
(Redirected from Reactions in English)

Key sentences

Making a comment Giving a reaction
I like ice cream. Oh, (reaction)
Making a comment Giving a reaction
I like ice cream on fire. Whoa, (reaction)


Say these sentences without looking.

Oh, (reaction)
reaction sentence
really? Oh, really?
I see. Oh, I see.
ok. Oh, ok.
hmm. Oh, hmm.
Whoa, (reaction)
reaction sentence
are you serious? Whoa, are you serious?
really? Whoa, really?
no kidding! Whoa, no kidding!
that's crazy! Whoa, that's crazy!


Practice this conversation.

Making a comment Giving a reaction
I like ice cream. Oh, (really?)
Making a comment Giving a reaction
I like ice cream on fire. Whoa, (are you serious?)

Change partners. Use your imagination and change the sentences.


Use your imagination. Make your own conversation.

Making a comment Giving a reaction

I like ice cream.

Oh, ...

Making a comment Giving a reaction
I like ice cream on fire. Whoa, ...

Change partners. Use your imagination and make another conversation.


Making a comment Giving a reaction
Share what you think. Include normal things and exciting things. React naturally.

Further study

  Resource type: this resource is a lesson in English as a second language.