PlanetPhysics/Weak Hopf C Algebra 2
\newcommand{\sqdiagram}[9]{Failed to parse (unknown function "\diagram"): {\displaystyle \diagram #1 \rto^{#2} \dto_{#4}& \eqno{\mbox{#9}}} }
A weak Hopf -algebra is defined as a weak Hopf algebra which admits a
faithful --representation on a Hilbert space. The weak C*--Hopf algebra is therefore much more likely to be closely related to a `quantum groupoid' than the weak Hopf algebra. However, one can argue that locally compact groupoids equipped with a Haar measure are even closer to defining quantum groupoids. There are already several, significant examples that motivate the consideration of weak C*-Hopf algebras which also deserve mentioning in the context of `standard' quantum theories. Furthermore, notions such as (proper) weak C*-algebroids can provide the main framework for symmetry breaking and quantum gravity that we are considering here. Thus, one may consider the quasi-group symmetries constructed by means of special transformations of the "coordinate space" .
Remark : Recall that the weak Hopf algebra is defined as the extension of a Hopf algebra by weakening the definining axioms of a Hopf algebra as follows~:
\item[(1)] The comultiplication is not necessarily unit-preserving. \item[(2)] The counit Failed to parse (unknown function "\vep"): {\displaystyle \vep} is not necessarily a homomorphism of algebras. \item[(3)] The axioms for the antipode map Failed to parse (unknown function "\lra"): {\displaystyle S : A \lra A} with respect to the counit are as follows. For all ,
Failed to parse (unknown function "\ID"): {\displaystyle m(\ID \otimes S) \Delta (h) &= (\vep \otimes \ID)(\Delta (1) (h \otimes 1)) \\ m(S \otimes \ID) \Delta (h) &= (\ID \otimes \vep)((1 \otimes h) \Delta(1)) \\ S(h) &= S(h_{(1)}) h_{(2)} S(h_{(3)}) ~. }
These axioms may be appended by the following commutative diagrams
Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/":): {\displaystyle {\begin{CD} A \otimes A @> S\otimes \ID >> A \otimes A \\ @A \Delta AA @VV m V \\ A @ > u \circ \vep >> A \end{CD}} \qquad {\begin{CD} A \otimes A @> \ID\otimes S >> A \otimes A \\ @A \Delta AA @VV m V \\ A @ > u \circ \vep >> A \end{CD}} }
along with the counit axiom:
Failed to parse (unknown function "\xymatrix"): {\displaystyle \xymatrix@C=3pc@R=3pc{ A \otimes A \ar[d]_{\vep \otimes 1} & A \ar[l]_{\Delta} \ar[dl]_{\ID_A} \ar[d]^{\Delta} \\ A & A \otimes A \ar[l]^{1 \otimes \vep}} }
Some authors substitute the term quantum `groupoid' for a weak Hopf algebra.
Examples of weak Hopf C*-algebra.
edit\item[(1)] In Nikshych and Vainerman (2000) quantum groupoids were considered as weak C*--Hopf algebras and were studied in relationship to the noncommutative symmetries of depth 2 von Neumann subfactors. If
is the Jones extension induced by a finite index depth inclusion of factors, then admits a quantum groupoid structure and acts on , so that </math>B = B_1^{Q}B_2 = B_1 \rtimes QFailed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle ~. Similarly, in Rehren (1997) `[[../Paragroups/|paragroups]]' (derived from weak C*--Hopf algebras) comprise (quantum) [[../QuantumOperatorAlgebra5/|groupoids]] of equivalence classes such as associated with 6j--symmetry [[../TrivialGroupoid/|groups]] (relative to a fusion rules algebra). They correspond to [[../Bijective/|type]] <math>II} von Neumann algebras in quantum mechanics, and arise as symmetries where the local subfactors (in the sense of containment of observables within fields) have depth in the Jones extension. Related is how a von Neumann algebra , such as of finite index depth , sits inside a weak Hopf algebra formed as the crossed product (B\"ohm et al. 1999). \item[(2)] In Mack and Schomerus (1992) using a more general notion of the Drinfeld construction, develop the notion of a \emph{quasi triangular quasi--Hopf algebra} (QTQHA) is developed with the aim of studying a range of essential symmetries with special properties, such the quantum group algebra Failed to parse (unknown function "\U"): {\displaystyle \U_q (\rm{sl}_2)} with ~. If , then it is shown that a QTQHA is canonically associated with Failed to parse (unknown function "\U"): {\displaystyle \U_q (\rm{sl}_2)} . Such QTQHAs are claimed as the true symmetries of minimal conformal field theories.
\subsection {Von Neumann Algebras (or -algebras).}
Let denote a complex (separable) Hilbert space. A \emph{von Neumann algebra} Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/":): {\displaystyle \A} acting on is a subset of the --algebra of all bounded operators Failed to parse (unknown function "\cL"): {\displaystyle \cL(\mathbb{H})} such that:
\item[(1)] Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle \A} is closed under the adjoint operation (with the adjoint of an element denoted by ). \item[(2)] Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle \A} equals its bicommutant, namely:
Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle \A= \{A \in \cL(\mathbb{H}) : \forall B \in \cL(\mathbb{H}), \forall C\in \A,~ (BC=CB)\Rightarrow (AB=BA)\}~. }
If one calls a commutant of a set Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle \A} the special set of bounded operators on Failed to parse (unknown function "\cL"): {\displaystyle \cL(\mathbb{H})} which commute with all elements in Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle \A} , then this second condition implies that the commutant of the commutant of Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle \A} is again the set Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle \A} .
On the other hand, a von Neumann algebra Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle \A} inherits a unital subalgebra from Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/":): {\displaystyle \cL(\mathbb{H})} , and according to the first condition in its definition Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/":): {\displaystyle \A} does indeed inherit a *-subalgebra structure, as further explained in the next section on C*-algebras. Furthermore, we have the notable Bicommutant theorem which states that Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/":): {\displaystyle \A} \emph{is a von Neumann algebra if and only if Failed to parse (unknown function "\A"): {\displaystyle \A} is a *-subalgebra of Failed to parse (unknown function "\cL"): {\displaystyle \cL(\mathbb{H})} , closed for the smallest topology defined by continuous maps for all where denotes the inner product defined on }~. For further instruction on this subject, see e.g. Aflsen and Schultz (2003), Connes (1994). \\
Commutative and noncommutative Hopf algebras form the backbone of quantum `groups' and are essential to the generalizations of symmetry. Indeed, in most respects a quantum `group' is identifiable with a Hopf algebra. When such algebras are actually associated with proper groups of matrices there is considerable scope for their representations on both finite and infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces.
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