18th century European scholarly societies and academies/Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle-Lettere di Napoli



Name of Society: Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle-Lettere di Napoli

Country: Italy

City: Naples

Years Active: 1778-1788

Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle-Lettere di Napoli or in English Royal Academy of Science and Humanities of Naples was a short lived Academy that was conceived in 1778 and was legitimized by King Ferdinado IV in 1780 and disbanded in 1788, however there is some debate over whether the disbanding of the society happened in 1788 or 1787. This academy is considered a partial ancestor of the present day Societa' Nazionale Di Scienze, Lettere E Arti in Napoli.



This academy only put out one publication which was released in 1788. It was entitled "Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle-Lettere di Napoli : dalla Fondazione sino all'Anno MDCCLXXXVII" and can be found using Harvad University Catalogue



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