University of Canberra/Unit outline template

Unit Outline 2011

Faculty of (Insert Name)

Unit Title

Unit Number

This Unit Outline must be read in conjunction with:

  1. UC Student Guide to Policies, which sets out University-wide policies and procedures, including information on matters such as plagiarism, grade descriptors, moderation, feedback and deferred exams, and is available at (scroll to bottom of page)
  2. UC Guide to Student Services, and is available at (scroll to bottom of page)
  3. Any additional information specified in section 6h.

General Information


Unit title


Unit number


Teaching Period and year offered


Credit point value


Unit level


Name of Unit Convener and contact details


(including telephone and email) Names and contact details for additional academic staff can be included in this section, if appropriate.

Administrative contact details


(including name, location, telephone and email)

Academic Content


Unit description and learning outcomes


This must be the same wording as appears in the UC Handbook.

You may number the learning outcomes to make it easier to fill in the alignment table in section 5.1.

Generic skills


1. Communication

The ability to present knowledge, ideas and opinions effectively and communicate within and across professional and cultural boundaries

2. Analysis and inquiry

The ability to gather information, and to analyse and evaluate information and situations in a systematic, creative and insightful way

3. Problem solving

The ability to apply problem-solving processes in novel situations; to identify and analyse problems then formulate and implement solutions

4. Working independently and with others

The ability to plan their own work, be self-directed, and use interpersonal skills and attitudes to work collaboratively

5. Professionalism and social responsibility

The capacity and intention to use professional knowledge and skills ethically and responsibly, for the benefit of others and the environment

Prerequisites and/or co-requisites


This must be the same wording as appears in the UC Handbook.

Delivery of Unit and Timetable


Delivery mode


State whether the unit will be delivered:

a) in traditional mode, that is on-campus in standard teaching periods with weekly lectures/tutorials/seminars/practicals; or

b) off-campus; and/or

c) intensively; and/or

d) according to a schedule differing from the standard teaching periods; and/or

e) online (i.e. not involving regular staff-student face-to-fact contact).

f) State whether the unit is combined-taught with another unit.

g) Clarify which aspects of the unit are flexible (in case e.g. rooms or field trip dates may change).

Timetable of activities


such as lectures/ tutorials/ practicals/ field classes, showing key dates and topics (Information might be provided in the form of a table)

List all activities i.e. lectures, tutorials, workshops, laboratory classes, field classes etc.

Unit Resources


Lists of required texts/readings


List core texts and readings, including their location i.e. bookshop or library or online.

Materials and equipment


List any required materials or equipment such as laboratory coats, cameras, computer software or computer hardware etc. together with information on where to obtain them.

Unit website


State whether access to the unit website on is a requirement for students enrolled in the unit.



Assessment overview

Assessment item (including exams)
Due date of assignments
Weighting (total to equal 100%)
Addresses learning outcome(s)
Addresses generic skill(s)
Assessment item 1 Due date here Weighting here Addresses learning outcome(s) here Addresses generic skill(s) here
Assessment item 2 Due date here Weighting here Addresses learning outcome(s) here Addresses generic skill(s) here
Assessment item 3 Due date here Weighting here Addresses learning outcome(s) here Addresses generic skill(s) here
Assessment item 4 Due date here Weighting here Addresses learning outcome(s) here Addresses generic skill(s) here

Details of each assessment item


For each assessment item state the title and description; expectations with respect to type of work and length; assessment criteria and/or allocation of marks to those criteria; referencing requirements; whether dictionaries or calculators are permitted in examinations and if so, what types; penalties for late submission, etc. Lack of appropriate assessment criteria has been the basis for a number of appeals so this section should be carefully completed.

Special assessment requirements


State any additional assessment requirements, for example, if passing a particular assessment item is required in order to gain an overall pass grade in the unit. Also mention any resubmission or extension conditions.

Supplementary assessment


State whether supplementary assessment will not be offered to students in the unit who are eligible for supplementary assessment according to the Assessment Policy. Note: Students who have failed a single unit in their final semester with a final mark between 45-49%, where the unit is required for course completion, are eligible for supplementary assessment. However, a Unit Convener may seek permission from the Associate Dean (Education) for an exemption from the requirement to offer supplementary assessment to students in the unit if it is impractical or inappropriate to offer supplementary assessment e.g. where the unit involves teaching practicums or professional placements.

