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Online Meeting 2011-12-16 in AdobeConnect from 1000 to 1130 (UTC+1)
Participants: Beat Estermann, Markus Marquard, Stijn Bannier, Patrick Kenel

interim report abot the inputs to the learning acitivities


Team-Members of the TAO-CoP

  • Semaphor (Account/User Page)
  • Beat_Estermann (Account/User Page/Listed Member TAO CoP)
  • Patrick Kenel (Account/Listed Member TAO CoP)
  • Randreas (Account/Listed Member TAO CoP)
  • Marquard_Markus (Account/User Page/Listed Member TAO CoP)
  • Elvira Schmidt (WMD) (Account/Listed Member TAO CoP)
  • Andreas Ninck (Account)
  • JonBennett (Account/Listed Member TAO CoP)
  • Karen Switzerland (Account/Listed Member TAO CoP)
  • Ralph Schneider (Listed Member TAO CoP)
  • Kai Grabenhorst
  • Stijn Bannier (Account)

Learning/Research Activity

  • How to participate in the TAO Community of Practice?
  • How to create a learning and/or research module?
  • Silver Knowledge
  • Working with volunteers Best Practices
  • Silver Surfers' Social Networking Services
  • Creating a Glossary of Common Terms in a Community

How to create a learning and/or research module?

  • Activity Topic and approach are clear
  • Target groups are well described: characteristics, motivations, needs, interests (needs for further information identified)
  • Processes of know-how generation, compilation, and transfer are well described
  • Process of validation with the target groups (involvement of target groups) is clear
  • There is a clear idea of how the learning activity will be presented and documented.
  • The next steps have been identified. There is a project plan with deadlines.
  • There are some reflections on sustainability

Conclusion: development of the modules (Deadline: 31 Jan 2012)

  • silver knowledge (Markus)
  • working with volunteers (Patrick)
  • Social Networking Services (Stijn)

overview about the feedback from the TAO-Team


impression of the start page


  • clear structure
  • content and topics become clear

to be be improved:

  • technology oriented
  • difficult navigation
  • web page hast to be designed more appealing: giving the handbook a "face" (pictures, layout, etc)
  • adressing different target groups (user-groups)
  • emphasize important links
  • more information on the project
  • name learning actvities in the introduction
  • hints to the philosophy of Wikiversity

experience in creating your first learning/research activity What works out well?

  • wiki technology (editor) is easy for texts
  • syntax is easy to imitate (for technology affin people)

main drawbacks/obstacles

  • Grafische Gestaltung/Corporate Design für TAO schwierig
  • Einbauen von Bildern, Einhaltung von Lizenzen (freie Bilder) schwierig
  • mangelnde Rückmeldung erfordert Frustrationstoleranz
  • stärkere Nutzung von Hypertext/Verlinkung notwendig
  • Begriff "Learning and Research Activities" bleibt unklar
  • Sprachbarrieren

Community of Practice (CoP) more motivating for people to join the TAO CoP

  • Nutzen aufzeigen
  • win-win-Situation herstellen
  • "Low-Hanging Fruits" identifizieren
  • good practice für den Leitfaden aufzeigen
  • verschiedende Nutzer(gruppen) einbinden
  • leichten/einfachen Beitrag ermöglichen (Erfolgserlebnisse vermitteln)
  • Offline/face-to-face-Aktivitäten
  • Einbeziehung WM-Community

what content could be provided more interesting for people

  • Praxisnähe
  • eigene Inhalte einstellen können
  • sich austauschen über Fragen und Probleme
  • Ideenbörse & Vermittlungsdienst mit response
  • interessante Inhalte gut aufbereitet, u.a. auch unsere Research reports
  • Tricks und Tipps

General Remarks

  • Aufbau einer CoP darf nicht von der Technik her gedacht werden
  • Entwicklung von Aktivitäten ist notwendig
  • Inhalte müssen eigebracht werden
  • Planung der Aktivitäten und Ressourcen
  • Ziel (Handbuch) muss erkennbar werden

Conclusion: Massnahmen (Markus)

  • Massnahmen entwickeln & priorisieren 1-3 (1 deadline z.B. Ende Januar)
  • different levels (Bilder hochladen, ...)
  • An alle Umfrageteilnehmer Feedback geben: wie geht es weiter?

next steps /To Do List

  • Module weiter entwicklen (Markus, Stijn, Patrick)
  • Massnahmenplan erstellen, priorisieren und Zuständigkeiten klären (Markus)
  • Bootstrapping Module (Analyse) - Patrick/Markus
  • Get_to_know_your_target_groups => steps to create personas (Beat)
  • Introductory module (Simon, Beat, Patrick):
  • Usage of Templates
  • Uploading and licensing pictures to commons e.g. for user photos
  • Contact information for people who want to join?
  • Strategy further modules
  • freiwilligenkultur/freiwilligenmanagment (Markus/Meike)
  • Multiplication of FFI (Free Cruise on the Internet) (Beat)
  • integrate the TAO logo on Wikiversity (Markenanmeldung, Hochladen bis Januar Beat)
  • Simon: How to get email notifications on page changes (diffs)?
  • Gaphische Darstellung des Handbuchs (Markus sucht nach einem Praktikant/Hiwi aus der Mediengestaltung) orientiert am bisherigen Design
  • next meeting: last week of January - Markus will make a doodle survey