Template:Film School:Creating The Matte Painting:Completed Assignments

Matte paintings from these images

Create matte painting from your last storyboard frame or from these images

"Seduced by the Dark Side!"

Here are some of the starter frames for the matte painting. Remember: Once the movie is finished, the movie clip replaces the starter page. The movie will be composited into the matte painting, camera movement will be added and the resulting movie clip added to the scene.

"Out for a Walk"

Here is the starter frame for the matte painting. Remember: Once the movie is finished, the movie clip replaces the starter page. The movie will be composited into the matte painting, camera movement will be added and the resulting movie clip added to the scene.

As you look at the completed matte paintings below, can you see the original starter frame?
Matte painting for "Seduced by the Dark Side" from Aruba

Tunderboy9 has completed this assignment (png) (1 October 2007) Good job! 30 points

Matte painting for "Out for a Walk" from Aruba

Tunderboy9 has completed this assignment (png) (10 October 2007) Good job! 30 points

Matte painting for "Seduced by the Dark Side" from Egypt

Sir Mok has completed this assignment (png) - (01 December 2007) Good job! 30 points

Click on the image to see the full sized image.

Sir Mok says,

I have tried my best to make it Egyptian characterized. In Egypt, cinemas are found between buildings, you can find lots of buildings and shops are surrounding it. So I had to put so many buildings in the picture, meanwhile, I was interested in showing the sun rise.