Talk:Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/WA Stokins

Summarize chatGPT conversation in your journal


In the future, try to summarize your chatGPT conversation in your journal. For example, you might have written that you engaged with chatGPT to discuss the impact, both positive and negative, of AI in general, including concerns about AI being left unsupervised.

Also, I changed your quiz grade; be sure to post a legitimate link in the quiz to earn the points: would have worked!

Stevesuny (discusscontribs) 17:36, 6 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Journal Review 9/26

  • Looks interesting, more or less comprehensive. I'd hope your journal would tell me (and you) more about the outcomes of your chatGPT conversations. For example, the "Assignments" didn't specify which assignments you completed. I don't know what Wikipedia article you copy-edited, or which you made some small edits in. There is no clear indication of your chatGPT discussion extensions on media & information ages or orality -- all of which you completed quizzes in which you indicated the presence of a journal entry. I don't see them!
  • Your journal entry on Knuckles lacks content, and suggests "you immediately gave up." That's not encouraging! Take this more seriously...!
  • This has the kernels of a good conversation, but you gave up too soon. I extended it for you, starting with "tell me more about the quantum internet" and poking a bit on Dan Olson, and then more on StaaS, generating what might be interesting angles for you to pursue. Check it out:

Stevesuny (discusscontribs) 19:20, 26 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Journal Review 9/26

  • Looks interesting, more or less comprehensive. I'd hope your journal would tell me (and you) more about the outcomes of your chatGPT conversations. For example, the "Assignments" didn't specify which assignments you completed. I don't know what Wikipedia article you evaluated, which you copy-edited, or which you made some small edits in. There is no clear indication of your chatGPT discussion extensions on media & information ages or orality --

Stevesuny (discusscontribs) 13:16, 27 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

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