Portal:Foreign Language Learning/Participant Coordination

Welcome to the Wikiversity Language Coordination page, part of Foreign Language Learning! Users are encouraged to sign up under the languages they are interested in being involved with here.

Divisions and Departments


Divisions and Departments of the Center exist on pages in "topic" namespace. Start the name of departments with the "Topic:" prefix; departments reside in the Topic: namespace. Departments and divisions link to learning materials and learning projects. Divisions can link subdivisions or to departments. For more information on schools, divisions and departments look at the Naming Conventions.

Active participants


Please register interest in a language by listing the language you wish to learn or that you are able to teach and your name below. (To edit the page, click on "Edit This Page" up on the top of this page). Please also mention the level of language you already have.

Participants wanting to learn a language

  1. --Christian Newman 18:12, 8 April 2011 (UTC)
  2. --Who Ph.D I know arabic script and pronounciation, but little meaning. That's something that I would like to learn. 11 July 2006
  3. --Uly 02:36, 25 September 2006 (UTC) Complete beginner, trying to learn the script.
  4. --User:boomthescholar I am a complete beginner. Want to learn from beginning how to read and write arabic. 13 October 2006
  5. --User:ninja I too am a complete beginner but am interested in learning to speak Arabic.
  6. --User:Forensicgeek I wish to persue an English-teaching career in Arabic countries and would like to learn the language.
  7. --User:Fr Bill 14 yrs in Sudan; read,write,speak fluently; taught for 3 yrs; would like practice
  8. --Balloonguy know script and pronounciation
  9. --delthobs I am a beginner also and would like to learn the language
  10. --danshelb I'm an utter beginner but am interested in learning, particularly the written side.
  11. --Taishakutin I can read and write Arabic and have it dictated to me and I have a good accent but I have a fairly poor vocabulary and rudimentary understanding of the grammar.
  12. --kalkilani Can read and write, good pronunciation, poor conversational skills. Moving to Egypt soon, so i need to learn now!
  1. --User:Luzmael Would love to learn more !


  1. --User:Diogenes Would Love to learn Cherokee, hard to find resources on the Language.
  2. --User:CQ Same goes for me. I'm only 3/16 Cherokee but would like to reconnect with the heritage. –Tsa-la-gi
  3. --User:Junesun I'd love to learn.
  1. --RichMac
  2. --Uly 02:38, 25 September 2006 (UTC) Mandarin speaker... understand some Cantonese intuitively, wishes to speak.
  3. --Marie Huynh speaks Cantonese with family; has limited schooling for formal vocabulary

Chinese (Mandarin)

  1. --Ce garcon 11:26, 18 September 2006 (UTC) Wo xiang xue Guoyu!
  2. --Jade Knight 06:49, 7 October 2006 (UTC) Limited conversational skills. Very interested.
  3. --Alexander Gerashchenko 18:04, 10 October 2006 (UTC) I want to expand my limited knowledge of Chinese.
  4. --godoflight 14:52, 16 October 2006 (UTC) I learn chinese in school and want to put it into practice.
  5. --User:Fr Bill 5 yrs in China; read, write, know all grammar, expanding vocabulary; need spoken practice
  6. ----Danaman5 06:37, 29 October 2006 (UTC) I study Chinese at my university and have been to China. I would say I have an Intermediate, bordering on advanced level of learning, and would be happy to learn more or teach what I already know to others.
  7. --Taishakutin I have an intermediate grasp of Mandarin Chinese and can write around 2500 characters. My pronunciation is OK, though my tones need more work. Happy to practise with people online by webchat. Currently residing in Beijing, China.
  8. --Maxibons I know some basic Mandarin but I'd love to become fluent eventually, so I'd love to learn as soon as possible! I'm going to China next Summer and I want to be able to speak at least a bit of Mandarin.
  1. --User:Luzmael I am very interested.
  1. --Javier José Moreno Tovar18
  1. --Balloonguy 20:14, 22 August 2006 (UTC) Know some basic grammer.
  2. arttic00 i'm willing to learn
  3. craasnibooi- i would like to speak Esperanto


  1. --Soulaegis 14:42, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
  2. --Limetom 06:48, 23 July 2006 (UTC) I'd like to learn Irish, but I have no clue where to start.
  3. --DakeDesu 16:11, 2nd August 2006 (MST) I wouldn't mind knowing my roots.
  4. --Mathboy965 17:14, 19 October 2006 (UTC) Would like to learn Irish. It just sounds really cool.
  5. -- Door 23:21, 22 October 2006 (UTC) I can speak Irish fairly well. Slightly interested in teaching.
  6. -- ptal89 7:27, 1 November 2006 (EST) I would really like to learn Irish. The college I'm planning to attend doesn't have the course.
  7. --Fluffysockmonster 06:56, 12 May 2007 (UTC)I would LOVE to learn gaelic, but none of the universities I would consider going to here in Australia teach it
  8. --User:Scorpio 6:00 PM IST March 18, 2011. Would love to learn all Gaelic languages. I like learning foreign languages.
  9. --EmmaMacD789 10:59, 14 November (UTC) Very interested in Gaelic and foreign languages as a whole.