Academic Integrity


Academic Integrity: Include a statement about the Academic Integrity Module (AIM) if it is used.

Students have a responsibility to uphold University standards on ethical scholarship. Good scholarship involves building on the work of others and use of others’ work must be acknowledged with proper attribution made. Cheating, plagiarism, and falsification of data are dishonest practices which contravene academic values.

Text-matching software


State whether text-matching software from an external service (such as Turnitin) will be used to check for plagiarism.

Student Responsibility




This statement must appear in the Unit Outline and not be changed.

The amount of time you will need to spend on study in this unit will depend on a number of factors including your prior knowledge, learning skill level and learning style. Nevertheless, in planning your time commitments you should note that for a 3cp unit the total notional workload over the semester or term is assumed to be 150 hours. These hours include time spent in classes. The total workload for units of different credit point value should vary proportionally. For example, for a 6cp unit the total notional workload over a semester or term is assumed to be 300 hours.

Special needs


This statement must appear in the Unit Outline and not be changed.

Students who need assistance in undertaking the unit because of disability or other circumstances should inform their Unit Convener or UC AccessAbility (formerly the Disabilities Office) as soon as possible so the necessary arrangements can be made.

Attendance requirements


State whether participation in activities such as laboratory classes may be required for successful completion of the unit for professional reasons (for example, professional accreditation). In such cases, this requirement must be set out in the Unit Outline.



Example: Students who may be considering withdrawing from a unit/course are encouraged to seek advice before making a decision.

If you are planning to withdraw please discuss with your unit convener. Please see this link for further information on deadlines.

Required IT skills


State whether any particular IT skills are required for the unit.



State any costs required for e.g. materials or field classes.

Work Integrated Learning


Work integrated learning units: If students use information from their placements in assignments, please provide some guidelines as a risk management strategy about how confidential information will be used.

Please modify the sample below to suit your unit:

(Unit name) is a Work Integrated Learning unit, and therefore, additional student responsibilities are required in addition to those described in section 6. This unit involves (place type of WIL here - “clinical placement” etc) and hence requires strict adherence to professional practice principles and ethics. Client /patient confidentiality must always be maintained (see policy ****), including for assessment items like reports or essays. The professional nature of this unit also requires 100% attendance at all WIL learning activities (lectures, practicals etc if scheduled – see section 3) for the successful completion of this unit (also see section 6c). If attendance requirements cannot be satisfied (e.g. timetable clash), it is recommended that you meet with your course convenor to schedule this unit for a future semester.

Please include the type of WIL:

  • Clinical Placement
  • Teaching Practicum
  • Work Experience or Internship
  • Industry/Community Project
  • Simulation/Virtual WIL
  • Other

Additional information


List additional matters governing teaching in this unit e.g. citation or report writing requirements, safety information, field class or work placement requirements etc.

The Unit Outline should not include the detailed information but where it is located eg provide a relevant URL.

State whether reading or complying with this information is a requirement for students enrolled in the unit.

Student Feedback


Unit conveners are encouraged to include additional information on any changes made to the unit as a result of student feedback.

All students enrolled in this unit will have an opportunity to provide anonymous feedback on the unit at the end of the Semester via the Unit Satisfaction Survey (USS) which will be presented to you on OSIS. Your lecturer or tutor may also invite you to provide more detailed feedback on their teaching through an anonymous questionnaire.

Authority of this Unit Outline


Special conditions apply to Unit Conveners changing unit requirements, or introducing new requirements, from those set out in the Unit Outline. These conditions apply to changes on Section 2 (Academic content), Section 5 (Assessment), or other matters requiring student compliance such as attendance on field trips. Changes may only be made:

(a) if the Head of Discipline and a majority of students have agreed in writing;

(b) if written advice of the change is then provided on the unit site in the learning management system. If this is not possible, written advice of the change must be then forwarded to each student enrolled in the unit at their registered address; and

(c) in addition to (a) and (b), under other circumstances specified in the relevant Unit Outline.

Any change to the information contained in Section 2 (Academic content), and Section 5 (Assessment) of this document, will only be made by the Unit Convener if the written agreement of Head of Discipline and a majority of students has been obtained; and if written advice of the change is then provided on the unit site in the learning management system. If this is not possible, written advice of the change must be then forwarded to each student enrolled in the unit at their registered term address. Any individual student who believes him/herself to be disadvantaged by a change is encouraged to discuss the matter with the Unit Convener.