Wireshark is a free and open source packet analyzer used for network troubleshooting and analysis. These activities will show you how to use Wireshark to capture network traffic.

Readings edit

  1. Wireshark: User's Guide

Preparation edit

To prepare for this activity:

  1. Start Windows.
  2. Log in if necessary.
  3. Install Wireshark.

Activity 1 - Capture Network Traffic edit

To capture network traffic:

  1. Start a Wireshark capture.
  2. Open a web browser and navigate to a favorite web site.
  3. Stop the Wireshark capture.
  4. Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane.
  5. Select a packet you want to analyze.
  6. Observe the packet details in the middle Wireshark packet details pane.
  7. Expand various protocol containers to view detailed protocol information.
  8. Close Wireshark to complete this activity. Quit without Saving to discard the captured traffic.

References edit