  1. --Malafaya 16:49, 4 October 2006 (UTC) - Very beginner stage.

see German stream


  1. --Alexander Gerashchenko 18:04, 10 October 2006 (UTC) I know how to read the letters (as well as their combinations), but my knowledge of Greek grammar and vocabulary is very small.
  2. --CQ 08:53, 8 June 2007 (UTC) - I use an Interlinear Greek New Testament as a core for Bible study.
  3. --Nanda7I know all alphabets.But nothing about pronunciation and grammar.But I am very much interested to learn.
  • Please add your name at the Hebrew Stream if you are interested in learning Hebrew.


  1. --User:DivePeak 17:25 Monday 25 of September 2006 (gmt +12:00) Want to travel to India and would love to know some Hindi before I go.


  1. --Orpheo 12:49, 12 September 2006 (UTC) Begginer. Taking some really basic online lessons.
  2. --MNrykein 00:49, 10 June 2011 (UTC) -- Very basic beginner. Read the WikiBooks book and taking basic online lessons.
  3. --EmmaMacD789 10:58, 14 November (UTC) Beginner. Looking through some basic online lessons.
  1. --Uly 02:36, 25 September 2006 (UTC) False beginner. Speaks French and able to understand some Italian even though I never learned it.
  2. --Mathboy965 17:12, 19 October 2006 (UTC) Speak Spanish and able to understand some Italian.
  3. --JoNNY 18:58, 26 October 2006 (UTC) I have a friend whose family speaks Italian, I've studied a bit of the main latin-based languages, and can understand Spanish the best.
  4. NewBeginning 06:05, 30 October 2006 (UTC) I'm somewhat interested in this language, but I know nothing about it. I speak English and am in my second year of French (at my high school).

See the Japanese topic page.

  1. --Ce garcon 11:26, 18 September 2006 (UTC) Got fairly good basic Korean! neomu neomu kongbu sipeoyo! I really want to learn!
  2. --Enni84 22 September 2006 - Understand the basics, but lacking in vocabulary and grammar patterns
  3. --MyUsername 13:52, 22 September 2006 (UTC) Complete beginner.
  4. --Uly 02:36, 25 September 2006 (UTC) Beginner, just learnt the hangul (but still shaky). Speaks Chinese and Japanese.


  1. --User:Skyler 18:19, 11 June 2008 (Central Time) I REALLY want to know Latin. I have a book and know some basic pronounciation rules and some words but VERY few.
  2. --Balloonguy 20:14, 22 August 2006 (UTC) complete beginner.
  3. --Uly 02:36, 25 September 2006 (UTC) Never studied but can guess-read some. Speaks French.
  4. --Jade Knight 06:52, 7 October 2006 (UTC)Very limited knowledge; was given a few weeks on it in a French class. Speak French.
  5. --Alexander Gerashchenko 18:04, 10 October 2006 (UTC) "Advanced beginner"
  6. --Absynthe 06:24, 26 October 2006 (UTC) Two years of it in high school, but that was so many decades ago.
  7. --JonJon 19:01, 26 October 2006 (UTC) I know a little bit about latin from studying latin-based languages and from opera-rock ballads and ancient hymns
  8. --Dante 05:01, 28 October 2006 (UTC)
  9. NewBeginning 06:00, 30 October 2006 (UTC) Total beginner, know English (obviously) and am learning French (in high school, 2nd year).
  10. --Dlhel 05:20, 28 March 2007 (UTC) Two years of it in jr high, but decades ago. Speak French and Spanish.
  11. --Wiki of One 11:32, 4 September 2007 (UTC) Mostly a beginner with a little French.
  12. --Basekid 19:50, 22 November 2007 (GST + 12) No previous knowledge. Know Dutch and English
  13. --Ketaikeon 16:52, 8 March 2009 (UTC) Is currently in 5th year of Latin (Latin IV); has completed the Ecce
  14. --Joejill67 07:57, 29 January 2010 (UTC) I am a complete beginner.


  1. --Orpheo 12:49, 12 September 2006 (UTC) Just started basic lessons.


  1. --KKinene I would like to improve my Luganda and to help create a Luganda Department in the Foreign language Department.


  1. --Jade Knight 07:00, 7 October 2006 (UTC) Can read Norman fairly proficiently. Very limited writing skills, almost no speaking ability. I'm particularly interested in Jersey Norman (Jèrriais). Proficient in French.


