Social psychology (psychology)/Lectures/Introduction/Instructor notes

There were several issues in 2007 which were meant to be considered for 2008, but weren't (due to unavailability of files due to computer rebuild):

Thus, most issues from 2007 remain to be done:




  • The slides were the first prepared in OOImpress, based on:
    • 2005 Lecture 1
    • The new Textbook - Baumeister, including the demo PPT text slides
  • 2008 - Small/minimal improvements.
    • added design template
    • removed ~10-15 slides to make is shorter
    • lightly edited/reviewed
  • added/improved some text/images

To do

  • Remove animation
  • Check layout - some overlapping text
  • Add attributions for all images
  • Shorten (it was far too long): Culture & Nature should be shifted into the next week with Social Self
  • Add more examples of “social psychology” situations (e.g., as per p. 4-5 in Baumeister & Bushman, 2008.
  • Take account of (and incorporate 2005 Lecture 2 History and Research) (major oversight)
  • Incorporate textbook digital images (if available)
  • Listen to 2005 audio & 2007 & 2008 audio/video & review/write-up accordingly
  • Add age of universe
  • Add quote from book about being on planet earth
  • Add quote from Buckminster Fuller about spaceship earth
  • Animations needs to be fixed/stripped
  • Sometimes multiple clicks are needed to go to the next slide
  • Add page numbers


  • Handout should not include planet slides
  • However, slide-numbers also need to be added (reconcile with previous point - must be a way to hide these slides from appearing in the handout)
  • An intention was to play something interesting before the start and/or during the break, e.g.,
  • "Beijing Welcomes You" for the 2008 Olympics - however, a sound/audio cable out was needed.


  • If well presented, students can find this introduction 'engaging' in part due to the style (aka Dick Hardt's Identity 2.0 presentation)