Studies of Euler diagrams


This resource shows the Euler diagrams for many Boolean functions, and aims to find a systematic way to draw them.
This is part of the documentation of a software, that is not yet published.

examples edit

Euler diagram, graph and formula tree

blightless   (examples by EC) edit


blighted   (reducible arity) edit

clans, transformations, tables edit

table of tabita

gapspots edit

filtrates edit

splits edit

3 possible relationships between 2 different splits

A split is a generalization of a set without the notion of inside and outside. It just splits the universe in two sides.

decompose edit

decomposition into three bundles

decomposition into bundles, i.e. parts of the Euler diagram that are connected by crossing circles

ternary labels edit

labels with 3 and 4 digits

While the cells can be labeled with binary numbers, all segments (including edges and vertices) can be labeled with balanced ternary numbers.

grids edit


formula trees edit


algebraic normal form and Zhegalkin index edit

ANF to truth table
Zhegalkin matrix