Talk:Motivation and emotion/Book/2013/Fear of failure



Hello, I was just going through my chapter and thought that perhaps I could link yours to mine. My topic looks as happiness and failure, and why happy people fail. I have looked into some research that suggests happiness derives from success, which in turn could make people fear failure. I just thought I could touch on this in my chapter and then link yours in my 'see also' section? Thanks!Pheonix (discusscontribs) 07:34, 12 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi Phoenix, That would be fine! I had a look over your chapter and was thinking the same thing Victoriagc (discusscontribs) 14:13, 30 October 2013 (UTC)Reply



hi, during my research for my topic i came across a journal article that may be helpful for your topic as well. I also discuss fear of failure in my topic. You may have already found this article but if not the article is called "Unmotivated or Motivated to fail? A Cross-Cultural study of Achievement Motivation, Fear of Failure, and student disengagement.De Castella, Krista Byrne, Don Covington, Martin ; Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 105(3), Aug, 2013. pp. 861-880. [Journal Article]. Thanks! (User talk:HayleyMuzza17discuss [Special:Contributions/HayleyMuzza17]] 23rd October 2013

Thank you so much Hayley! I have not found that article as of yet, but I will definitely have a look through it. I know I don't have much written in my chapter yet, but it should be up by tomorrow. Thanks again Victoriagc (discusscontribs) 14:13, 30 October 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi! You commented on my book chapter Avoidance Motivation and yeah our chapters do overlap. I'll definitely talk about our fear of failure. They'll probably go in these sections: 'Why do we avoid tasks' and 'How does avoiding tasks affect us?' Cheers, (discuss) 00:03, 31 October 2013 (UTC) Hi again, do you mind if I create a link to your page?Emily.Antonio (discusscontribs) 05:54, 1 November 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hey i came across some articles that may help for your chapter and i was also thinking that goal setting would be something interesting to look into for your topic. 'HOPE OF SUCCESS AND FEAR OF FAILURE AS ASPECTS OF NEED FOR ACHIEVEMENT' by RUSSELL A. CLARK, RICHARD TEEVAN & HENRY N. RICCIUTI, 'RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN HOPE OF SUCCESS AND FEAR OF FAILURE, ANXIETY, AND NEED FOR ACHIEVEMENT' by E. EDWARD REITMAN & CARL D. WILLIAMS, and 'HOPE OF SUCCESS, FEAR OF FAILURE, SUBJECTIVE PROBABILITY, AND RISK-TAKING BEHAVIOR' by RICHARD DeCHARMS & PRAFULACHANIDRA N. DAVE. I Found these on EBSCO database under Psychologi in our libaray subject guide. hope they help. Thosecows (discusscontribs) 04:28, 31 October 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi there. I found this article while i was doing some research for my topic it's called 'fear of failure, friend or foe'. It seems to be quite useful suggesting different models that people can fit into and what steps are involved and stages in the spectrum. Hopefully you find it useful i'm not sure if it's available through the uni database, i went through the APS database, if you can't find it and would like to have a look i have a pdf of it i can send you Blerg26 (discusscontribs) 05:02, 1 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Proof Read


Hey there, hope you managed to get some work done today. Just thinking if you have your stuff sorted by sunday night or earlier I am quite happy to do a proof read and maybe you could give my page a read as well? Michael Barrington (discusscontribs) 13:04, 31 October 2013 (UTC)Reply



hey, no problems! you certainly can use my page. can i use yours to link to mine as well? not long to go till due date now. good luck!Thosecows (discusscontribs) 03:10, 1 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

In-class conversation


Hi there, as we discussed in class a few weeks ago (I think it was you I was talking to!), there are links between perfectionism, self-sabotage and fear of failure. Perfectionists feel that that is better not to try than to try and fail. They are also chronic procrasinators. Might be interesting; there's a fair bit of clinical literature on it. Good luck! - Katie (TheDancingZebra (discusscontribs) 05:56, 2 November 2013 (UTC))Reply

Intrinsic motivation to counteract fear of failure?


Thank you for the point you left on the intrinsic motivation page, Grace. Your page is looking fantastic. On reading your overview, I couldn't help but note that most described elements are quite extrinsic. Makes me wonder whether increasing one's level of intrinsic motivation would counteract fear of failure. I get the sense that if I were striving for an intrinsic goal, I would be less fearful of failure. And if I were to falter, I think I would be more likely to learn from my mistake, adapt, and persist. Not sure if this is accurate on a larger/empirically based scale, but I think it is intriguing :) --Jacki Ball (discusscontribs) 05:33, 3 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Chapter review and feedback

This chapter has been reviewed according to the marking criteria. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Please also check the chapter's page history to check for editing changes made whilst reviewing through the chapter. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below and/or contacting the reviewer. Chapter marks will be available later via Moodle, along with social contribution marks and feedback. Keep an eye on Announcements.




Overall, a very mature, balanced and useful chapter – well done!

The chapter covered several theories, and one in detail which was good to see. For future improvement, critical analysis of the theories is useful to give the chapter some more substance.

The chapter included some interesting research, and was used very thoughtfully in a considered manner, well done. For future improvement, it would be useful to examine a wider array of research as well as engage in critical analysis.

The chapter was very well written and had a logical flow, well done.

The learning features included were great, nice figures and in text links. For future improvement, try including an interactive feature such as a quiz. The APA style was solid, well done. Remember to include APA style for all figures. Great work! Courtney.reis (discusscontribs)

Multimedia feedback

The accompanying multimedia presentation has been marked according to the marking criteria. Marks are available via login to the unit's Moodle site. Written feedback is provided below, plus there is a general feedback page. Responses to this feedback can be made by starting a new section below. If you would like further clarification about the marking or feedback, contact the unit convener. If you wish to dispute the marks, see the suggested marking dispute process.




A very creative presentation that struck a distinctive self help tone, well done.

The presentation covered the main points of the chapter, good job. There was good coverage of theory and research, and I liked the way the case examples throughout delivered the take home messages.

The pace was good and the voiceover well presented. The presentation was incredibly creative and engaging, well done.

The quality of the presentation was sound, and it made effective use of advanced tools. The audio quality was sound. Remember to include references. Fantastic effort! Courtney.reis (discusscontribs)

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