruit:Explosive capsules
Life Cycle: Annual
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Euphorbia lathyris

Flowering plant

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Profile for Euphorbia lathyris (Caper Spurge)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Early Winter

Viola tricolor


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Profile for Viola tricolor (Heartsease, Johnny-jump-up)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall

Rudbeckia hirta

Flowering plant

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Profile for Rudbeckia hirta (Gloriosa Daisy)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Flowers:Heads with brown disk florets and yellow or orange rays
Life Cycle: Perennial
Similar Plants:easily confused with Rudbeckia fulgida
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Late Fall

Verbascum thapsus

Flowers on spike

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Profile for Verbascum thapsus (Mullein)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Flowers:Yellow with 5 petals arranged in clusters on a spike produced in the second year.
Foliage:Rosettes, hairy, thick.
Life Cycle: Biennial
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall

Lactuca serriola


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Profile for Lactuca serriola (Prickly Lettuce)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Foliage:Spined, simple
Life Cycle: Annual
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Global data:

Impatiens capensis

Flowers and foliage

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Profile for Impatiens capensis (Jewelweed)
Identifying Characteristics
Growing Conditions:Moist soils
Fruit:Explosive capsules
Life Cycle: Annual
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall

Chelidonium majus

Flowers, foliage, and buds

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Profile for Chelidonium majus (Greater Celandine)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Flowers:4 showy petals, many anthers, yellow.
Foliage:Pinnately compound with lobed leaflets.
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall


Flowers of cv. 'Red Crusade'

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Profile for Gladiolus (Gladiolus)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs

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Global data:

Mandevilla x amabilis

cv. 'Best Red'

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Profile for Mandevilla x amabilis (Mandevilla)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs
  • SBJ 10:00, 27 July 2007 (UTC)

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Global data:

Viola x wittrockiana

A Purple-flowered variety

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Profile for Viola x wittrockiana (Pansy)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Short-lived, low-growing perennial, with mostly cool season blooms
Higher taxa:Viola

Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring, Mid Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Allium flavum

Allium flavum, inflorescence

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Profile for Allium flavum (Yellow flowering onion)
Identifying Characteristics

This page contains recent bloom logs for the plant Allium flavum (Yellow Flowering Onion).

If you saw this plant blooming today (or sometime within the last 3 days), you can help improve the bloom clock by logging it. Just click on "edit" next to the Recent Logs heading, add *~~~~ (an asterisk followed by four tildes) on a new line just below the last signature, and then click "save page". This will add your signature and the date to log the plant.

Please make sure you've signed up on the contributors' page so that we can know the location of the plant you saw blooming and use your contribution to create a flora for your region! When you're done, you can go back to one of the main pages and find logs of other flowers you might have seen today.

Recent Logs
Archived Logs

(If there are more than 5 signatures under the recent logs heading, move the oldest logs to under this heading (generally leave the 3 most recent).

Global data:

Matricaria discoidea


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Profile for Matricaria discoidea (Pineappleweed)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Herbaceous forb
Flowers:Discoid heads
Foliage:The leaves are pinnately dissected and sweet-scented when crushed.
Stem:The plant grows 3 to 12 inches (7.5 - 30 cm) high.
Scent:The flowers exude a chamomile/pineapple aroma when crushed.
Growing Conditions:Disturbed areas, especially those with poor, compacted soil. It can be seen blooming on footpaths, roadsides, and similar places in spring and early summer.
Life Cycle: Annual
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer

Stylophorum diphyllum


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Profile for Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine poppy)
Identifying Characteristics
Flowers:4 showy petals, numerous anthers, all yellow
Foliage:hairy beneath and on the petioles
Life Cycle: perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer

Digitalis lutea


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Profile for Digitalis lutea (Yellow Foxglove)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Flowers:On spikes, tubular and yellow
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:

Sedum kamtschaticum

Flowers and foliage

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Profile for Sedum kamtschaticum (Stonecrop)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Creeping succulent plant
Life Cycle: Perennial
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall

Cucumis sativus

Flower and foliage

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Profile for Cucumis sativus (Cucumber)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Trailing or climbing vine, tendrilled
Foliage:Palmately lobed
Fruit:A pepo (the cucumber)
Life Cycle: Annual

BCP/Cucumis sativus/Logs
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Global data:

