Space and Global Health/Linux for Space Global Health

This learning resource addresses the extension of existing Linux Distribution as information system for the analysis and support of Global Health with application of space technology. It supports spatial analysis of data and integrates open databases with space assets for generating risk maps for specific regions. Tailored decision support for Global Health challenges are provided member states and the underlying IT concept should support IT services for specific regions.

Source Linux Distribution


As source Linux distribution the OSGEO resource can be used and adapted:

  • OSGEO Live Distribution is a self-contained bootable Lubuntu Linux distribution on
    • DVD,
    • USB thumb drive or
    • Virtual Machine
that include a wide variety of open source geospatial software without the need to install the tools. It is composed entirely of free software, allowing it to be freely distributed, duplicated and passed around.

Requirements and Constraints for Adaption to Global Health

  • (Remote Sensing Data) The Linux distribution should have prepared database interfaces to access online databases of remote sensing data e.g. for environmental parameters detected with space technology for risk maps for communicable diseases.
  • (Space Global Health Linux Distrubution) derive a Space and Global Health Libux distrubtion accessing open spatial data and process the data tailored to the geolocation or area of interest.
  • (App Development) Open Source app developement that allows local and regional decision support e.g. used by Public Health Agencies or vector control units.