University of Canberra/RCC2010/Conversations behind wikis
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Dynamics of identities and anonimity in open collaboartions like Wikipedia.

Can't ignore the cultural lens through which we critique this activity.
Example of Kate Lundy attempting to develop policy in an open forum using a wiki - does it work (did it?)...See for yourself public-sphere-2-open-government-policy-and-practice
Gruen Nation, Yes We Canberra and lampooning tweets - turning the mirror back on us - what are the Rules of Engagement around open media/collaboration and are we talking about these rules in a critical frame, especially with learners??
Are we aware of our environments? Including our digital environments...
Mark - listening is a skillful act to take on board something someone has said and responding and feeding it back - call for different rules in terms of this space for learning. Do we need to establish a track record especally in the online space(s)?
Bob - in one wiki, users don't want to see their work against something they think is 'crap' (unvalidated)...
Andrew - "reflect" - original comment is split with an ajax summary on left side. (Uni of Washington) Ref. Liquid threads...
In the accreditation space what does it mean for open education resources AND open collaboration?
Moving to thinking about validating and evidence-based processes for assuring the legitimacy of learners as workers and citizens in digital age.
The VET sector and the industry skills councils may not necessarily be representing the sector and its real needs. Could the open model work in establishing wiki based dialogue to maintain currency of compentencies in VET. - Is there a role for Wikis in improving the currency of Curriculum?
Looking at grassroots wikis to learn from their development, rather than looking at Wikipedia as an example to hold a mirror to - there's not much realistaion about the years of work behind Wikipedia, so we need to look closer to home if we want to establish real wiki activity...!
What is the role of Institutions and Academics in Universal Curriculum. Example Tom Worthington's Green ICT e-learning course available through multiple institutions.
Reputation, Status defending contribution to a Comprehensive Universal Curriculum. Mobile Learning vs E-Learning, Nurses Curriculum
Safe stuff on Wiki - Controversial issues raised on discussion pages
Positioning Wikis in Academia - why should academics contribute?
Examples from Wikipedia:
- In Flux: Steve Irwin dies and Julia Guillard replaces Kevin Rudd as Australian PM
- Credibility/Authority of Content of Wikipedia/References/Sources - Transpiration
- Different Angles on Governance of IT - Wikipedia:AS8015-2005 Australian Standard for Corporate Governance of ICT Wikipedia: ICT Governance Wikipedia: Information Technology Governance Wikipedia: ISO38500-2008 International Standard for Corporate Governance of IT