  1. --User:Skyler 18:22, 11 June 2008 (central time) I nearly desperatley want to learn it but there isn't anything out there to help. On the rare occasion that there's a website with some words/phrases, there aren't many words and there isn't any pronouncation key(s). There, also, are never any explanations on grammer or anything.
Have you looked at w:Pitkern? There's also a Wikipedia in Norfolk/Pitkern. It may be worthwhile to head there and ask if anyone's willing to come over here and teach you. The Jade Knight 16:51, 3 September 2008 (UTC)
  1. --Elnole 17:16, 28 October 2006 (UTC) I only know grammar, basics and some vocabulary. I want to become fluent.
  2. --Luzmael 07:54, 30 November 2007 (UTC) Working on it !


  1. --Opiaterein 18:04, 3 May 2007 (UTC) Started learning a month or two ago. Good with the basics, but would like to continue learning more advanced grammar, etc.
  1. --Otvm 17:15, 14 July 2018 (UTC) I have been looking at various resources, and I would like to learn more, but the amount of resources is so limited.


  1. --Jack30491 05:11, 26 September 2006 (PST) KNow alphabet but would like to become fluent.
  2. Xlbnushk 17:55, 28 October 2006 (UTC) -- I was born in Russia, but haven't used the language much at all since I left. I could get it back up and running fairly quickly if there were somebody with whom I could converse at my waning level...
  3. craasnibooi I know three words, thats it. However, I have friends who are native speakers, and I'd like to impress them when they come back in the Fall.
  4. Zim 16:15, 27 May 2007 (UTC) I know practically nothing about the Russian language, but I would like to learn it, since I travel a lot.
  5. --User:cyojoe 2:40, 8 August 2007 (PST) Complete beginner.
  6. --User:Levtchenkov 12:29, 18 April 2008 (PST) Hi I am from Russia and I am fluent in Russian, I am also quite interested in linguistics, I want to contribute to the learning project and perhaps write some articles on it, if anyone is interested in the same thing please let me know, we can coordinate.
  7. --JosepVirgili 18:34, 9 November 2010 (UTC) Hi I'm from Catolonia but currently living in the United Kingdom. I've just begun to learn Russian and I would like to become more fluent.


  1. --Uly 02:36, 25 September 2006 (UTC) Studied the basics before but forgot nearly everything due to inpractice. Knows the script but not very proficient.


  1. --[[[w:User:Jggouvea|Jggouvea]]] 14:43, 31 October 2006 (UTC) absolute beginner.


  1. --user:Isis_pt I only know a couple of words because my boyfriend is Amazigh. I'd like to learn the language. 02 Sept 2007
  1. --B9 hummingbird hovering
  2. walterdzog - Walter Perez - Caracas - Venezuela - learning to use this tool and interested in learning tibetan, mainly for appreciating more the practice texts and also Dzogchen texts, very promising and interesting initiative.
  3. Karma_Dorje
  4. Chozang: I am very interested by this project!
  5. PalmdaleHermit: I have been amazed by the Dalia Lama for many years and as such I would like to learn Tibetan to perhaps help in some small way to preserve their legacy to mankind.
  6. User:Rousse: I'm learning Classical Tibetan already but would like to progress with the colloquial language too.
  7. AkataraRyo: I am also very interested in learning!
  8. PFStevenson32: I am also very interesting in learning Tibetan. Thanks!
  9. Pawo-pawo: very beginner. Only writing alphabet and little reading


  1. --Alexander Gerashchenko 18:04, 10 October 2006 (UTC) I can understand Ukrainian, but I am far from being perfect in speaking it.
  1. Brett Johnston: I'm learning this language.


  1. --Jade Knight 06:55, 7 October 2006 (UTC) Conversational (in theory; I've never spoken the language with a native), but with difficulty.
  2. --Fluffysockmonster 06:59, 12 May 2007 (UTC)Would like to learn welsh
  3. --User:Luzmael I am very interested.

Experienced Participants


If you can help others learn a language, describe your language abilties below:

  1. -- I am ready to write 30 modules Classical Arabic Language Course. Classical Arabic is vocabulary and grammar used by Quran, The Holy Book of Islam.
  2. --User: Fr Bill 14 yrs in Sudan; fluent in reading,writing,speaking; taught 3 yrs; need practice speaking


  1. --Ђорђе Д. Божовић 23:17, 11 November 2005 (UTC) (native speaker, but I recommend to others not to start learning Bosnian, but Serbian or Croatian first, because knowing Serbian or Croatian means that you also know Bosnian very well. That's a friendly and teacher's advice. See this page for further information on the Serbian-Croatian-Bosnian languages relation)


  1. --Ђорђе Д. Божовић 23:17, 11 November 2005 (UTC) (native speaker)


  1. --Anders Hjortshøj, native speaker. Contact at: anders.malle@gmail.com
  • Please add your name at the French Stream if you are interested in French.
  • Please add your name at the Hebrew Stream if you are interested in teaching Hebrew.


