Welcome to Wikimania at Wikiversity! This is the place to coordinate Wikiversity's contributions to the Wikimania fray and is for "show and tell" about all things Wikimaniacal.

Wikimania 2012


Wikimania 2012 will be the 8th annual Wikimedia Conference. It will be held in Washington, D.C. on July 12–15, 2012. See Wikimania 2012 for details of this event. See Wikiversity at Wikimania 2012 if you would like to be involved in organising Wikiversity input.

Wikimania 2012 will be the 8th annual Wikimedia Conference. It will be held in Washington, D.C. on July 12–15, 2012.

Wikimania 2009 logo

Wikimania 2009, the fifth annual international Wikimedia conference was held August 25-29, 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was the first held in Spanish and in the Southern Hemisphere.

Being there

Teemu Leinonen speaking about education at Wikimania.

"Wikimania" is an annual face-to-face gathering of enthusiasts of Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource and other Wikimedia projects. However, you don't have to physically attend Wikimania to participate. Furthermore, at Wikiversity, we are attempting to find ways to sustain this contact throughout the year. This could include having online meetings - perhaps with the rationale of helping combat climate change by reducing the amount of people travelling the world in jet aircraft. (Have your say!)

An adventure


At Wikimania 2006 in Boston, Wikiversity was announced as the newest addition to the Wikimedia family of projects. Several learning projects and content development groups here at Wikiversity plan to participate in Wikimania:

See also
