Social Victorians/1891-07-03 Mackay Dinner and Concert

Mrs. Mackay's Small Dinner and Concert



  • 1891 July 3, Friday evening
  • Mrs. Mackay hosted a small dinner and concert
  • At her residence in Carlton House Terrace


  1. Her Royal Highness Princess Mary Adelaide
  2. the Duke of Teck
  3. the Princess Victoria



Performers, from the Comédie Francaise

  1. M. Maurel
  2. Madame Richard
  3. Miss Eames
  4. M. Johannes Wolff
  5. M. Coquelin cadet
  6. Madlle. Reichemberg


  1. Princess Louise
  2. the Marquis of Lorne
  3. Prince and Princess Edward of Saxe-Weimar
  4. the Austrian Ambassador and Countess Deym
  5. the Spanish Ambassador
  6. the Italian Ambassador and Countess Tornielli
  7. the United States Minister, Mrs. Lincoln, and Miss Lincoln
  8. the Netherlands Minister
  9. the Danish Minister and Madame de Bille
  10. the Dowager Duchess of Roxburghe
  11. the Dowager Duchess of Newcastle and Mr. Hohler
  12. Maria Marchioness of Ailesbury
  13. Marchesa de Santurce
  14. Julia Countess of Jersey and Mr. Brandling
  15. the Countess of Romney and Lacy Florence Marsham
  16. the Earl of Kenmare
  17. the Earl and Countess of Donoughmore
  18. Theresa Countess of Shrewsbury
  19. Countess De-La-Warr
  20. Lady Mary Sackville
  21. the Countess of Selkirk
  22. the Countess of Cottenham
  23. the Countess of Lovelace
  24. Countess Cairns
  25. Count Metternich
  26. Count de Florian
  27. Viscountess Wolseley and the Hon. Frances Wolseley
  28. Victoria Countess of Yarborough and Mr. Richardson
  29. Lord St. Levan
  30. the Hon. Misses St. Aubyn
  31. Lady Sophia Macnamara
  32. Lord Grey de Ruthyn
  33. the Hon. Lady Campbell of Blythswood
  34. the Hon. Lady Grey Egerton
  35. Miss Grey Egerton
  36. the Hon. Dudley and Mrs. Leigh
  37. Count de Mont Réal
  38. Lord and Lady Curzon
  39. Lord and Lady Edward Churchill
  40. Lady Alfred Churchill
  41. the Misses Spencer Churchill
  42. the Earl de Montalt and the Ladies Maude
  43. Lord and Lady Reay
  44. Lord and Lady Camoys
  45. Lord and Lady Wantage
  46. Lady Conyers
  47. the Hon. Alexander Yorke
  48. the Hon. Kenneth Howard
  49. Baron and Baroness d'Estournelles de Constant
  50. Lady Henry Gordon Lennox
  51. Lady Delamere
  52. the Hon. Sybil Cholmondeley
  53. Lord and Lady Arthur Butler
  54. Sir Charles Wyke
  55. Lord Zouche
  56. General Lord Sherborne
  57. Lord and Lady Lawrence
  58. Lady Borthwick
  59. Lord and Lady Balfour of Burleigh
  60. Lord and Lady Muncaster
  61. Miss L'Estrange
  62. Lady Knutsford
  63. Count and Countess Lutzow
  64. General Du Plat
  65. Colonel Arthur Collins
  66. Colonel Arthur Paget
  67. Mr. Edgar Sebright
  68. Hon. Captain Dawson
  69. Mr. William Gillett
  70. And others

Questions and Notes

  1. Mrs. Mackay hosted another dinner and concert on 1893 July 8, Saturday, both at Carlton House Terrace, and she appears to be Mrs. Clarence Mackay; Mr. Clarence Mackay is listed as having attended that one.
  2. A J. W. Mackay and perhaps a Charles Mackay might be relevant?