Lonicera japonica

Flowers and foliage

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Profile for Lonicera japonica (Japanese Honeysuckle)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Twining vine
Flowers:In terminal clusters, tubular, white or yellow (both colors often appearing on the same plant)
Foliage:Simple, opposite
Scent:Flowers are sweetly scented
Life Cycle: Woody perennial
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Antirrhinum majus

Plants in bloom

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Profile for Antirrhinum majus (Snapdragon)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Foliage:Simple, opposite
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Fall

Tagetes erecta


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Profile for Tagetes erecta (Marigold)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer Mid Summer, Early Fall

Lilium orientale


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Profile for Lilium orientale (Oriental Lily)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Erect herbaceous plant
Flowers:3 petals, 3 sepals, 6 anthers, one style.
Foliage:Simple, waxy
Scent:Strong, floral scent from open flowers
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Rudbeckia laciniata


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Profile for Rudbeckia laciniata (Greenheaded Coneflower)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Erect herbaceous plant
Foliage:deeply lobed on lover leaves, unlobed on upper leaves
Growing Conditions:most common in moist to wet soils
Life Cycle: perennial
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Global data:

Cucurbita pepo

Female flower

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Profile for Cucurbita pepo (Summer Squash)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:

Rorippa sylvestris

Plant in bloom

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Profile for Rorippa sylvestris (Field Yellowcress)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Spreading herb
Flowers:Corymbs of yellow flowers, 4 yellow petals
Foliage:Pinnatifid, dark green
Stem:Purplish, flexible
Scent:mild, mustard-like
Similar Plants:Can be mistaken for Barbarea vulgaris or Barbarea verna
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Lilium canadense


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Profile for Lilium canadense (Canada Lily)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Erect herbaceous plant
Flowers:Borne on the top of the plant, pointing downward
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:

Rudbeckia triloba

Flowers covering plant

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Profile for Rudbeckia triloba (Browneyed Susan)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:upright forb, freely branching
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Global data:

Tragopogon dubius


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Profile for Tragopogon dubius (Western Salsify)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:

Cucumis melo


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Profile for Cucumis melo (Melon)
Identifying Characteristics

This page contains recent bloom logs for the plant Cucumis melo (Melon). If you saw this plant blooming today (or sometime within the last 3 days), you can help improve the bloom clock by logging it. Just click on "edit" next to the Recent Logs heading, add *~~~~ (an asterisk followed by four tildes) on a new line just below the last signature, and then click "save page". This will add your signature and the date to log the plant.

Please make sure you've signed up on the contributors' page so that we can know the location of the plant you saw blooming and use your contribution to create a flora for your region! When you're done, you can go back to one of the main pages and find logs of other flowers you might have seen today.

Recent Logs
Archived Logs

(If there are more than 5 signatures under the recent logs heading, move the oldest logs to under this heading (generally leave the 3 most recent).

Global data:

Medicago lupulina

Flowers and foliage

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Profile for Medicago lupulina (Black Medick)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:spreading herbaceous plant
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Coreopsis verticillata

Plant in full flower

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Profile for Coreopsis verticillata (Threadleaf Coreopsis)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Colonizing herbaceous perennial
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:

Senecio vulgaris

Stems and flowers

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Profile for Senecio vulgaris (Common Groundsel)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Low growing but upright herbaceous plant
Flowers:Enclosed heads
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Winter, Late Winter, Early Spring, Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Fall

Acalypha rhomboidea

Flowering plant

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Profile for Acalypha rhomboidea (Common Three-seeded mercury)
Identifying Characteristics
Flowers:Tiny yellow flowers grow in leaf axils. Four sepals, female flowers are apetalous.
Foliage:Thin, lanceolate leaves with crenate margins. Dark green above, purplish below.
Life Cycle: Annual
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall

Sonchus asper

Head and foliage

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Profile for Sonchus asper (Spiny Sowthistle)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:erect herbaceous plant
Flowers:yellow heads
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Global data:

Corydalis lutea

Flowers and foliage

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Profile for Corydalis lutea (Yellow Corydalis)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Mound-forming, colonizing herbaceous plant
Flowers:Tubular, spurred, yellow
Foliage:Pinnately compound, somewhat glaucus
Stem:Weak, sappy
Fruit:Explosive pods
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Asclepias tuberosa

Inflorescence of a yellow-flowered form

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Profile for Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Life Cycle: Perennial
Recent Logs

Global data:

last updated 11:25, 19 October 2007 (UTC) with 40 plants