Wikimedia Education Greenhouse/Unit 3 - Module 4

In this video, Vasanthi Hargyono answers some general questions about case studies, their use and creative opportunities. As you watch the video, reflect on the following questions: Is this practice relevant for your Wikimedia education project? Have you done this or a similar process before?

Sharing case studies: How can others learn from our project

Introduction to case studies

W&E Greenhouse - Sharing case studies (Unit 3 Module 4).webmsd

You can find the full transcript of this video on this link.

What makes a good case study?


What does a good case study look like? We are going to show you a few examples of case studies from the education sector and ask you to reflect on some of their characteristics.

Example 1


Review the case study "Securing greater accessibility for disabled students - The Open University". Focus on the following reflection questions:

  • Is it easy to understand?
  • Is it using clear language?
  • Is it well organized?

Example 2


Review the case study on Digital Citizenship initiatives at the Omaha Public Schools. Focus on the following reflection questions:

  • Is it including relevant data that demonstrates the outcomes achieved?
  • Is the data shared a good balance between numeric metrics and more qualitative aspects of the project?

Example 3


Review the case study of "The Schools Partnership Programme". Focus on the following reflection questions:

  • Does it share the action plans they followed as a response to the contextual challenges?
  • Do they include enough information to understand the activities they conducted?

Remember you can share your reflections about these case studies in the Discuss section of this page

Outlines and general considerations


What goes in a case study?


To answer this question, let's go back to the example of the Wikicafé project we have used in previous modules of this online course.

After Laura, Isaac, and Alex finished the evaluation activities of their Wikicafé project, they created a very long and detailed report to document their activities and outcomes. The report was very helpful for their internal stakeholders who were already very familiar with the project and the local education context (team members, local Wikimedia affiliate group, funders) but they think it might not be too practical to share with external stakeholders. This is why they have decided to share this information in the form of a case study. Their goal is that other Wikimedia education leaders can learn from their experiences, successes and mistakes, and that more education institutions can get motivated to invite them for a new edition of the project.

Below you can find an overview of the structure they are following to create their case study (and some initial composition).[1] [2]Do you think you could use the same outline to share information about your project after it is finished? Which formats could you use to share this information?

Note that in this example the team is narrating their project in the past, this is because their initiative has already been implemented and evaluated. Through the format of a case study they are now sharing the story of what happened, what they learned, and what they plan to do next as an educational piece they can share with other Wikimedia education leaders and with the larger international education community in a way that is accessible and engaging for both. They expect their audience to be able to easily learn from their experience and incorporate these lessons to their own Wikimedia education initiatives.

A case study for your Wikimedia education project


In this module we have explored the purpose, structure, and characteristics that can help us to create an engaging case study. As you have seen, case studies are not only a way to spread the word about a project's impact and advocate for their value - they also serve as powerful resources that can help others learn from the challenges you have faced, the successful and not so successful actions you took, and the lessons you have learned in the process.

In this exercise we will present you with three scenarios and questions that can guide you in the design of a case study of your future Wikimedia education projects.

You have completed your Wikimedia education project very successfully! You are quite happy with the outcomes of your project! But of course, you faced unexpected challenges and experienced defeat in some moments. After some reflections with your team and your participants you realize there are very valuable lessons that others could apply to their own initiatives and you want to share these through a case study format.
Think about your own Wikimedia education project and decide: Who would benefit from reading your case study? Who could learn from it?

You want to demonstrate that your project had a positive impact in your local context! You have the numbers that show you have reached your expected outcomes, and very nice testimonies and reflections from your participants about how this project impacted them. However, when you showed this information to a few friends who are not familiar with your project they looked a bit unimpressed because the statistics seemed too small scale in their opinion.
Think about your own Wikimedia education project and decide: What information do you need to include so your audience understands better your local context and have a better perspective of why you consider your project successful?

Your case study is ready to be shared with the world! With one little condition...You and your team decide that presenting your case study through a blog or newsletter article is just too boring. You want to do something more original and engaging!
Think about your own Wikimedia education project and decide: What format would you use to present your case study?

Have you seen any great examples of case studies? Share them on the Discuss section!


  1. "Basic Tips on How to Write a Case Study | Resilient Educator". 2012-11-22. Retrieved 2020-07-02.
  2. "Writing a case study". Research & Learning Online. Retrieved 2020-07-02.