Wright State University Lake Campus/Showcase/2016-9/Eng 1100/The Best Gift Comparison "Compare and Contrast"

"Compare and Contrast"

Buick Verano

In a paragraph, compare and contrast the best gift you have ever been given to any other previous gifts.

The Best Gift Comparison

English 1100

October 12, 2016

The absolute best gift I have ever received is my Buick Verano. Unlike any other gift it has taught me responsibility in life beyond what any item of jewelry could ever teach me. That responsibility of cleaning it, driving it well, continuously checking fluids, and preparing it for any potential special circumstance has taught me how to continuously care and prepare for other responsibilities in my life. It is the most excellent also, because it has become a part of my everyday life driving me to class, home, practice, my siblings to their activities, or on any adventure. No other gift can keep giving like it does.