Bloom Clock/Keys/Global/Temperate/Early Fall/Pink Flowers

Viola x wittrockiana

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This page is part of the global dichotomous key for plants recorded as blooming in Early Fall.

These plants have the following traits:

  • Pink flowers

A Purple-flowered variety

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Profile for Viola x wittrockiana (Pansy)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Short-lived, low-growing perennial, with mostly cool season blooms
Higher taxa:Viola

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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Spring, Mid Spring, Mid Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Chrysanthemum x morifolium

Flowering plants

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Profile for Chrysanthemum x morifolium (Hardy Chrysanthemum, Mum)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Phlox paniculata

Inflorescence of a pink variety

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Profile for Phlox paniculata (Garden Phlox)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Flowers:Corolla tubular with 5 showy lobes
Stem:green, stiff
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Lonicera x heckrottii

Flower cluster and foliage

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Profile for Lonicera x heckrottii (Flame Honeysuckle)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Twining vine
Flowers:in terminal clusters, tubular, red to pink, with orange to yellow throats
Foliage:opposite, sessile, upper leaves clasping the stems
Fruit:bright red drupes
Life Cycle: perennial woody vine
Similar Plants:sometimes confused with L. sempervirens
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Winter, Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Vinca minor

flowers and young foliage

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Profile for Vinca minor (Periwinkle)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:prostrate vine, rooting at the nodes
Foliage:simple, opposite, evergreen
Life Cycle: perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Winter, Mid Winter, Early Spring, Mid Spring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Polygonum pensylvanicum

Polygonum pensylvanicum

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Profile for Polygonum pensylvanicum (Pennsylvania Smartweed)
Identifying Characteristics
Flowers:cluster of pink flowers in a spike.
Foliage:long, narrow leaves with prominent midrib. Veins are parallel to one another, originating at the midrib and progressing towards the edge of the leaf. Margin is entire.
Stem:Jointed branches are covered with a papery sheath.
Life Cycle: Annual
Similar Plants:Easily mistaken for Persicaria maculosa
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Persicaria maculosa


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Profile for Persicaria maculosa (Lady's Thumb)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Erect herbaceous plant
Flowers:On dense terminal spikes with a pink calyx and white corolla
Life Cycle: Annual
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Cleome hassleriana

Inflorescence and foliage of cv. 'Violet Queen'

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Profile for Cleome hassleriana (Spider Flower)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Stem:Stiff, with sharp thorns, covered in leafy bracts
Fruit:Elongated pods
Life Cycle: Annual
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Aster novae-angliae


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Profile for Aster novae-angliae (New England Aster)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Erect, bushy herbaceous plant
Flowers:Heads with yellow disk florets and purple (sometimes pink, white, or red) rays
Foliage:Simple, alternate
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Petunia x hybrida


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Profile for Petunia x hybrida (Petunia)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:

Sedum spurium


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Profile for Sedum spurium (Stonecrop)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Creeping forb
Stem:waxy, fragile
Life Cycle: perennial
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Hesperis matronalis

Closeup of purple flowers, flowers can range from white through pink, purple, or red

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Profile for Hesperis matronalis (Dame's Rocket)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright forb
Flowers:4 showy petals
Scent:Strong, sweet scent in early morning and evening
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Late Summer, Mid Fall

Rosa 'Knockout'

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Profile for Rosa 'Knockout' (Knockout Rose)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Anemone x hybrida


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Profile for Anemone x hybrida (Japanese Anemone)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Herbaceous perennial with rhizomatous stems
Foliage:Lower leaves trifoliate, upper leaves simple, lobed and rouchly haired
Growing Conditions:Woodland, shade, partshade, tolerant of dry conditions
Life Cycle: perennial
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Securigera varia


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Profile for Securigera varia (Crown Vetch)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Spreading semi-herbaceous plant
Flowers:Small, pea-like flowers on a crown-like head
Foliage:Pinnately compound
Stem:Thin, wire-like
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall


Hybrid begonias

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Profile for Begonia (Begonia)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Impatiens walleriana

Closeup of flower

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Profile for Impatiens walleriana (Busy-lizzie, Impatiens)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:

Buddleja davidii


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Profile for Buddleja davidii (Butterfly Bush)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Arching shrub
Foliage:Simple, rough, opposite
Stem:Hollow pith
Scent:Flowers are sweetly scented
Fruit:Dry capsules
Life Cycle: Perennial shrub
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Dianthus armeria


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Profile for Dianthus armeria (Deptford Pink)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall

