Studies of Euler diagrams/gap variants/medusa


gap variants

unchanged shape edit

kusiga (without spot 0) edit

changed shape edit

nosafu (without spot 2) edit

Euler diagram

rudege (without spots 0, 2) edit


Set B can be represented by the outside of the green circle. This leads to a gapspot at the edge of the image, which can be removed, by moving it beyond the edge.
Without set B this is the foravo hexagon with 6 cells. Without any one of the other sets it is the bunese triangle with 7 cells.


 farofe (without spot 3) edit

Spot 3 is one of the octants of the 3-split ABC. Without it, it disappears.

Euler diagram

 vidita (without spots 1, 8, 9) edit

Euler diagram

niliko (without spots 2, 3) edit

Without these two adjacent spots, both 3-splits (ABC and BCD) lose their bottom front octant, and disappear. Only the six 2-splits are left.

Euler diagram

sapigi (without spots 0, 2, 4, 6) edit

Without these four adjacent spots, the 2-split AD loses its quadrant on the right. It disappears, and the two borders A and D are now parallel.
The only fullspot in the overlap of A and D is 9. But the 2-split BC requires four quadrants in each of the three AD regions.
The missing three quadrants besides 9 are the gapspots 11, 13 and 15. The shape is like that of barogi.

graph and Euler diagram