
Congratulations and praise


What do people give congratulations on?

  • musical performance
  • sports performance
  • a good job at work
  • a good job at school

Key sentences

Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations
That was a great (noun). Really? Thanks.
Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations
You did a great job. I couldn't have done it without (person).
It was nothing.
Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations
You deserve your (noun). I worked hard for it.


Say these sentences without looking.

That was a great (noun).
noun sentence
job That was a great job.
play That was a great play.
performance That was a great performance.
presentation That was a great presentation.
I couldn't have done it without (person).
person sentence
my teacher I couldn't have done it without my teacher.
my parents I couldn't have done it without my parents.
my team I couldn't have done it without my team.
you I couldn't have done it without you.
You deserve your (noun).
noun sentence
diploma You deserve your diploma.
degree You deserve your degree.
award You deserve your award.
win You deserve your win.


Practice this conversation.

Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations
That was a great (job). Really? Thanks.
Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations
You did a great job. I couldn't have done it without (my teacher).
Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations
You deserve your (diploma). I worked hard for it.

Change partners. Use your imagination and change the sentences.


Use your imagination. Make your own conversation.

Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations

That was a great ... .

Really? Thanks.

Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations
You did a great job. I couldn't have done it without ....
Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations
You deserve your .... I worked hard for it.

Change partners. Use your imagination and make another conversation.


Giving congratulations Accepting congratulations
Congratulate your partner. Accept their congratulations.

Further study

  Resource type: this resource is a lesson in English as a second language.



1 Put these words in the correct order.

you great job a did
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Word 4
Word 5

2 Put these words in the correct order.

award you your deserve
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Word 4

3 Put these words in the correct order.

for hard I it worked
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Word 4
Word 5