
< TAO‎ | Meetings

Online Meeting in AdobeConnect from 0900 to 1000 (UTC+1). Participants: Beat Estermann, Simon Lüke, Markus Marquard, Andreas Roellinghoff

Overview and structure of the handbook by wikiversity


Sitemap and/or Categories:

  • How to create a sitemap?
  • Categories (systematic)
  • TAO
  • TAO Templates
  • Categories (content)
  • to come fitting the content


Maintain a list / table for overview on the activities?

  • (Status) information can be found via above template.
  • Is there a way to summarize the information from the template automatically? (this must be possible by using a bot)

Sandboxes for TAO:

  • User Sandbox: interactively trying to edit wikiversity (between users of a learning activity)
  • Community Sandbox: for testing wiki syntax for oneself

CONCLUSION: collect feedback, see todo

Project plan: which models & lernactivities will be developed

  • The project plans for the learning activities presently under development are due by December 5th.
  • What is our strategy? - Wait for the initiated activities (4) to be completed or initiate another set of learning activities in order to create more redundancy and to quickly enlargen the range of potential stakeholder groups we should take into account for the handbook
  • Next step according to the Design Thinking Approach: Reach a thorough description of the target groups of the handbook: understand their characteristics, interests, motivations (how do we approach this?)
  • How to further proceed with the bootstrapping modules?
  • Challenges:
  • Ressources for collaborating on Wikiversity have to be allocated among the partners.
  • Including and motivation the partners to work within Wikiversity.

CONCLUSION: focus on initiated 4 activities, add some interim reports

Community of Practice: who and how can we invite in our CoP

  • Target groups will be defined as part of the learning activities presently under development.
  • So far, we have enlargened the CoP to ca. 10 members of the TAO project team. What are the pre-conditions for a further enlargement of the CoP? (in terms of design, usability, guidance, etc.) - Include this point in the user feedback survey
  • offline-workshops, collaboration workshops online/real
  • gain intresst through special issues
  • oblige / "enroll" TAO-Team

Coordination and meetings of our team

  • Online meetings (Markus, Simon)
  • no regular schedule yet
  • next one in the week 50 (2011/12/12 - 16)
  • Survey with feedback (Markus, Simon)
  • Check if reports have been submitted on Wikiversity. (Markus, Beat, 2011/12/06 on phone)

To Do List


Collect feedback (Makrus, Simon)

  • start: 2011/12/5
  • finish / examine: 2011/12/12
  • questions topics:
  • centered on starting page of the project
  • eye catcher?
  • what were the problems
  • how to start editing: sandboxes, create a user, ...
  • activate CoP

Introductory module (Simon, Beat, Patrick):

  • Usage of Templates
  • Uploading and licensing pictures to commons e.g. for user photos

Strategy further modules: bilateral talk Markus + Beat

To do's from the last meeting:

  • Check how to integrate the TAO logo on Wikiversity (examine legal issues) -- Beat

next steps, ideas and visions for the handbook
