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Online Meeting 2012-02-07 in AdobeConnect from 0900 to 1100 (UTC+1)
Participants: Beat Estermann, Markus Marquard, Patrick Kenel, Simon Lüke, Daniel Reich

Communication Strategies in the Community of Practice


Discuss communication strategies for the CoP


Starting point for this section were the (technical) problems (re-)appeared, coming up with User:Erkan_Yilmaz wanting to join the group and for that reason also the meeting. E.g. connection losses,incompatibilities with Adobe Connect (problems using Adobe Connect in combination with Linux OS),

What forms should be used to hold a meeting?

  • AdobeConnect
  • big blue button
  • skype (Problem: additional software is needed)
  • regarding the technical issues Erkan had at joining the meeting:
    • Simon stays in contact with him, discussing the problems.

Communication via mailing lists:

  • Hereby, the mailing list is defined as the main ressource of communication for the time between the meetings.
  • See the subscribers of the mailing list at this link (Login at the community subscribers part):

Cooperating and communication in Wikiversity, interaction dynamics

  • How to keep track of changes on the pages within the project:
    • Watchlists (per User, pull)
    • Mailing Lists
    • Syndication (RSS,...)
      • Daniel and Simon are going to experiment with this option and will inform the others about the result.
See: commons:User:Semaphor/Working on MediaWiki and Wikimedia projects

Enlarge the circle of participants/contributors

  • Erkan is the first one becoming a member of the Community of Practice, who is no member of the project partners.
  • Markus will take the lead for enlarging the circle. It is planned, that Meike Westerhaus will support the TAO/wikiversity from March on.

Limited resources with colleagues - Resource planning needed

  • Markus is responsible for resource planning
  • Most groups (Beat reported the current situation with swiss groups) are reorganizing and planning their processes.
  • Organisational issues are still pending.
  • Invite other projects like SeniorKS and Peer.
  • Output oriented action research.

Conclusion: Project in wikiversity is still in an early phase, just before more intense community interaction could start.

Steps we'd like to take, until the ressource problem is better

  • Enhance allready started learning and research activities.
  • Go on with this enhancing until a limit is reached, then the next steps should be considered.
  • The current situation should be explained to newcomers, so they are not frustraited. However ,at this early state of the project, involving new members is hard to manage but it's doable.

Working with and on Wikiversity

  • Discussion about the graphical design of the project at Wikiversity according to allready existing designs
    • Discussion about Simon's draft ( https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/User:Semaphor/TAO/Draft_1 )
      • Also look at the Talk page for additional informations
      • TO DO (Simon, Daniel):
        • Combine Beat's sketch and Simon's draft.
          Beat's sketch
        • Missing content:
          • Definitions for different target groups
          • Types of Contents
  • Internationalisation (the focus lays at the moment only on the english version)
    • After personas have been found, there can be decisions made on pushing other languages than english.
  • Look for suggestions for the project site's structure and navigation (Markus, Daniel, Simon)

Measures:Development of the learning/research activities


See Excel-sheet

Overview on the feedback from the TAO-Team(CoP)

  • Documentation of the developed measures with (to do: Daniel)
    • new Prioritise the developed measures (1-3)
    • Different measurement levels (upload pictures etc.)
    • Responsibilities for the measures
    • Inform the TAO-Team (CoP) about the documentation of the developed measures via mailinglist

Next Steps/To Do

  • next meeting: middle of march, Markus will make a doodle survey:

actual doodle-survey