Wise Living Toolkit

It is wise to allow more people to meet more of their needs.

Resources to help you live more wisely are assembled here for your use.

We can wisely create our future!

For Everyone:


Freely Available Learning Resources


These on-line courses are freely available worldwide.

  • The Wise Path provides a guide to learning resources and practices that can enable you to live more wisely.
  • The Living Wisely curriculum is a portal into many wisdom-related course materials.
  • The Applied Wisdom curriculum provides direct access to many wisdom-related learning resources.

Relevant Blogs


These blogs provide wise advice and insights.

Reading Lists


Reading these books can help you become wiser.

  • Wisdom – a list of books to help you progress toward wisdom.
  • How can it be – a list of books that describe possibilities for a wiser future.
  • Attaining Belief – a list of books describing how our beliefs originate and are shaped over time.
  • Creating Possibilities – a list of books that help us solve problems, clarify and reframe problems, create alternative solutions, think creativity, and choose a better path forward.
  • Secular Ethics – a list of books that help you decide the right thing to do.
  • Rethinking Money – books on this list highlight problems with today's dominant money systems or suggest alternatives to those systems.



Wise Practices


Actions express wisdom. We invite you to attain these skills required to practice wisdom, and live wisely.

Origins and Progression of Wisdom
  1. Take care. Give care
  2. Uphold the four agreements.
  3. Advance no falsehoods.
  4. Know how you know.
  5. Embrace reality and face facts.
  6. Seek true beliefs. Insist on intellectual honesty.
  7. Practice dialogue and candor.
  8. Become emotionally competent.
  9. Live the moral virtues.
  10. Respect dignity and preserve human rights, worldwide.
  11. Live the Golden Rule.
  12. Clarify your moral reasoning.
  13. Adopt a global perspective.
  14. Focus on what matters.
  15. Undertake the grand challenges.
  16. Do good.
  17. Enjoy seeking real good throughout your life.
  18. Choose to live wisely.
  19. Find common ground.
  20. Come together.

Many people find that regular practices such as meditating or journaling help them live more wisely.



We can apply wise practices to several real good projects and help to transform our world, now and into the future.

  1. Advancing human rights, worldwide may be the most effective action we can take to address many of the world’s greatest challenges. These include war, refugee displacements, immigration issues, oppression, torture, jehad, terrorism, poverty, access to education, systemic inequality, endemic diseases, and many more. We can progress beyond Olympic gold. We can advance human rights, worldwide.
  2. We can directly address the grand challenges, the greatest, most pervasive and persistent problems facing humanity that also offer the most promising opportunities. We can choose to make addressing the grand challenges our priority.
  3. By evolving governments we can become more agile and better meet human needs, worldwide.
  4. We can work to ensure the future that emerges embraces pro-social values.

For Academics


For many years philosopher Nicholas Maxwell has advocated a specific plan to transform academia from knowledge inquiry to wisdom inquiry. His approach is described by the following materials.

The Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society provides a collaborative space for scholars to come together, in reflecting on the values of the university as an institution and on higher education as educational practices.



Philosophy is literally “love of wisdom”. More practically, philosophy is what happens when we begin to think for ourselves.

These resources provide in-depth treatments of many philosophical issues and can help us live more wisely.

  • The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) combines an online encyclopedia of philosophy with peer-reviewed publication of original papers in philosophy, freely accessible to Internet users.
  • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP) is a scholarly online encyclopedia, dealing with philosophy, philosophical topics, and philosophers.
  • RationalWiki is an online wiki which is written from a scientific skeptic, secular, and progressive perspective. Its stated goals are to “analyze and refute pseudoscience and the anti-science movement, document crank ideas, explore conspiracy theories, authoritarianism, and fundamentalism, and analyze how these subjects are handled in the media.”
  • PhilPapers is an interactive academic database of journal articles in philosophy.
  • PhilPeople is an online directory of philosophers, a social network for philosophers, and a tool for keeping up with the philosophical profession.
  • A philosophy curriculum is emerging on Wikiversity. You may wish to help develop those courses.

For Researchers


Explore the frontiers of wisdom.