

Let   be a cycle in  , and let   be a point that   does not intersect. Then


is called the *winding number* of   around  .=== Motivation === First, consider the case where   consists of a single closed curve. Then   is homologous in   to an  -fold (for some  ) traversed circle   around   with  . Now,


Thus, this integral counts how many times the curve   winds around the point  .



Let the closed integration path   be defined as:


1. Plot the trace of the integration path.

2. Determine the winding number  .

3. Determine the winding number  .

4. Determine the winding number  .

Additivity of the Integral


For a cycle   with closed  , due to the additivity of the integral, we have


Thus, the winding number also counts how many times the point   is encircled.

Length of the Cycle


For a cycle   with closed  , the length of the cycle is defined additively over the lengths of the individual integration paths:


See Also


Translation and Version Control


This page was translated based on the following [ Wikiversity source page] and uses the concept of Translation and Version Control for a transparent language fork in a Wikiversity:

  • Date: 12/17/2024