Spiraea japonica


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Profile for Spiraea japonica (Japanese Spiraea)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Dense shrub
Foliage:simple, alternate, often yellow in cultivated varieties
Life Cycle: perennial shrub
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall

Polygonum sagittatum


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Profile for Polygonum sagittatum (Arrowleaf tearthumb)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:



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Profile for Rosa (Rose)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Thorny shrubs
Foliage:alternate, pinnately compound
Fruit:small pomes (hips)
Life Cycle: perennial shrub
Subclass plants:Rosa canina

Rosa multiflora
Rosa palustris
Rosa rugosa

Rosa 'Peace'

Rosa 'Pink Knockout'
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall Mid Fall, Late Fall

Trifolium repens


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Profile for Trifolium repens (White Clover)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Low, spreading herbaceous plant
Stem:Creeping, rooting at the nodes
Life Cycle: perennial
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall

Sedum spectabile


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Profile for Sedum spectabile (Showy Stonecrop)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Fall, Mid Fall

Lagerstroemia indica

Inflorescences and foliage

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Profile for Lagerstroemia indica (Crape Myrtle)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Large shrub or small tree
Fruit:Dry, persistent capsule
Life Cycle: perennial shrub or tree
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall

Verbascum blattaria


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Profile for Verbascum blattaria (Moth Mullein)
Identifying Characteristics
Recent Logs

Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Mid Fall

Pentas lanceolata

Flowers of a white variety

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Profile for Pentas lanceolata (Pentas)
Identifying Characteristics

This page contains recent bloom logs for the plant Pentas lanceolata (Pentas).

If you saw this plant blooming today (or sometime within the last 3 days), you can help improve the bloom clock by logging it. Just click on "edit" next to the Recent Logs heading, add *~~~~ (an asterisk followed by four tildes) on a new line just below the last signature, and then click "save page". This will add your signature and the date to log the plant.

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Global data:

Zinnia violacea


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Profile for Zinnia violacea (Zinnia)
Identifying Characteristics
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Global data:

Trifolium pratense


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Profile for Trifolium pratense (Red Clover)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Spreading herbaceous plant
Foliage:trifoliate with pale zones on the leaflets
Fruit:tiny legumes
Life Cycle: perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Late Spring, Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Mid Fall, Late Fall

Lythrum salicaria

Flowering plant

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Profile for Lythrum salicaria (Purple Loosestrife)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:bushy herbaceous plant
Growing Conditions:Most frequent in wet soils, though also widely cultivated in gardens
Life Cycle: perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall

Begonia grandis

Flowering plant

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Profile for Begonia grandis (Hardy begonia)
Identifying Characteristics
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Lathyrus odoratus

closeup of flowers

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Profile for Lathyrus odoratus (Sweet Pea)
Identifying Characteristics
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Flower of cv. 'Autumn Fairy'

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Profile for Dahlia (Dahlia)
Identifying Characteristics
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Hibiscus syriacus


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Profile for Hibiscus syriacus (Garden Hibiscus)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Tree or shrub
Foliage:Simple, lobed
Fruit:Dry capsules
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Achillea sibirica


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Profile for Achillea sibirica (Sibirian Yarrow)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright to mounded
Foliage:pinnately lobed, narrow, dark green
Life Cycle: Perennial

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Torenia fournieri


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Profile for Torenia fournieri (Wishbone Flower)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Low growing herbaceous plant
Foliage:simple, opposite
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Flower of H. fulva, one of the most commonly encountered daylilies

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Profile for Hemerocallis (Daylily)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:clumping herbaceous plant
Flowers:3 petals and 3 sepals nearly equal. Each flower lasts only one day.
Foliage:Basal, straplike
Life Cycle: Perennial
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Global data:
Temperate zone season(s): Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall

Salvia vanhouttei

Form and inflorescences of a red-flowered variety

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Profile for Salvia vanhouttei (Salvia)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Upright herbaceous plant
Flowers:Tubular, 2-lipped, red through pink and purple
Foliage:Simple, opposite
Stem:Square in cross section
Life Cycle: Perennial
Similar Plants:Similar to Salvia splendens, but the spikes are larger and looser (sometimes considered a subspecies)

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Clethra alnifolia


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Profile for Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet)
Identifying Characteristics
Habit:Suckering shrub
Flowers:Upright panicles
Foliage:Simple, serrate margins
Life Cycle: Perennial woody shrub
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Last updated 11:37, 22 February 2008 (UTC) from the DPL page with 39 plants.