Talk:Introduction to Parkinson's Science/Draft Questions 1

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If you or someone close to you is diagnosed with Parkinson's it is likely to be a shock. It is something you have to come to terms with and to help you with this you are very likely to want some questions answered. Your physician or neurologist is likely to provide the answers to to certain basic questions. But then more will arise in your mind that were not answered at the initial consultation.

What do you want to know?


Here are some answers to some of the immediate questions people often have. Subsequent pages will deal with questions that may follow from these answers. On each page hyperlinks in the topic boxes on the right will give further detailed information on terms and concepts as they arise.

Does Parkinson's reduce life expectancy?


(This answer will be something that says that Parkinson's is rarely put down as the primary cause of death. Usually a person will die as a result of some other condition but Parkinson's may contribute to a shortening of life. A GP or neurologist should provide the form of words for this answer.)

Is Parkinson's contagious?



What causes the symptoms?


The first symptoms that a person diagnosed with Parkinson's are likely to include tremor, stiffness and slowness of movement. The simple answer to what causes these is the lack of dopamine in a certain part of the brain.

Blah blah

Follow-up questions
  • How will the disease develop?
    • How the pattern of symptoms will gradually change over the years and others appeat
  • Why is there not enough dopamine?
    • Death of cells in a region of the brain called the substantia nigra
  • What treatment can be given?
    • An overview of the drugs and other therapies that can be used to treat Parkinson's
More questions and answers

Link to Site Map of Section 2:Introduction to Parkinson's Science

Site Map

Background information
Diagnosing Parkinson's
Assesssment of the stage of Parkinson's

Causes of Parkinson's

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Neurons and Neurotransmitters
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