Social psychology (psychology)/Lectures

This unit offers 10 x 2-hour lectures on commonly-taught topics within social psychology (e.g., history, social self, social thinking, social behaviour, prejudice, aggression, relationships, groups, prosocial behavior) and some applied topics (e.g., indigenous psychology, environmental psychology). The lectures also aim to cover (or at least speak to) the examinable textbook chapters, to provide critical background to the tutorials, and to generate an informed basis and context for students' essays and e-portofolios.

Each of the lecture pages contains


Each lecture page links to related resources, typically:

Presentation slides

  • The presentation slides are hosted on, and downloadable (in .odp format) from Slideshare

See also

  1. Subpages
  2. Tutorials
  1. Social Psychology lectures (Slideshare)
  2. Downloadable slides (.odp)