Research in programming Wikidata/Radio programs

A radio program is a mass medium, which is a collection of sound messages and materials. This article is devoted to the study of radio programs based on the Wikidata. For the research, SPARQL queries, working with objects of the "radio program" type, are designed. A list of all the radio programs described in the Wikidata is obtained. Three good and bad objects were singled out, the latter subsequently being filled. In the article there is a result of the analysis of the completeness of the Wikidata, as well as a hundred of Russian radio programs with a link to the country and genre.

Instances of the object "radio programs"


Let's build a list of all radio programs in English.

#List of radio programs in English 
SELECT ?radio_programLabel
?radio_program wdt:P31 wd:Q1555508. # instance of radio program
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }

SPARQL-query, 5249 results.

"Good" and "bad" objects "radio programs"


Let's build a list of all radio programs related to Russia.

#List of Russian radio programs in English
SELECT ?radio_programLabel
?radio_program wdt:P31 wd:Q1555508.  # instance of radio program                             
{ ?radio_program wdt:P495 wd:Q34266 } UNION  # Russian Empire
{ ?radio_program wdt:P495 wd:Q15180 } UNION  # Soviet Union
{ ?radio_program wdt:P495 wd:Q159 }.         # Russia
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }

SPARQL-query, 68 results.

Examples of good, complete radio program are:

  1. Miranda;
  2. Opry;
  3. This American Life.

Examples of bad, incomplete radio program were:

  1. Radionyanya;
  2. In the work at noon;
  3. Moon-44.

Filling in the genre and linking to radio stations


Fill in a hundred objects of radio programs and specify in each of them a binding to the country and genre.

#List of radio programs with genre and country of origin in Russian
SELECT ?radio_programLabel ?form ?country_of_originLabel 
    ?radio_program wdt:P31 wd:Q1555508. # instance of radio program
    ?radio_program wdt:P136 ?genre. # radio programs with genre
    ?radio_program wdt:P495 ?country_of_origin. # radio programs with country of origin
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
		?genre rdfs:label ?form
		filter (lang(?form) = "en")

SPARQL-query, 138 results are 5.11 .17.

SPARQL-query, 240 results are 13.11 .17.

List of radio programs with genre

The script below shows only radio programs related to Russia.

#List of Russian radio programs with genre and country of origin
SELECT ?radio_programLabel ?form
    ?radio_program wdt:P31 wd:Q1555508. # instance of radio program
    ?radio_program wdt:P136 ?genre. # radio programs with genre
    {?radio_program wdt:P495 wd:Q15180 } UNION
    {?radio_program wdt:P495 wd:Q159}. # radio programs from USSR or Russia
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
		?genre rdfs:label ?form
		filter (lang(?form) = "en")

SPARQL-query, 110 results on the 26.11.17.

List of the relationship of 110 Russian radio programs and 19 genres

The figure above describes the relationship of Russian radio programs with their corresponding genres.

Dependence of the number of radio programs on the date (year)


The appearance and disappearance of radio programs


Comparison of the appearance (disappearance) of British and Russian radio programs

The number of appeared and disappeared radio programs in Russia and Great Britain by five-year plans

Completeness of Wikidata


There are more than 51,000 radio stations in the world in accordance with the radio portal [1], in 2017. Thus, even if there is at least one radio broadcast on each of them, it is at least 51 thousand programs. By results of the query that counted the radio programs of the whole world, it turned out to be only 5152 radio programs. In other words, there was only one tenth of the actual number of radio programs, which shows the incompleteness of the Wikidata.

If we talk only about Russian radio programs, then query produces only 5249 results, in the same time it is writen on the portal[1] that the largest number of network radio stations in 2015 is in Ekaterinburg — 36 stations, and this is only one city. There are 1124 cities in Russia.

Future work

  1. Find the most frequent first letter in title of stations (English alphabet).
  2. Find programs with the number of dictors = 1, more than 1. The results should be presented on a histogram.
  3. Display pictures (images) of radio programs for children.



1 Select the most popular genres of radio in Russia?

Children's radio;

2 How many radios existed in the world in 2017?

27 000;
44 000;
51 000.

3 A radio program is

application to the phone;
mass media;
a tape recorder in the car.


  1. 1.0 1.1 The radio portal 2017.
  • "Broadcasting in Russia: state and prospects". 2017.