School:Mathematics/Course Catalog

Welcome to the School of Mathematics Course Catalog!

This is a list of all courses that the School of Mathematics has to offer.

Please note that this list is probably not complete. Please feel free to add to it

Where are the courses?
Waiting for you to create one. Wikiversity is a developing project, and depends on its contributors (anyone can contribute) for its content. Whether you call it a "course" or a "learning project", you can organize it here. Courses/Learning projects can be organised from a new "Portal" page, or in "Draft" space, or sometimes directly in the Main namespace (ie without any prefix). We encourage you to take the initiative and add your materials here!
Follow these links to learn how: Intro to Learning ProjectsThe Main Learning Projects PageCredentials, diplomas & provenancePoliciesLearningEducation

Preparatory Courses

  • Euclidean Geometry
    • Prerequisites/Recommended Preparation: Arithmetic, Elementary Proofs and Logic

General Mathematics

Courses that were filed under more than one subdivision

Applied Mathematics

Pure Mathematics

Probability and Statistics

Please see this page for a undergraduate Probability and Statistics course list and course progression.