  1. --BiT I'm a native speaker of icelandic, and I'm ready to help anyone with any problem in icelandic as far as my skills can carry me. (Native speaker)
  1. --Elistir talk 13:13, 22 October 2006 (UTC) Native speaker.
  2. --NSPossum 21:16 25 April 2007 (UTC) I have a profound interest of foreign (primarily european) languages. I have studied Italian for four years and I am furthering my studies of Italian at University. I will contribute what I have learned to Wikiversity.
  3. --Isis_pt 02 September 2007 Learning new languages is a hobby. Learned italian until intermediate level and am now living in Italy. I can also speak english, french, german, spanish (basic) and portuguese (native). Should someone need help, just get in touch!

See the Japanese topic page.

  1. --Jonathan Webley I'm a non-native speaker of this constructed language, but learning fast.


  1. --Jason Fossella 03:19, 26 March 2013 (UTC) Quasi-native speaker (started when I was 8, so that's as close as it comes). Doctoral candidate in medieval history.
  2. --George D. Bozovic talk 23:43, 25 March 2006 (UTC) Non-native speaker. :) However, still learning some more advanced areas of the language.
  3. --Limetom 06:43, 23 July 2006 (UTC) Non-native speaker (who is?) Four years of near college-level courses. Willing to help when I can.


  1. --Slaattnes I am a native speaker of norwegian, and fluent in English.
  1. --Géo Leplubo (native speaker)


  1. --Rowan 15:17, 07-10-2006 - Native speaker of both Polish and English (bilingual), hence willing to help with either.
  1. --Malafaya 16:52, 4 October 2006 (UTC) - Standard/European Portuguese native speaker.
  2. --AwenStormFool 17:14, 06 October 2006 (UTC) - Native lusophonic, a professional writer in this language. I am also very fluent in English and have basic knowledge in other European languages.


  1. --Alexandru Dan Mândru - Native speaker of Romanian with basic knowledge of educational studies; German - intermmediate, English - advanced.


  1. --Alexander Gerashchenko 18:04, 10 October 2006 (UTC) Native speaker.


  1. --Ђорђе Д. Божовић 23:17, 11 November 2005 (UTC) (native speaker. See Serbian Language Textbook)


  1. --Ђорђе Д. Божовић 23:17, 11 November 2005 (UTC) (native speaker. Here's some advice: Knowing Serbo-Croatian language would mean that you know Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian, too, because those are not different languages, but one single language which is called in four different ways. Some small differences really exist between these languages, but Serbo-Croatian covers all the variants, and it is the most of all recommended for learning. See Serbo-Croatian Textbook and Introduction to Serbo-Croatian for further information about these languages and their "differences".)

Wikibooks On Foreign Languages

See b:Subject:Languages for listings of these.
German Language Textbook is very nice-looking and is good for learning German.
Bite-sized lessons for German is a new approach for those who easily feel overwhelmed with regular textbooks. Some lessons are ready, more contributions needed.
b:Modern Greek provides lessons in Greek as it is spoken today. The old course is accessible but presently being re-worked, help would be appreciated. Meanwhile, a new kind of introduction to the Greek alphabet is already more than half-way complete.
Japanese After multiple rewrites of this book, the better half of a year has seen steady progress stitching together the patches left by several teams of contributors. The current state is poor, and improvements are slowing as current contributors are faced with the limits of their own Japanese abilities. There are several modules on specific grammatical terms and a number of vocabulary lists. A list of grammar points roughly for JLPT4 (N5) has been compiled but not ordered into a lesson plan. Experienced hands welcomed. --Swift 11:35, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
Klingon is very much incomplete, but a start nevertheless..
Korean is wikibook with some of the basics of the language, but still seriously lacking in good lessons etc.
If you go to the Persian Wikibook, you will find the first 21 lessons in a course for learning Persian language. When you click on the words written in Persian, using ashampoo, it is possible to hear how the word is pronounced. This is a start to learning the language, but a tutor's support is recommended.
Here is the Portuguese Language Wikibook. There is a comprehensive series of chapters on particular grammar points, as well as a partially completed language learning course.
Russian Wikibook
Learning this beautiful South Slavic language would open the whole spectrum of opportunities for learning other Slavic languages, such as Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Czech, etc. The Serbian Wikibook offers an introduction to the language, a grammar of the language, and many lessons and text for reading and practicing Serbian/Serbo-Croatian.
Spanish is a beautiful language with an intuitive system of orthography and conjugation. The Spanish Wikibook offers an introduction and lessons to the language.
The b:Tagalog Wikibook is being developed. We need your input on exercises, your questions, your ideas on what you want to learn! Written in part by a native speaker, with audio clips and pronounciation help on the way. We will be your textbook and your teacher!