Complex Analysis/Cauchy's Integral Theorem for Disks

The Cauchy Integral Formula (named after Augustin-Louis Cauchy) is one of the fundamental results of Complex Analysis, a branch of mathematics. In its weakest form, it states that the values of a holomorphic function inside a disk are completely determined by its values on the boundary of that disk. A powerful generalization of this is the Residue theorem.

Cauchy Integral Formula for Disks




Let   be open,   holomorphic,   a point in  , and   a bounded disk in  . Then for all   (i.e., for all   with  ), the following holds: :  Here,   denotes the positively oriented curve   for   along the boundary of the disk  .

Proof 1


For a fixed  , the function   defined by   for   und   for  .   is steadily on   and holomorphic on  . By the Cauchy Integral Theorem, we now have: : .

Proof 2


The function  ,   is holomorphic with the derivative  , which vanishes since the integrand has an antiderivative (namely  ). Therefore,   is constant, and since  , we have  .

Consequences of the Cauchy Integral Theorem


The Cauchy Integral Theorem (CIS) leads to the following corollaries:

Representation of the Function at the Center of the Disk


For every holomorphic function, the function value at the center of a circle is the average of the function values on the circle's boundary. Use  . Test: : 

Derivatives - Cauchy Integral Formula - CIF


Every holomorphic function is infinitely complex differentiable, and each of these derivatives is also holomorphic. Expressed using the integral formula, this means for   and  : : 

Local Developability in Power Series


Every holomorphic function can be locally expanded into a power series for  .


Using the integral formula for  , it immediately follows that the coefficients   are exactly the Taylor coefficients.

Estimation of the Taylor Series Coefficients


For the coefficients, the following estimate holds when   for  : :  The Liouville Theorem (every holomorphic function bounded on the entire complex plane is constant) can be easily proven using the integral formula. This can then be used to easily prove the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (every polynomial in   factors into linear factors). Here's the translation with the specified conditions:

Proof 1


The Cauchy integral formula is differentiated partially, allowing differentiation and integration to be swapped:


Proof 2a: Cauchy Kernel


Developing   in the Cauchy integral formula using the geometric series gives (Cauchy kernel):


Proof 2: Cauchy Kernel - Taylor Series


Proof 2b: Cauchy Kernel


Since the geometric series converges uniformly for  , one can integrate term by term, i.e., swap the sum and the integral. The development coefficients are:


Proof 3: Estimation of the Coefficients


For the coefficients  , the following estimate holds. There exists a   such that   for  . Then, for  , we have:


Proof 4: Liouville's Theorem


If   is holomorphic on all of   and bounded, i.e.,   for all  , then, as before, for all  , we have:


Since   was arbitrary, it follows that   for all  . Therefore, from the boundedness of  , we conclude:


Thus, every bounded holomorphic function on all of   is constant (Liouville's theorem).



Using the integral formula, integrals can also be computed:


Cauchy Integral Formula for Cycles


A generalization of the integral formula for circular contours is the version for cycles:

Let   be a domain,   holomorphic, and   a zero homologous cycle in  . Then, for all   not on  , the following integral formula holds:


Here,   denotes the winding number or revolution of   around  .

Cauchy Integral Formula for Polycycles


The Cauchy integral formula has been generalized to the multidimensional complex space  . Let   be disk domains in  , then   is a Polycylinder in  . Let   be a holomorphic function and  . The Cauchy integral formula is given by


Restrictions in Multidimensional Space


Since the Cauchy integral theorem does not hold in higher-dimensional space, this formula cannot be derived analogously to the one-dimensional case. Therefore, this integral formula is derived using induction from the Cauchy integral formula for disk domains. Using the multi-index notation, the formula can be simplified to:


with  .



Polycycles are defined using a vector of radii, where   and   is the radius of the polycycle  .<ref> for the derivatives of the holomorphic Function   as well as Cauchy's inequality


See also





  • Kurt Endl, Wolfgang Luh: Analysis. Volume 3: Function Theory, Differential Equations. 6th revised edition. Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden 1987, ISBN 3-89104-456-9, p. 153, Theorem 4.9.1.
  • Wolfgang Fischer, Ingo Lieb: Function Theory. 7th improved edition. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1994, ISBN 3-528-67247-1, p. 60, Chapter 3, Theorem 2.2 (Vieweg-Studium. Advanced Mathematics Course 47).

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