Talk:PlanetPhysics/Weak Hopf C Algebra 2

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: weak Hopf C*-algebra
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: WeakHopfCAlgebra2.tex
%%% Version: 2
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 \begin{definition} A {\em weak Hopf $C^*$-algebra} is defined as a weak Hopf algebra which admits a
faithful $*$--representation on a \htmladdnormallink{Hilbert space}{}. The weak C*--Hopf algebra is therefore much more likely to be closely related to a `\htmladdnormallink{quantum groupoid}{}' than the weak Hopf algebra. However, one can argue that \htmladdnormallink{locally compact groupoids}{} equipped with a \htmladdnormallink{Haar measure}{} are even closer to defining quantum groupoids. There are already several, significant examples that motivate the consideration of weak C*-Hopf algebras which also deserve mentioning in the context of `standard' \htmladdnormallink{quantum theories}{}. Furthermore, notions such as (proper) \emph{weak C*-algebroids} can provide the main framework for symmetry breaking and \htmladdnormallink{quantum gravity}{} that we are considering here. Thus, one may consider the quasi-group symmetries constructed by means of special transformations of the ``coordinate space'' $M$.

Recall that the weak Hopf algebra is defined as the extension of a \htmladdnormallink{Hopf algebra}{} by weakening the definining axioms of a Hopf algebra as follows~:

\item[(1)] The comultiplication is not necessarily unit-preserving.

\item[(2)] The counit $\vep$ is not necessarily a \htmladdnormallink{homomorphism}{} of algebras.

\item[(3)] The axioms for the antipode map $S : A \lra A$ with respect to the
counit are as follows. For all $h \in H$,
\begin{aligned} m(\ID \otimes S) \Delta (h) &= (\vep \otimes
\ID)(\Delta (1) (h \otimes 1)) \\ m(S \otimes \ID) \Delta (h) &=
(\ID \otimes \vep)((1 \otimes h) \Delta(1)) \\ S(h) &= S(h_{(1)})
h_{(2)} S(h_{(3)}) ~.

These axioms may be appended by the following \htmladdnormallink{commutative diagrams}{}
{\begin{CD} A \otimes A @> S\otimes \ID >> A \otimes A
\\ @A \Delta AA @VV m V
\\ A @ > u \circ \vep >> A
\end{CD}} \qquad
{\begin{CD} A \otimes A @> \ID\otimes S >> A \otimes A
\\ @A \Delta AA @VV m V
\\ A @ > u \circ \vep >> A
along with the counit axiom:
\xymatrix@C=3pc@R=3pc{ A \otimes A \ar[d]_{\vep \otimes 1} & A
\ar[l]_{\Delta} \ar[dl]_{\ID_A} \ar[d]^{\Delta}
\\ A & A \otimes A \ar[l]^{1 \otimes \vep}}

Some authors substitute the term \emph{quantum `groupoid'} for a weak Hopf algebra.

\subsection{Examples of weak Hopf C*-algebra.}


In Nikshych and Vainerman (2000) quantum groupoids were considered as weak
C*--Hopf algebras and were studied in relationship to the
\htmladdnormallink{noncommutative}{} symmetries of depth 2 von Neumann subfactors. If
A \subset B \subset B_1 \subset B_2 \subset \ldots
is the Jones extension induced by a finite index depth $2$
inclusion $A \subset B$ of $II_1$ factors, then $Q= A' \cap B_2$
admits a quantum groupoid structure and acts on $B_1$, so that $B
= B_1^{Q}$ and $B_2 = B_1 \rtimes Q$~. Similarly, in Rehren (1997)
`\htmladdnormallink{paragroups}{}' (derived from weak C*--Hopf algebras) comprise
(quantum) \htmladdnormallink{groupoids}{} of equivalence classes such as associated with
6j--symmetry \htmladdnormallink{groups}{} (relative to a fusion rules algebra). They
correspond to \htmladdnormallink{type}{} $II$ von Neumann algebras in \htmladdnormallink{quantum mechanics}{},
and arise as symmetries where the local subfactors (in the sense
of containment of \htmladdnormallink{observables}{} within \htmladdnormallink{fields}{}) have depth $2$ in the
Jones extension. Related is how a von Neumann algebra $N$, such as
of finite index depth $2$, sits inside a weak Hopf algebra formed as
the crossed product $N \rtimes A$ (B\"ohm et al. 1999).

In Mack and Schomerus (1992) using a more general notion of the
Drinfeld construction, develop the notion of a \emph{quasi
triangular quasi--Hopf algebra} (QTQHA) is developed with the aim
of studying a range of essential symmetries with special
properties, such the \htmladdnormallink{quantum group}{} algebra $\U_q (\rm{sl}_2)$ with
$\vert q \vert =1$~. If $q^p=1$, then it is shown that a QTQHA is
canonically associated with $\U_q (\rm{sl}_2)$. Such QTQHAs are
claimed as the true symmetries of minimal conformal field

\subsection {Von Neumann Algebras (or $W^*$-algebras).}

Let $\H$ denote a complex (separable) Hilbert space. A \emph{von
Neumann algebra} $\A$ acting on $\H$ is a subset of the $*$--algebra of
all bounded \htmladdnormallink{operators}{} $\cL(\H)$ such that:


\item[(1)] $\A$ is closed under the adjoint \htmladdnormallink{operation}{} (with the
adjoint of an element $T$ denoted by $T^*$).

$\A$ equals its bicommutant, namely:

\A= \{A \in \cL(\H) : \forall B \in \cL(\H), \forall C\in \A,~
(BC=CB)\Rightarrow (AB=BA)\}~.

If one calls a \emph{commutant} of a set $\A$ the special set of
bounded operators on $\cL(\H)$ which \htmladdnormallink{commute}{} with all elements in
$\A$, then this second condition implies that the commutant of the
commutant of $\A$ is again the set $\A$.

On the other hand, a von Neumann algebra $\A$ inherits a
\emph{unital} subalgebra from $\cL(\H)$, and according to the
first condition in its definition $\A$ does indeed inherit a
\emph{*-subalgebra} structure, as further explained in the next
\htmladdnormallink{section}{} on \htmladdnormallink{C*-algebras}{}. Furthermore, we have the notable
\emph{Bicommutant \htmladdnormallink{theorem}{}} which states that $\A$ \emph{is a von
Neumann algebra if and only if $\A$ is a *-subalgebra of
$\cL(\H)$, closed for the smallest topology defined by continuous
maps $(\xi,\eta)\longmapsto (A\xi,\eta)$ for all $<A\xi,\eta)>$
where $<.,.>$ denotes the \htmladdnormallink{inner product}{} defined on $\H$}~. For
further instruction on this subject, see e.g. Aflsen and Schultz
(2003), Connes (1994). \\

Commutative and noncommutative Hopf algebras form the backbone of
quantum `groups' and are essential to the generalizations of
symmetry. Indeed, in most respects a quantum `group' is identifiable
with a Hopf algebra. When such algebras are actually
associated with proper groups of \htmladdnormallink{matrices}{} there is
considerable scope for their \htmladdnormallink{representations}{} on both finite
and infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces.


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