3D Modelling/Create 3D Models/AR.js/3D Positions

In the JSON3D4Aframe you can define geometric primitives like

  • boxes,
  • spheres,
  • tubes,
  • cones,
  • planes,
  • triangles,
  • text
  • ...
Crystal structure of sodium chloride (table salt)
Coordinate System

in the coordinate system (x,y,z) and generate basic 3D models for visualisations. By combination of selected primitives 3D models of create e.g. crystal lattices.

Names for Geometric Primitives


If your model consists of a large number of geometric primitives it is recommended to provide proper names for the 3D objects. The default 3D model is a water molecule, that consists of 2 white spheres for Hydrogen and 1 red sphere for Oxygen.

Hydrogen 1 (left)
Hydrogen 2 (right)

The webbased tool created for this learning resourc in Wikiversity is JSON3D4Aframe. The tool allow sthe set an individual name/comment for all geometric primitives. Use appropriate names for the spheres.

Blue Sphere X0-Y0-Z0
Green Sphere X1-Y0-Z0
Blue Sphere X1-Y1-Z0
Green Sphere X0-Y1-Z0

Notation: X-right/width, Y-up/height, Z-backward/depth



For learners it is recommended to play around with the default model of the water molecule:

  • change the xyz-coordinates, e.g.
   0.0 1.0 -4.0
as an triple of x, y, z coordinates.
  • change the size x in direction (radius) of the sphere and
  • place another geometric primitive in the 3D scene by pressing the add-Button in JSON3D4Aframe

Learn to calculate the coordinates of the objects with a spreadsheet document (e.g. in LibreOffice Calc)

External Resources


See also
